[My] Life in Wisconsin

Frost on the pumpkins?

Frost on the pumpkins?

   Yes, Miss Milly really IS under that pile!  (Hungry puppies!, what more can I say)?

   CaseyAnne is hanging in there too. She had a pretty good day yesterday- this phantom pain that comes/goes for her-  Unpredictable, and it does not seem to actually relate to what she eats- or not.   (Good grief, has anyone even HEARD OF this pancreatic divisum)???  

   Have the 'kids' back in the garage once again- have the heat lamp on too as it is only 33 degrees  with a bit of a NE wind- A nasty cleanup job awaits me I am sure- But it is something you do because you know they just do not know any better yet.  (But I did find if I fold up their blanket, then they will do their pee/poo NOT on it)! Signs that they are ready to be paper trained, and that is a very good omen.    Have been washing (bleaching) these blankets on a daily basis.  And am redoing their big old pillow too, so they have something a bit cleaner, softer and comfier to lie down on. Will finish that up this morning.

   I need to use the gentamycin (sp?)  each day for Millys scratched up udder- feel badly for that- it burns and cools- kind of at the same time.

   Had a bit of shopping to do after my appointments yesterday, and one of the adoptive couples called, asking if they could come see their little "Jessie"  Happy that they come and spend time together with their new little dog-  And still another couple has emailed and asked to come also.  I am so happy with all  of these people! And still have 3 people to return phone calls to. Will do that when I am done on here.

   And YAY!  My strawberry plants are coming today!  Will have to get out early and finish the tilling...  (that is, if the tractor will start)!  The fields were done just the other day- ready for corn now.  Had soybeans in last year, and like when the crops are in, the deer pretty much leave my garden alone- (although they much prefer the soybeans)!  The marigolds I plant around the garden keeps the little buggers from decimating the whole thing on me. (Stinky but worthwhile too, as I get to fill my freezer instead of their bellies)!

   Still have a ton of things to do yet- and Berta comes early to do my hair- Getting tired of looking so windblown and frumpy all the time- (So nice to have a cosmetologist in the family)!  But I do think perhaps I should just shave it off- (am waiting for that to be 'in style' for women too)!

   Mary has a CAT Scan for next Monday and of course I will go with her for that-  Scared, but finally to get an answer to what she is going through- All her pain- seemingly everywhere- and she has had a terrible headache for over a week now too.  Please keep her in your prayers.

   And think ALL positive thoughts for all!

   Blessings to all- Have a grand weekend if I do not get back to you before it is over.


Friday April 28, 2006 - 05:10am (CDT)