[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sputnik was...

Good Morning All;
I hope you all had a safe, and appropriately celebratory, 4th!

As I stepped outside to let Punk outside before we turned in, Sputty had a mouse. Working up his hunger, he hadn't killed it yet; so I came back in for the camera.
(Of course). hehehe

As I returned outside, I only saw this...

This is NOT a mouse!
That just ain't right!

Turning to the right I see Sputnik with the mouse, and snapped this shot...

... Now what?!

As fast as they disappeared, they came back.

Sput with Mowiss!
Sput, still intent on something else...

Punk and I came back in and went to sleep. I am guessing that Sputty probably wasn't too hungry anyway.

Punk has a vet appointment this morning, a recheck for her stubborn UTI- added to boosters of her rabies vaccine too. It is raining and we have to bring in a fresh urine collection.
Now that's going to be a real challenge...

Love to all!


My spell-check just gave me an option for "Sputty" as "Slutty"
That ain't right either! hehehe