[My] Life in Wisconsin

Crude, 101

As she writes, 

Judy just told me…. 

It’s really hard to take you seriously
when you’re sitting there with a bag on your head


I mean really, how rude…


Good Afternoon Everyone;
Gas station- Top management, and I slept with no one to get there.   hehehe
Overhearing an interview on TV, with Alison Kozik inspired this. 
She was replying to someone who thought that anyone, even/especially as President of the United States, can actually change gas/oil prices.

Memories From the Townline- 
You would not believe the number of people that came into my office to tell me that I was charging too much for the gas!
Who? Me?   hehehe    But they weren't kidding!
I assured them that I had nothing to do with it, and calmly tried to explain the law of crude, (what was current a few years back).

What happens to change the prices on the signboard
Our supplier gave me their price (to the station), with each tanker delivery. 
If necessary, I would adjust my price accordingly- Most often, this price reflected exactly what most nearby sellers were charging.

Oddly enough I was also threatened when I had posted our price to reflect ONLY the mandatory 6% mark-up. 
All businesses are required to mark up accordingly, by law, in Wisconsin. 
Admittedly, I do not know if the mandatory mark~up is 6% in other states- (might be higher, might be lower)?

A man from a local organization/corporation of stations came into my office, asked if I was the GM; - if I was, "Anne".
I was, (on both accounts) hehehe

Having lived in this area, and being in retail business for most of my adult life, I knew who he was. To this day I remain unimpressed. (True, dat). hehehe
He told me, in no uncertain terms, to raise my price to reflect what *their* company charged, then added his "or else" !
If you know me at all, you also know that I am not easily intimdated. I refused to do this; at least until I heard back from the owner.
The owner was very easily intimidated. 
Too bad.

In the meantime, I solds lots of gasoline... And when the tanker came again, the gas prices had gone down- (and viola!), were now to the point that my previous price was then stayed!
Earlier in the day, people had already seen the higher prices in Green Bay- so they STILL came to buy their gas from me.  
Worked out quite nicely if ya ask me.

  • So how does the price of a gallon of gas come to be? 
  • Who is responsible? 
  • How and why?

AAA has told us that gas prices (at the pump) are up 27 cents in this one month.

Like it or not, this is not political.
No single person can dictate a change, upward, or down, to gas prices.
Prices are determined ONLY by supply and demand around the world.

While having some Great "Oz" ability to lower gas prices sounds GREAT in a campaign speech, gas prices are simply determined from higher oil prices.
Well, that and... 
... Read on. hehehe

The Game is on. The field is slick...

The US is the biggest consumer of the worlds oil- but we are just one player in this very big game.

As long as demand continues to fluctuate, so do the prices of a barrel of crude oil.
Our ability, specifically The Presidents ability, to influence oil prices is very limited.

Crude oil prices are raising significantly and that's the biggest reason why we are paying more at the pump.
  1. The suppliers set the price- No matter where it comes from-
  2. The middleman - as a refiner- gets his $hare.
  3. The delivery company/corp get their share.
  4. The stations are forced to charge more because THEY are paying more.

Iran has threatened to close a major shipping lane in the Middle East.
If this happens, though it probably won't (my opinion)- But *if* this happens, the price of a barrel of crude oil will rise exponentially.
The threat alone, Wall Street, has also forced prices to rise. Unfortunately when the fear subsides, the price will not drop.

According to Ms Kozik, if we stop buying oil from the middle east, and drill here, it would STILL take decades to see a lower cost of crude oil.

We do not have enough oil for America's need? I think we do.

Getting [to] it will be a major problem- And every lawsuit from those with the simple tree~hugger mentality will also cause those oil prices to rise. 
Save the nasty retorts- I use "tree~hugger" only to define the radical BS from some. (And you have to admit that SOME go waaaay tooooo far). 
You already know that I have nothing against those that wish to save the woods. Remember, I always planted my own trees. I always had my own garden. Until.

This drilling is something that needed to be done in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
For now, it is still not too late. 

Do you think there is nothing much anyone can do? You are wrong.
  • We need patience.
  • We need to turn down the thermostat.
  • We need to stop making stupid trips anywhere to pick up a forgotten gallon of milk, or a single package of smokes.
  • Hence, we need absolutely to make lists, and shop with them in hand.  
Forgot to write it down? 
Too bad. Do without. 
Simply refuse to start your car to chase the damn do~over. Or walk!
Save for meds, and truly sick children, whatever it is, I promise you do NOT need it badly enough to warrant picking up the car keys.

Bottom line is, unfortunately, and regardless of who is president, (or what politicians CLAIM they will have the power to do), the REALITY is that they have very little influence over the price we pay.

It is an election year. the gas/oil prices have historically, always, risen during an election year- 
Why would this year be any different?
Take it from someone who (mostly)  loved retail/station management, our Mr. Gingrich is full of shit.


For those that missed my reply in my original post about Casey's surgery, she is alright.