[My] Life in Wisconsin

Why Buying American Is Critical


Special Preview of MadeinUSAForever.com's Founder Todd Lipscomb's New Book "Re-Made in The USA"
Excellent book preview.

Do the click, above; or...
go to http://madeinusaforever.com/proftobo.html


(Homepage is http://madeinusaforever.com/).

More on *Diamond Pet Food Recall*- Bless our Furkids-

First of all, my thanks to Daily Kos, Poisoned Pets, Truth about Pet Food, (and Google search).  
Note that my gratitude does not include Diamond Foods.
Damn sad, that.

Whew! I sure am tired of dial-up-
Still, if only one of your dogs or cats can be helped then I am very happy to do so!

Know that this recall now includes foods manufactured in Missouri.

Regarding distribution areas. And almost MOST IMPORTANTLY:
"Diamond Pet Foods’ recall over 155 formulas of pet food; involving 13 brands with global distribution"

Yes, that is "GLOBAL distribution".

"A second Diamond Pet Food manufacturing plant has now had a product recalled due to Salmonella.  All previous recalls were manufactured in one plant located in Gaston, South Carolina.  This most recent recall, announced late Friday 5/18/12 evening, was from a second Diamond manufacturing facility in Meta, Missouri (confirmed by Deanna of Diamond Customer Service)."

Will more foods made in Missouri be recalled?

  • I don't know, but I would assume so. 


From Daily KOS,  by cany 

Diamond needs to list EVERY brand, kind etc. and get the info out.  But since they are apparently too damn lazy, I guess it's up to newspapers and blogs and people like us. 

Here are the recalled BRANDS in their entirety FOR DOG FOOD:

  • Natural Balance
  • Solid Gold
  • Wellness
  • Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul
  • Country Value
  • Diamond
  • Diamond Naturals
  • Premium Edge
  • Professional
  • 4 Health
  • Taste of the Wild
  • Apex
  • Kirkland Signature/Kirkland’s Signature Nature’s Domain


And finally, from the FDA:

"The list [below] provides information gathered from press releases and other public notices about certain recalls of FDA-regulated products."

Looks like the FDA can't even get an accurate list from Diamond!?!?
What's wrong with THAT picture???

Y'all will have to compare info above from both lists/sites

The ones that affected my Punk are Taste of the Wild, & Natural Balance.  Specifically, in this case, Dick VanPatton's Natural Balance

Yes, Punk is still sick(ly); though each and every day she is getting better, 
(again, NO thanks to Diamond and/or their license to manufacture for the 2 companies we used). 
I was going to post the following as a "link"  but then to remember that I can't email to share it with my friends and family who are not on Multiply.

The link was to this post:
Diamond Pet Foods to grieving pet parent with dead dog: 
"Show us the proof or get lost!"

Yeah. Great company, no?
Do that click.

From the Chicago Tribune, and other sites, comes this:
"The company says it has received no reports of illnesses among dogs who consumed the food or people who handled it."

I say Diamond Pet Foods is a LIAR!  And they are lying again.
I have read about more than a dogs DYING, plus their people being hospitalized from handling the product, or even just petting their sickened dog. <-- Info Easily Googled

You can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food

Now go kiss your furkids.


(from Diamond)

"Pet owners who are unsure if the product they purchased is included in the recall, or who would like replacement product or a refund, may contact Diamond Pet Foods via a toll free call at 1-866-918-8756, Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. EST.  
Consumers may also go to a special website,diamondpetrecall.com, for more information." -end quote-

 - Nah, I'm having too much fun fighting with Petco here in Green Bay. hehehe

Diamond Pet Foods to grieving pet parent with dead dog: show us the proof or get lost &laquo; Poisoned Pets


HOE-LEE crap!

Tecumseh, and My Uncle Chum

Live your life that the fear of death
can never enter your heart.

Trouble no one about his religion.
Respect others in their views
and demand that they respect yours.

Love your life, perfect your life,
beautify all things in your life.

Seek to make your life long
and of service to your people.

Prepare a noble death song for the day
when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting
or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.

Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light,
for your life, for your strength.

Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason to give thanks,
the fault lies in yourself.

Touch not the poisonous firewater that makes wise ones turn to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.

When your time comes to die, be not like those
whose hearts are filled with fear of death;
so that when their time comes they weep and pray
for a little more time to live their lives over again
in a different way.

Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.

Good Morning All;
And with my apologies to those 2 of you whom I promised to write to, please understand...
My father called yesterday afternoon.
His brother, my Uncle Chum, has quietly walked on to visit Heaven.

Seems as he had made his way from his in-town home out to his home on Sugar Island. 

He had planned on doing yardwork. I do not know how much he got done...
He died yesterday afternoon, upon his tractor, and doing his work. 
After being ill for so long I can only imagine he may have wished for such a passing.

He knows no suffering now- For he knows only peace.

Smoke Signals?
Taken upon our last visit to Sault Sainte Marie; as we drove from town.

Uncle Chum, Casey, and Punk

Uncles Chum, Marvin and Cousin Rose

07-15-06 Myself and Uncle Chum on the Dock

07-15-06 Jamie KC Uncle Chum and Jenne

08-26-06 Valerie and Great Great Uncle Chum

08-26-06 Uncle Chum and I

Uncle Chum and Punk

07-15-06 Myself KC Uncle Chum Jenne and Punk

08-24-06 Uncle Chum
Odd isn't it? Precious too-  To know that this picture is the last I took of him. Indeed, it was to be the last image I have of Uncle Chum in my mind 
As he waved to us, and smiling, from the ferry, The Sugar Islander II...

Rest in peace my dearest uncle- 
Already now, you have met our Maker, the Creator, and already he has shown you the joy of your death- This, for your life, well~lived.

But it is heavy hearts that you have left us with- [behind]- 
You will be always be thought of with abiding respect to the spirit that you have, that you have shared so freely with me, that you have shown to all of my children. 

You will forever be remembered with all my love.
That same love that is our own perpetual heart-light.

My love to you- 
For it is always that I will be grateful for the love you have always given to me.


 - And just to keep you smiling... 
May there always be many cute nurses where you are!    J     

Diamond Pet Food Recall Updated link- & "BEE~ZEE!"

Good Morning all;
Bunches of news- not all of it good-

I am guessing that many of you may be going somewhere for this Memorial Day weekend- 
Be safe. 
Have fun. 
Come home happy, (and very very tired)!

I have no plans that are set in stone, yet. Am thinking I will be going to DePere- to see the parade- This, depending on the weather- and depending on my back. 
(As I mentioned earlier, I really AM getting to the point that those 2 things are related). 

After seeing the weather on TV this morning, I have decided that I will be mowing today. Tomorrow we might get rain in the afternoon, and I hate it when I have to quit mowing halfway though. 
Rain, on and off, for Friday and Sat too.

I had my pain appointment on Monday and must go drop off my prescriptions this morning. A few other stops, then to scoot over to vote early so I don't have to time it perfectly for election day. Oh, and to get a new burning permit too. Sheesh! I'll be worn out before I even start mowing!

Hope you are all staying on top of Diamonds Pet Food recall. 
To name just a few for you, Diamond has recalled these, (and MANY others):
[Diamond Pet Food is] under contract, for other companies, at least some of the pet foods sold under these brands or business names.
  • Canidae Pet Food
  • Costco's Kirkland Signature
  • Solid Gold Health Products for Pets
  • Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Foods
  • Kirkland Signature Nature's Domain
    (Available only at Costco)
  • Taste of the Wild Pet Foods
  • Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
  • 4Health (Available only at Tractor Supply Company)
  • NutraGold Super Premium Holistic Formulas

Many dogs, cats, and humans have already been made ill.

As "Poisoned Pets" website claimed even this past weekend, it is "A RECALL THAT NEVER ENDS"
Yes, cat food is also now on their list; among the newer recalled items.

December 9, 2011 – April 7, 2012:  All batches manufactured at the South Carolina plant in this period are affected.

ALSO KNOW that now (5/27/12) foods manufactured in Missouri are also recalled

My comment on one site, written to/about Diamond Pet Foods was this:
"Because of their [decent] ingredients, I have faithfully used either 'Taste of the Wild', OR, 'Natural Balance' for my dog (1/2 golden ret, 1/2 yellow lab)..
I am so frustrated that these dog food manufacturers can't continue to produce a QUALITY product- One that ensures the life of my dog, and also keeps her vet bills down.
I believe I now understand WHY I have paid [a bunch of money] to my vet as of late. 
Get it right. Keep it safe.
I am off to purchase some people rice, chicken and hamburger meat. (From our local Maplewood Meats). 
If you KILL MY DOG I PROMISE to do my level best to CLOSE YOU DOWN!"
-end quote-

Y'all have a 'wunnaful' Wednesday!
I'd best get busy for now- 
Too much to do, and last I checked there were still only 24 hours in this day.

Love to all.


After I do all of my replying to your comments on my blogs of late I do have still more news.
For now, it'll keep.
I swear I will never catch up.

"The hurried~er I go, the behind~er I get"

PETITION: UVA President: "Stop Cruel, Outdated Trainings On Cats"


Please take a moment to do the right thing?
Sputty thanks you.


Three cats, Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki, need our help. 

They have been used in cruel trainings for seven years. For the University of Virginia to be deliberately inflicting pain and suffering on defenseless animals in the name of medical education is inappropriate, unjustified, inhumane and archaic. 

As a practicing pediatrician with years of experience, I have profound concern for the health and well-being of all children, including the smallest premature infants. As a medical school faculty physician with many years experience in pediatric education and training, I have equal concern for the quality of training that aspiring pediatricians receive during their residency. 

One of the more challenging aspects of this training is acquiring skills and proficiency in performing procedures, especially in very small infants. The importance of perfecting tracheal intubation (passing a breathing tube into the windpipe) cannot be overly emphasized, as it is truly lifesaving.

Many years ago this procedure was taught by practicing on animals (cats, kittens, ferrets, rabbits) whose anatomy was very different from that of a human infant. 
This ineffective method of training has been replaced in modern times due to new technology in the form of human patient simulators. 
These simulators, including premature infant models are astonishingly realistic, anatomically correct, and can be used over and over again without causing harm to an animal or human baby. The infant simulators cry, breathe, and turn blue when their airway is blocked. In view of this I find it incomprehensible and disturbing to learn that the University of Virginia pediatric residency program still uses Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki to train pediatric residents.

The overwhelming majority of pediatric residency programs in the U.S. and Canada – 95% in fact – have ceased using animals for training. The path of modern training has moved from animals to more effective human-based medical simulation. 
Why is it that the University of Virginia refuses to make the change and continues to be in the extreme minority who are holding onto this outdated practice?

During their training, residents in their program repeatedly force breathing tubes down the throats of cats, sometimes as many as 19 – 22 times in one day,
This can cause bleeding, bruising, scarring, permanent injury and significant residual pain.
At least two cats have had their teeth broken and another had adverse effects lasting days.
Cats are used over and over again. People who have had a breathing tube inserted for anesthesia during surgery will often tell you that recovering from the tube was as bad as recovering from the surgery.

Please sign my petition encouraging UVA to do the right thing.
I have over 25 years experience working in Pediatrics at Duke University, Marshall University, East Carolina University, and Carolinas Medical Center. Based on my extensive knowledge in this field, I can confidently say that the University of Virginia does not need to continue to abuse Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki. By switching to medical simulation, not only will these cats be spared suffering but the resident training will be superior and their future pediatricians able to provide better care for their patients.
Roberta Gray, M.D., FAAP


****About the above cartoon-
Cartoonist Dan Piraro has penned a letter
to officials at St. Louis Children’s Hospital 
for using
cats as dummies in their pediatric intubation training sessions.

Piraro wrote a letter that appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that read,It doesn’t take a medical degree to recognize that practicing intubation on a limp cat is nothing like doing the same procedure on a larger, crying, squirming and/or coughing human child.

And so was the creative juice for the above cartoon.


More Flintville 'Ketchup'. -And a few questions too.

Good Saturday Afternoon Everyone!
I am hoping you are all enjoying this beautiful weather?  At least it is beautiful here, though a bit warm for my tastes as you can tell by the pic... 
My own comfort zone being somewhere around 72.5° to about 76°; (with a nice breeze). 
It has been over 250 days since we have been so warm!
Any warmer- or with any ugly humidity, and I just can't breathe well. This is not from my emphysema, although I am sure that exacerbates the choking feeling- but I have always been like that; even as a small child.

Baling hay was absolutely the most hideous chore I can recall. 
Blowing the chopped hay and/or straw to the haymow was a very close second. 
I did all that all with no mask either. Ignorance was bliss when I was 12. hehehe

Question ...
As I was trolling around the internet the other day I found a few things that puzzle me still.
Why would my blog be referenced and linked in "opencongress.org"? Please click here.

I also 'found' it linked here, which redirects to here (CLICK)
There is also a 'flintville' on this blog, http://infinityrealm.wordpress.com/flintville/ which is written by a kid. I cannot access that part of his blog myself, but just found them all to be very strange.

But alright- I have digressed- how about I get back to Flintville here?  hehehe 
While Casey was out here last week, she cut Punks toenails. 
*I hate that job almost as much as Punk does, (probably even more). 

Punk was, at one time, just fine with having this done to her. Then I made a 'bad' and brought her to Petco for her bath- (Trimming the toenails is included in the price).
When I went back to pick her up, she was walking sort of gingerly. I noticed that her nails were very short.  There were also the telltale styptic pencil 'leave marks' on almost every single one of her toes! I was even more than horrified to think of what this pup had gone through- (She was only about a year and a half old). 

Not that I can blame her, but she now takes it most personally when she has to have her toenails cut.

Punk "Don't even LOOK at my toenails AGAIN!"

No kidding, after her trimming, she lays like this for a few days; (especially if I leave the trimmer out where she can see it).   hehehe 

She has been sick- and being that she still has pain, she is still being treated for her ears- (that last dose of antibiotics really threw her system out of whack).  
And STINK!- OMG, those ears are stinky- too smelly by morning if I dare miss a night treatment. PEEEE-You!

Yes, she also gets plain old yogurt- and lots of it, every day. 
Doc Spires once told me that a quarter cup would do her well enough. I begged to differ; and so, she gets about a cup. (Aw heck, it can't hurt).

Come outside with me for a bit?


Aren't they lovely?! 
They always look to be so delicate; but thus far, all of my flowering plants have withstood much wind! 

Then the Orange Blossom- 

Orange Blossom- Where is "E-Smell"?
... or a white lilac perhaps? 
Who knows?

Oh, we SO need "E-Smell" for some of these pictures! 

On the east side of the house, and Randy's favorite bush to trim---
The double "Snowball Bush"

Dbl Orange Blossom

 ... Still thinking about that "E~Smell".

My lilacs are not yet quite open- 
I shouldn't say "my".   Rather the dark purple, my favorite, came from Mom, (via Ginny Ryan)- and the lighter lavender ones out by my old garden I stole from Kelli and Tim before they built the duplex. hehehe

Y'all remember this pic?

Nearly Tulip

This is what they look like now...

Tulips, done

 ... A few weeks ago, Punk, Sput, and I were walking around when Punk spied my one and only 'tiger tulip' stand . One had opened to show off it's most beautiful colors...  
Before I could stop her she ran to it, and pulled the blooms right off! (What a sassy dog)!
At hearing my sharp intake of air, she opened her mouth- The petals fell out one by one as she just stood there with her jaw open looking at me.
Nothing I could have done then, so no hard feelings- (Just my shock)! hehehe

Over on the front lawn I have some more of the variegated columbine- A bird, or a mouse, or even Mother Nature, has dropped them in the grass by the front porch, and alongside some of my hostas...

Columbine and Hosta

Around to the back again- Randy has finally trimmed my half~dead plum tree.

Plum Tree, Trimmed down
Looking quite nice if I do say so myself.

Down at its base you can see a pretty bunch of baby trees taking root (and thriving too)- 
These have been growing since late 2010, and I am not yet sure if they are plum, or pear. The leaves of both so closely resemble the other-
Either will be fine by me. 

Speaking of the pear tree- (Was too...)-

I will either have to board it close, or chain it up, this year...

The Punk, and the pear tree
It seems to split a bit more every year- And once the new pears are on it I don't think it will be solid enough to support them without giving in to their weight.

What you cannot see from this angle is the baby pear tree that has taken root right next to it. It is about 4' tall now- about 4 years old.
So when the old one finally goes to the great nursery in the great beyond, a new pear tree should be ready to take its place!

Question # 2 now-
I have never heard of a fruit tree blooming twice in one year, have you?

Because my D'Anjou pear did just that this year! 
The 1st time was just after that hot spell we had in March- (about a week afterward).  Those blossoms were so sparse- few, and far between, I was saddened, thinking what a measly year it would be for my pears. 
Then it blossomed again, (showing off many many BIG and PLENTIFUL blossoms)!!! 
I couldn't believe my eyes! My mouth waters even as I write!

What does Sputnik do while we are all out walking?

Sputnik, hehehe

Usually he will keep up, but there is a whole new batch of rabbits in the windbreak this year; and he lives most days just to keep an eye on the branch encampments we have built for them. 
I have 3 BIG piles of old wood, branches and sticks and some leaves too; (taken as we prune the trees). 
The 'wabbits' think we put that there just for them.  We do!
Mostly though, Sputty keeps his distance because he does not wish to tangle with Mama Rabbit! hehehe

After wandering- (I try to get a decent amount of walking in each day), I do still mow the lawns. 

Punk- While I mow lawns

I always leave the tailgate of the Buick open while I mow, using it to hold the phone and to have a place to rest my weary buns and back when I have to take a break..  The open tailgate seems to be Punk's personal invitation to recline in the front seat. Too funny she is!
And yes, Sputty had been right there with her as I drove up on the mower, stretched out on the dashboard; but he left before I could take the picture. 

Those of us that live in Wisconsin had to vote on the 8th- A primary election for governor. (Know that IMHO, our Scott Walker is an ass).
I made a special effort to vote early in the afternoon so I would miss the rush hours at the poll. In our little community- ( of Suamico), I was already voter # 1119. I don't think I have ever seen such a high number on my slip. So that was very good to see!

Anyway, I vote about 3 or 4 miles up on County M- 
As luck would have it, "M" was under construction...

Cty M Road construction

Before I tried to drive all the way there, I pulled over to ask one of the road crew if I could even get to Calavera Springs. 
He said 'yes, but take 'er slow, and with caution'.
I opted just to take the old Swamp Road, and then cut back to "M". (A longer route by a mile or two, but it would keep my car a bit cleaner). 

Finally getting to the park, there is a big old sign on the gate. "Voting has moved to Town Hall."
I am not sure if this move is permanent, or if it was only like this because "M" was gettig a facelift. 
I hope it is permanent- Easier to get to; especially in November when an early season snowstorm could make getting to the park almost impossible.

I'd better close for now- Am going to go scrounge up some lunch- my tummy is angry now and is letting me know it too! (Better late than never). 

I hope everyone has a "wunnaful" weekend!


Just for fun

Some pics are hilarious- Some not so much-
But they all are pertinent in some way to "make your day" a little smilier!

Which is your favorite? Mine is 'cat question'...
(And I am happy most days that my cat can't talk)! hehehe

Feel free to steal and share!


*Collected from here, or a net search for something irrelevant- most are from emails.

Unvetted. Unscripted. Unintentional? Maybe...

The enlightenment of gaffes
What we learn about politicians from their inadvertent mistakes
[from] Yahoo! News-

From the article: 
"Not all gaffes are created equal. 
  • Some gaffers like Sarah Palin expose their ignorance: "We've got to stand with our North Korean allies." 
  • Some like Dan Quayle butcher slogans: "What a waste it is to lose one's mind." 
  • Some just tell the truth where propaganda might be expected, as Mitt Romney did: "I'm not concerned about the very poor."

Do the click above to read more.
And as always, don't forget to scroll down to the comments- You know, those 'un~gaffes' - the terribly scripted, those that show the ignorance of [too] many.


"Happy Mothers/Grandmothers Day"

So read the caption to this beautiful picture- received in my email this morning!


May our hearts continue to be blessed by our children, and our grandchildren!
Know too that gender roles mean nothing to those men who are raising/have raised their own children/grandchildren.

Happy Mothers Day to us all.
And always.


Gay Marriage? Kudos to our president.

It's getting real old Folks so I need an answer, or several...

How, exactly, does it affect [your] marriage if your next door neighbor is gay?
What a bunch of crap *that* tired line of BS is!

Thank you Mr. Obama for being our first president to have the gonads to say it right!

And now that it HAS been said, it will be a cold day in hell before another president of either party will dare to 'take it back'.

Don't understand? Click here... Or here.
Better,  just click on my tag...

[Added 12-10-2012] I am also finding that the 'petitions' I answer somehow try to qualify my thoughts. 
They ask whether I am gay, straight, transgender, genderqueer (I simply HATE that word); almost as if this is their business to begin with. At times I feel as though my own preference as heterosexual will come into play from some reverse 'hate' bs. 

Thus far, the only people who have shown me any kind of hate, or even opposition to what I know is right, have been of my own sexual persuasion. It is the hetero (straight) people that hate me for standing behind anyone who might be different from them.
Yeah that makes sense.
I am one of 'them'. 
Kinda like being a "Christian" these days. But that's a whole 'nother post...


Vets, Food, and Sick Dogs-

She smiles!

Good Morning All;
Casey brought Punk back to the vet yesterday-
She has an infection in her ear- (Punk, not Casey) 
... Just not of the bacterial variety- She is now being treated for a yeasty infection in her ear.
Gentocin and Miconazole Drops- 5 or 6,
twice a day. 
Go figure- Only Punk.
This was brought on by the antibiotics she is on for her sebaceous cyst. 
Dare I ask "what next?!?"
No. I'd better not. hehehe

Love a dog- he loves you always
Ain't it the truth!
And the quote:
Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
A. France
Honestly I have problems with those who do not love animals; even if they are allergic.

I have the TV on the background-
And now have to ask, "What recession?" !?!?
Yesterday, someone paid nearly 120 Million dollars for Munch's "Scream"
Methinks I should now put all of CaseyAnne's signed first grade artwork up for sale.  

Last week, Casey and I were very curious about what was down the lane by the woods-


I took the picture from up by the house- (Whatever it was, it only appeared in the afternoons)?
Finally we took a drive back there.
Turns out it was a lump of ground, turned over by the plow- and only showed up when the sun hit it right. (No wonder I never saw "it" coming or going)!! hehehe

I do see these guys coming and going all the time!  

Breakfast for the birds!

Yes that is my driveway- I had Randy scatter the old seeds out there so I could watch what might come and eat them.

trotting turkeys
2 more walking through the west field!

Still another around the back of the garage too.

Besides those, I have only seen a few sparrows pigging out. And they barely even move when I am out there with them! Even Punk gets real close before they fly off.
No fear.
The crows actually show more fear than the sparrows cardinals, chickadees, robins -or the other birds. No wonder crows prefer dead meat, they are lazy cowards.
(Hey, I know people like that)!  hehehe

 - - - Punk had to hold her 'potty' until the wild turkeys were out of sight too. She wasn't too happy about that.
She did look kinda funny with her legs all crossed up behind her though--- hehehe

Now about that mini chicken casserole I wound up making the other day.
Was hungry for lunch and pulled out a 'new' (to me) variety of mac and cheese. 

Kraft Mac and Cheese/Broccoli  ??????????  Broccoli???

Rotini and Cheese with Broccoli- But I had to laugh when I pulled out the 'broccoli'.

No, really?
the broccoli?!?   (& Yes, that is my thumb holding onto the little package)!

So after I got through laughing at it, and while I boiled the rotini, I defrosted and cut up a big chicken breast, and added some frozen peas. Then cut up an onion, and also added a few pimentos. A bit of cream, a little leftover corn; and then the cheese packet.
While it wasn't half bad, I would not recommend making a casserole from this.
Truth be told I would not even recommend buying the package in the 1st place.
But yes, I am still laughing at those "little troll broccoli's"!  

Tons of water outside with the storms we got yesterday, and this morning too.
And lots of noise that accompanied the rainfalls too.
Punk had been lying at my feet earlier while I read... One particularly LOUD thunderclap woke her up fast! She sighed and just looked at me as it rolled on and on...
She had been laying with her bad ear down. (That must have sounded awful on the linoleum).
She is asleep on the couch now.

Time for me to close and to begin with my day. After all I have to get Casey's artwork for sale. hehehe

I hope all is well with everyone!

Have a 'wunnaful' day! (Even if it hurts)!   


Yes the pic of Punk is an old(er) one-
But yes too, she WAS smilin' already by yesterday afternoon!!!

Trip to the vet
From an email (I think)-
Punk really is almost this bad!!!   hehehe