[My] Life in Wisconsin

Monday. (Numbers 1-18). hehehe

The pond!

Here I am, playing ketchup again...
Ready? Here we go:
Monday... Yes, I know I am late here... A bit. A wee little bit. hehehe
I'd blogged- (about food)! And was naturally very hungry. But all hell broke loose.

My Monday, right after I had blogged... went like this:
  1. Kelli came over.
  2. Then Kelli left.
  3. Then I left.
  4. Then I came back.
  5. Then Kelli came over.
  6. Then she left.
  7. Then Kelli came over.
  8. Then she left.
  9. Then Kelli came over.
  10. Then she left.
  11. Then I left.
  12. Then I came back.
  13. Then Kelli came over.
  14. Then she left.
  15. Then I left.
  16. Then I came back.
  17. Then I left.
  18. Then I came back.

Translation Key:

Kelli came over.
She was hurried and very worried; tooting the horn as she pulled in post my living room window. She was dropping off Miss Coco and Mr. Miller; and would I mind maybe bringing them to doggie day care? I had been online, so no way to call ahead.
Not a problem for me. I am always home, even when I'm not supposed to be. hehehe
2. Then Kelli left.
Miss May was down, and she was on her way to Michelle's to check on her.
She had already called in to work.
Kelli also had brought over Coco's new bark collar so my neighbors would not hear this dog from 5 miles away. Brand new. Still in the box!
I put it together, and put it on Coco.

Ns CocBean
Coco just stared at me as I walked away...
Then she started barking her fool head off! (Silly me,
assuming the alkaline battery was charged up, or that the damn thing worked).

Mr Miller-
"Um... S'cuse me Auntie Anne,  But what the heck just happened?"

3. Then I left.
Bringing the perplexed Mr. Miller and his noisy cohort CocoBark down to Doggie Day Care
4. Then I came back.
Stopping to take this photo of the poor stuck lawnmower by Suamico Elementary School -

hehehe (Lot of that going around these days with all this rain)!

5. Then Kelli came over.
Kelli's return visit after the vet had come by and treated Miss May for her colic.
She only had to treat the back end! And not the whole digestive tract. (YAY)! Much easier on the horse this way-
6. Then she left.
Heading back over to check on Miss May and to offer her a handful or two of hay...

7. Then Kelli came over.
Bearing gifts of fresh veggies and fruits from Blasers Acres!
8. Then she left.
To check on Miss May again, and yet another flake of hay offered and eaten.

9. Then Kelli came over.
Methinks just to rest herself inbetween checking on Miss May. She wanted to go home so could I please bring the fresh peach crisp down when it was ready?
10. Then she left.
Finally to run home, get in the shower, and check on the progress of the new house

11. Then I left.
I went down to Kelli's to bring my cooked food for them-
She had water. She had electricity. She was a very happy camper, finally after a long and exhausting day!
We tooled around on the 4 wheeler...
She even gave me a ride back out to my car...

Kelli on the 4-Wheeler
I was barefoot...
Tim's mom, (Mary), was pulling up as I pulled out.
12. Then I came back.
Time for dinner! (For Punk too). hehehe
Thought I would check my email first.

13. Then Kelli came over.
I been online once more and so no way to call me.
14. Then she left.
Michelle had called Kelli as Michelle got home from work.
Miss May was down again.
(Yes, the night vet had to come and do the whole front to back on Miss May this time).

15. Then I left.
To pick up the extremely perplexed Mr. Miller and very noisy Coco From Doggie~Day~Care
16. Then I came back.
Left them outside.
Noticed that Casey had called. So I quick returned that call. (Sick or not, she was on her way out to Michelle's too).

17. Then I left.
To bring the noisy Coco and Mr. Miller back home.
18. Then I came back.
We finally ate supper!

Strange, isn't it, but Kelli hasn't been here since.
She's probably still looking for her shoe...

What?! Following?!

Everything came out just fine with Miss May-

Hmmm... Now you don't want me to be telling you about Tuesday, do ya? hehehe
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!

Love to all


Please click here (and scroll down to #4) for what Miss Breeze went through when this all was done for her colic.
-OR, better said, 'what went through her'  
Yes, there are pictures. (No. They are not gross).