[My] Life in Wisconsin

Peanut Butter 'Pupsicles' -and Blight

  Tomato with Late Blight.
"This is from the same disease that caused the Irish potato famine of the mid-19th century.
There is no cure, and if a tomato or potato plant shows so much as a sign of late blight, the plant is a goner. It kills quickly; affected tomato plants will abruptly collapse.
The Green Bay area has received more than 17 inches of rain since June 1, about 9 inches more than normal. The humid conditions are ideal for late blight spores, which then travel on the wind or through other methods.
(Photo and words from here. CLICK).

Good Morning All.
Another hot and sticky day here, and I don't like it one bit.

Storms already, the sky a beautiful red when I woke- Even without the radar images to know the rains were coming...
Red sky at night, sailor's delight- red sky at morning, sailors take warning"
It is usually true too!

So is "rain before 7, clear by 11"-
Ugh. See, that means sunshine. On an already too hot and too humid day. Highs to be near 90, the heat index much higher than that.
Afternoon skies may bring more strong storms. The forecast changing a bit from yesterdays- Today they say the storms will be more north perhaps, and  more of the "hit or miss" variety.
I already have a new dune on my basement steps- (I did not get any clear caulk yet).

If the storms hold off, Cousin Buttercup will be coming late this afternoon, on her way back to Colorado and to her teaching job- She will stay overnight, having spent her summer in Sault Ste Marie, MI
I will make some stew for dinner.

Did a bit of shopping last night as the sun went down. Gee, could have bought some caulk then. Duh!

Punk is feeling much better so there is no way to leave her home.

While at the vets, she received an injection to counteract her nausea- When he was done with his exam, he also sent us on our way with 2 prescriptions. One for nausea and one for a possible tummy infection.
(Metronidazole, 500 mg- 2/day; and Metoclopramide, 10 mg also 2/day)...

Her appetite is still lacking, no more inert alarm that makes her demand to be fed at 5AM and 5PM. But she does eat- I have kept her on a softer diet for now, and she has also eaten some of her 'Taste of the Wild' food- Just not as much.

No more 'real' bones for her.
She does get her red rubber kong bone.
I put peanut butter inside of it, and pack in a butter and crunchy peanut butter sandwich too. Then I freeze it good and hard! She absolutely LOVES her peanut butter Popsicle! Promptly plopping it in my lap when it needs a refill too.


"Leave me alone!"


Two days ago I had the 5 o'clock news on. The weatherman was saying how much rain Suamico was getting...

Though a bit cloudy here, there was no rain-

Suamico Storm
Looking eastward toward Suamico-

We didn't get a single drop out of this little storm that had come straight south from the Lakeside, over the Bay of Green Bay.
Suamico was also 10 degrees lower than we were at that point... Lucky dogs!

The humidity does make for some pretty pictures- early morning and at dusk too.

Fog to East- ½ hour before sunrise
I took this foggy one shortly before sunrise yesterday.

Casey will find out next week how her iron is- or how well she took in those 6 infusions from May and June.

She is still battling fierce migraines, almost on a daily level- sometimes several in one day. I think this is some reaction to those infusions...


She came out a few days ago with friend Marsha from game. I had been cutting lawns for 2 days straight and had neglected anything on the inside of my house. Oh well.
As I finished up the mowing, Miss Marsha even found a shell hanger from my rummage sale.

Casey, Marsha, and shells
The picture doesn't show it all- It is over 4' in length-

Unlike the tomatoes, the rains have been good for the cored fruit here...

A Zillion Red Apples Already-
There are a million apples- Some even now already on the ground.
Will have to see how many- Either they go to Sue and Glenn for their deer, or I will make some fresh applesauce. (I know Casey will be voting for the applesauce).
It will all depend on how many are on the ground.

I'd better close for now.
I hope you are all safe and sound (and cool too).

Love to all.


It's so hot... ~hehehe


 From my email- (Thank you Duane)!

The birds have to wear potholders to pull worms out of the ground.


The potatoes cook underground, and all you have to do to have lunch is to pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.


Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs.


The cows are giving evaporated milk.


The trees are whistling for the dogs.


You no longer associate bridges or rivers with water.


You can say 113 degrees without fainting.


You eat hot chilies to cool your mouth off.


You can make instant sun tea.


You learn that a seatbelt makes a pretty good branding iron.


If the temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.


You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl.


You would give anything to be able to splash cool water on your face.


You can attend any function wearing shorts and tank top.


The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and are you kidding me.


You discover that in July, it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.


You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.


You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.


Hot water now comes out of both taps.


it's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one is out on the street.


You actually burn your hand opening the car door.


You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 am, before work.


No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery or not having air conditioner in a car.


Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"


You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.

Ain't it the truth!
