[My] Life in Wisconsin

A "New" Blog! hehehe

Late... magnify

This is my monitor screen;
what I saw when I came online yesterday morning...
It's better now.


First of all to apologize to those of you that were upset or lost by my transferring of some old blogs to this site.
I need to continue to do that too.
At the top of each blog will be the date it was originally published.


Good Monday Morning All;
And oh how busy we have been around Flintville! But it is a happy kind of 'busy' too...

Planting. Laundry. etc etc etc...

Now the planting is very normal for now... But the load after load after load of laundry is not.
In my last entry, you saw how Sputty had come to cuffs with the baby mole... twice. I have now come to the conclusion that these moles were actually one and the same- The first one that I'd clobbered having gotten back inside somehow while we were gone to our Mothers Day dinner.
There has been not a single resurgence of moles anywhere.

The laundry? I have stripped every bed, top to mattress. Casey and I have turned every room upstairs basically inside out, save removing the carpeting. We have emptied drawers and flipped over mattresses; we have even looked under all dressers and shelving.
There is a ghastly 'dead body' smell from somewhere. And we cannot find the source...
(Beginning to think that we have finally located Jimmy Hoffa; kinda). But he MUST be in the attic- or the walls; because he sure as heck isn't anywhere else!
And FYI, if the 'source' was another itty bitty mole, the smell would NOT last this long!!!

Grrr... I don't even want to think about it anymore...

And so, on to busier (and infinitely more important) things...

Our sweet Jenny Mella has graduated from college! Say YAY!
Cum Laude. Say Yay Again!
She did this in three years time too!
Say YAY yet again!

***To tell Jenny CONGRATULATIONS, please CLICK HERE.
***To know WHO Jenny Mella is to us, please CLICK HERE.

Greg and Casey went to Stevens Point for the ceremony- Casey came home early, not feeling well at all. Greg then took her home with him to be closer to the hospitals. Not a good day for Casey- Kind of tough to see that this might have been her own graduation ceremony; (but that UWGB has ensured it was not).
Still, she was ever SO happy for Jenny, and proud. As I am too!

The link to congratulate her is a 360 page- I do believe her top page comments are open...
The other link is Multiply- and THAT should work!

Sad to see 360 go down the tubes for us all. But dying horse that it is serves no reason to leave my page open there.
Only my mailbox will remain open.

But yesterdays top page was pretty cool for me to wake up to.
Check this out!


360 Views- 05/18/08


My guess is that number will hover at that point until (IF) I reopen that page...


And back to my blog ...



My tulips are drawing to an end; (but still pretty).



Where as Caseys flowers have just begun...



A few of her plants...
She carries the cedar "fencing" from the front pines.

And has planted a ton of flowers and seeds within our fancy fence.
I can't wait to see how it all turns out for her.
The fence needed to be added to keep the dogs out...


And yes, I do have to reinforce the strings with wire.



Even the apple blossoms are almost ready to open!



And so FINALLY, Spring is here!

Last Friday, (under cover of the noonday sun), Casey and I snuck off to Kelli's and thieved a *ahem 'few' baby lilacs from her front yard.
(I have already admitted my heinous deed)!
I planted some where Mama's lilacs had gotten decapitated last fall and winter- And the rest are now rooting along the east side of the garden.



This is less than a third of those young lilacs...
Before they were watered too.

The marigolds to ward off any hungry intruders that might be wanting to feast on my new Rain Lilies planted in between them.
Thank You Sweet Connie and JT! CLICK HERE for her blogs
I have also planted JT's "Surprise Lilies" in and around the trees, the barngrade and the shed!
I can't wait to be seeing them come up; maybe next year...
I do love 'surprises'!


A new young cluster of birch~ (NE side of garden)...


Now I have to tend to my garden-
Having it all tilled up (two weeks ago already), it is now sprouting a various assortment of weeds and flowers.
We will have to wait a bit to see what those little sprouts really are. BUT I really do have to be planting a few edible rows of veggies.

Hope all is well with everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful week!
And I promise to (try to) be posting smaller blogs more often...
...as time permits.

More news tomorrow I'm sure.

Love to all.


I am hoping that maybe you have sent a card to Baby Mariah?
Her birthday is May 28th- Please have your friends do this too!

Link to Mariahs Caring Bridge Site CLICK HERE

Originally posted to my Yahoo 360, Monday May 19, 2008 - 09:14am (CDT)  3