[My] Life in Wisconsin

Shut My Yap???




(And by now, we all know what that means)!

I know you will probably not believe me today, but sometimes us dogs do get into trouble.

No, really. We do.


Like when we go to the woods...


Cnv0237 by you.
Hard to believe now but Mr. Miller beat us ALL to the woods.
And he was with Mama Milly...
(I had to wait for my 'she')...
Cnv0238 by you.
She can be SO pokey...
And mean too!
Cnv0246 by you.
After I found Miller, we got to go down to the river.
I thought Mama Milly would be there too.
But she wasn't.
Cnv0250 by you.
That's ME, in the river!
Mr Miller was too, but 'she' didn't get that picture.
She let us play for a long time.
But then it was time for us to come back up the cliff.
Cnv0111 by you.
Yeah, we were kinda soggy.
And yeah, I probably shouldn't have rolled in the dirt.
(Miller shouldna either)...
Cnv0116 by you.
Kinda dirty.
But I like me like this...
"She" doesn't though.
And she tells me to roll in the grass...
(See? "mean" she is).
Cnv0117 by you.
So I roll.
Then me and Mr. Miller run home.

But we get caught and have to go back.
Cnv0118 by you.
See, Miller hasn't rolled in the grass yet.
So she tells him to roll too.
"Mean. Mean. MEAN!"
Cnv0119 by you.
He does.
THEN we have to go home
Cnv0134 by you.
We waited nice for her...
and STILL hafta get washed off?
So one day Mama comes home with us...
(She usually doesn't).
I tried to sneak up on her and steal her ball.


Cnv0122 by you.
It didn't work...
(Maybe she saw me)?
Cnv0123 by you.
She's not fair like that...
I think she just was hoping that she might get another sucker,
and that is why she came home with us that day.
Cnv0093 by you.
She stole it from the Little Guy.

'member him?
Cnv0076 by you.
He's showing off his shirt!
From Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
Guess who bought it for him?
OK, so no I didn't-
Just lucky I can get on this computer-
Can you IMAGINE if I got to go to the bank too?
Anyway, I would like to go back to Sault Ste. Marie.
Maybe we can still go,
and I can jump into the water again...
It's a LONG ride.
Which I don't mind...
But I do HATE to see these big things...
Cnv0230 by you.
And we don't even know what they are??
Me and 'she' go for short rides sometimes.
A few days ago we went down the road here>
And she went to the little veggie stand.

But THIS time she pulled in the yard...
Blazers Acres by you.
I thought it was OK.
'Til I saw this...
Cnv0175 by you.
And I HAD to protect my 'she'..
I growled, but she made me be still.
And THEN I saw THIS!
Cnv0159 by you.
And it was TOO much!

I growled AND barked.
And she still made me be quiet!

(She told me to SHUT MY YAP)?

I tell ya, there's just too much trouble for us dogs...


Mama Milly thinks she's cool cuz she's got a boyfriend.
Cnv1137 by you.
This is "Chevy"

(One day when Mama Milly didn't come back from the woods
She was at HIS house)!
The lady called and tattled on her too!
Mama gets a boyfriend...
And I get a CAT???
Cnv1129 by you.
And they call this "A Dogs Life"


ARF to all!
May your bowls and your bellies always be full!
And may your bone supply never go missing.


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday September 20, 2008 - 01:29pm (CDT)