[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Wait a Little Longer!"

Good Morning to all!

It was another "wonderful day in the neighborhood" for us... (Me~n~Punk that is)...

While sitting back here yesterday morning, she had been asleep on the couch.

Normal so far.

She is always either on the couch, or at my feet; depending upon whether or not I have turned the furnace up yet. In this backroom there is no heat vent, only a cold air exchange; and when she is at my feet, she is basically covering half that register up with her backside.

Like I said, she had been out in the living room sleeping on the couch. I had been trying to play "catch~up" again with everyones blogs; and suddenly Punkie made SURE that I didn't finish with those efforts.

She likes to bring me little presents...

Yesterday she brough me one of the above chip clips. (I have a bunch of these with little magnets attached to my fridge)... But there certainly was "sum~ting~wong" with what she had brought to me...

In the photo below is a green clip, in the altogether, AND the orange one she brought me...

Oops!!! This is all that was left of the orange clip...

And so, after a quick look around, and collecting the pieces that I could find, I decided that another call to Dr. Spires was definitely in order. As soon as he got on the phone, and I relayed Punkies dilemma, he told me that it was too soon to tell if there would be a problem.

# 1... Plastic does NOT show up on an X~ray- (the little magnet WOULD have shown up, though by itself there would be no problem for her to pass that)...

# 2... Unless she is gagging, like Miss DeeAnne did, over my chili, or vomiting or otherwise uncomfortable, there is nothing to be done.

And # 3... It will take about 2 days or so for any of these symptoms to manifest themselves. (Or to pass)!

And so, WHY on Earth did Miss Punk choose a Friday to be eating a stupid chip clip???

She still seems fine today, and like Dr. Spires had told me, 9 times out of 10 there will be no problems with this type of diet as long as she does not make a habit out of it.

So I am just a bit worried what tomorrow will bring. These clips break into little plastic shards; (yes, I shall be watching her very closely)... And so it IS definitely going to be a 'hurry up and wait' weekend here!

Jenne called from Texas after they had locked themselves out of their new home... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good thing it is warmer in Temple than it is here; and even better they had taken Isaiah outside with them! (Still laughing at you, Jenne)! But they did manage to get back inside; no harm done. She said they had gone shopping Wednesday evening for wedding bands, and today they will apply for a marriage license.

I guess all of my brainwashing, and nighttime whispering in their ears, as they grew up has paid off... (I always told them to elope)!!! hehehe True! God gives me 4 daughters, and an ex~husband who has virtually NO contact; so WHO do you think is going to pay for all these weddings???


Please wish Jenne and Aaron well! Too bad that Casey will be flying home on Sunday, as she could have at least been witness to the ceremony... But I think because it is the Christmas season, it would be highly impractical to be trying to change her airline ticket now.

I see too that CaseyAnne has even posted a new blog!!!! Yay! And it's about time! Aaron has the high speed internet, but decided to give the access to his sister so she could be ready for all of her finals at college. It will only be a couple of days that they are without. And in the meantime she will be home! (Go ahead and click on her link, and leave her a sassy comment on her blog)!

And you can do the same for DeeAnnes link above- She has been ever so sassy, so God gave her the flu! hehehe

On that wicked note, it is time to get my backside moving for another day!

Hope you all have great weekends ahead!


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