[My] Life in Wisconsin

Britain is Repossessing the U.S. of A. ?

I haven't laughed this hard in quite a while!


Click and enjoy...

A Few Friends of Mine

A Few Friends of Mine
A Few Friends of Mine magnify
Soggy, damp and chilled is NO way to go through life...


Good Morning Everyone!
It has been a while since I have blogged.
The dreaded "blogstipation" and all else...
That, and the fact that I do not trust Yahoo anymore.
Kind of a depressing thought...
Wish other sites worked a bit better too.
Seems none are too 'dial~up' friendly. But there are no other options out here for me unless I win the lotto! hehehe Oh well.

I have my mower deck on the Cub Cadet!!!
Many thanks to friends John, and his daughter Brandy, who came and changed out the snowplow for the mower. They had also put the snowplow on last Fall.
Me? I am not taking any chances with this back of mine.



John and Brandy Pryes...



I am not even sure how long it took them. They came as we were leaving last Friday to get the shot for my head. When we got back home they were gone, and the deck was on.
I am thinking that I will be using this deck fairly soon too.
I have places that the grass is easily about 6" high, and other places that there is but ½" of new growth.
I will have to level that out.
Mother Nature will help me out with this soon.

We got that snow yesterday. It didn't stick around for long.
But I woke this morning to frost on the cars.
It is currently about 31°...
(Good grief, would the real Spring please stand up)?
At least the sun is out?!? 

I want to get the garden tilled out too. Maybe tomorrow morning I can get to that. That is, if the old Simplicity tractor will run for me. hehehe I shall fight with that one today and get it ready to till yet another season. Failing that, I will make a phone call or two...

Speaking of good friends.

Meet Laurie Laurent.
Laurie, Roberta, and Jill.
(Picture taken at Farrs Grove back when I shot darts).


Laurie and I go back to Junior High at BayPort. (7th grade to be exact).
We were fast friends back then, and have remained close friends throughout the decades that have followed too.

She is Baby Mariahs grandmother...
(Have you sent out that birthday card for Miss Mariah yet)?
CLICK HERE for details.

Laurie is Seans mother as well. Sean is my godson.



Sean, Miss Mariah, and Laurie.
Taken August 19th, 2007 ~at Mariahs benefit.



Sean has emailed me and has asked that I write to him.
Serving us all from his place in the United States Military, he is now on his way to Iraq.
He has added NOT to write until mid~May. Guess that will be when they all get settled enough to receive mail.
As with everything here, I am going to go one step further and
ask that you write to him also.
His address:

APO-AE 09391

. Remember, not til Mid-May

Please keep our young man in your hearts, your thoughts, and your prayers. (And please forward his address to those that you think might write to him, or maybe even send a cookie or two)!


Special thanks to Connie~Beep for the above prayer.


My computer is acting up bigtime.
Yahoo has asked me repeatedly to sign back into its mail, but will not bring up the verify screen either. Grrrr....
I'd better close before it decides to not post this entry.
And then it will be time for a reboot.
(Methinks it's time for Yahoo to reboot).

I hope you are having a grand week, and that it is warm at least where YOU are.

Love to all.


Originally posted at my Y! 360, Tuesday April 29, 2008 - 08:41am (CDT) 6

Miss Mariahs 4th Birthday!

Start:     May 28, '08 12:00a
End:     Jun 1, '08 11:45p
Please send Baby Mariah a birthday card, or two or three!!!
And do not worry if it is belated either.

To date... (stolen from her Mama who wrote at Caring Bridge)...
"She has received cards from 17 different states: WI, ID, CA, MD, MI, LA, RI, OH, AZ, IL, KS, ME, VA, PA, NE, MO and she also received a card all the way from England!"


"Mariah's birthday is May 28, please send cards, she loves them.
3181 Trenton Lane, Green Bay, WI 54313"


(Miss Micki would LOVE to have Baby Mariah get all kinds of cards from all over)!

Love to you ALL.


"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
Psalm 30:5b

"God has His hand on Mariah, we see it when she smiles." Micki

***In Micki's April 17th blog, she thought maybe Mariah would like a card form every state.


Please copy and send this to your trusted friends within your emails too!

Mariahs birthday party is June 1st...

It IS Late April, isn't it???

It's beginning to look a lot like...
It's beginning to look a lot like... magnify



Good Afternoon!

Yes. OK, it really is not snowing.
Not yet anyway.
They might have it predicted for tomorrow or Monday.
(Not sure, I didn't care to see that far into the future).
But it is SO windy today, (hence my new blast for you)!

The blast has the link to Baby Mariahs Caring Bridge website. (or CLICK here on the red)...
Her mama has posted their address so we can all send Miss Mariah a birthday card. (I shall also get her big sisters birthday so she doesn't feel left out).
Please lets make these birthdays perfect for them...

Due to the shot I received for my head yesterday morning, I got to sleep throughout all the bad weather last night.
~~Happy, happy; ~~joy, joy!!!
Having minor recollections of things that may/may not have happened too.
I think at one point that Casey was asking me for a shopping list. And I believe that Randy bought the wrong furnace filter too. No big deal, really; until you take into consideration that the wind gusts are sucking the heat right out of my house... I have turned the heat up twice today. No more though. It is already 67 in the house, and that should be nice enough for anyone.

Back to the above picture.
A bluebird house.
And usually we have either bluebirds or tree swallows in it. (Sometimes a "mowiss" family in winter too)!



The other day I was out walking...


And got chattered at and chirped at by Mr. Bluebird himself!
("Scolded" is probably a more accurate word).
Isn't he gorgeous???
And I could get fairly close to him
because he was keeping vigil over his Missus...
...she was quite busy herself,
picking out the perfect decor for their new home!



They paid no attention to the darned chipmunk/gopher either...

She was just headed toward my garden
and looking tired from being ever so pregnant!
Damnable varmints...
And she will probably give birth to 1000 or so next week.
OK not that many,
but then THEY give birth to their thousand or so.



But it's Punks job,
(and she well knows it too),
to keep those varmints at bay for me.



She found a hole out in the field...
And began to dig...
Bad angle for her so she changed her strategy...
She dug some more, before sniffing the hole out...
"Anybody home"???
I said "HELLO?"



Nothing doing with a hole the skunk had dug last year before relocating.
So we went back to the woods to catch up with Mama Milly,
who was already doing her own detective work...
Having found her own hole to invade down by the river!
Both dogs came up empty handed...
(But it's so much fun to watch)!
Besides, KC always needs target practice!
A few irises up by the house have dared to come up...
With Mamas Wire Chicken Basket in the background.



My chives, (regular and garlic),
are ready and waiting to become taste on my taters!



Speaking of food...
It is high time for me to be chowing down here.
SO hungry!

Have a wunnaful weekend! (And don't forget Baby Mariah)!


I am attaching the pic I received in an email from my sister~
~~~for those of you that couldn't read the Sarcasma note...


Oroginally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday April 26, 2008 - 12:05pm (CDT)

What Do They Expect?

What Do They Expect?
What Do They Expect? magnify
Reader beware, it's a RANT can~of~worms today...


Good Morning;

I have had the TV on low all morning...
Most prominently in the news is the fiasco down in Texas with the one sect of Mormons, the FDLS.

Shown are the women that are crying for their children as they are taken away from them to be placed in ??? (wherever)...

Touching as this is to see, it makes me mad that the threat of separation hadn't been foremost in their minds since they joined, and ultimately gave birth to their 400+ babies. And exactly where their priorities were BEFORE the state had to step in?

Having raised 4 daughters, the thought, (not only) of (having them taken away; but) allowing them to lose their innocence to a decades older man, simply disgusts me. And under the subterfuge or cover of religion...

Note: The FLDS practice polygamy in arranged marriages, sometimes between underage girls and older men. The group has thousands of followers in two side-by-side towns in Arizona and Utah.

How many times we have been taught that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" ?
The United States of America has long passed laws regarding the safety and sanctity of children.

Pretending those laws are for someone else is an idiotic way to live.

I am thinking that these people would be in the same league as the man from Green Bay...

...Shortly before his 20th birthday, he had sex with a 15 year old girl. For this, he went to prison for however long, (I really don't remember what they reported, and I really don't care how long he was there- It wasn't long enough).

Out of prison now, he has lived with his now girlfriend in Green Bay.
That relationship has since terminated, Boo~Hoo, and he must find new housing. .

But hey, Green Bay has already passed its laws regarding housing for any sexual predators.
hehehe There isn't any room.

Newsflash for ya Buddy is that you can't live there!

(The poor damn sod has now contacted the ACLU because nobody will rent to him).

If you ask me, he violated his own civil rights LONG ago. Surely by the time a man is 19 he knew full well that what he was doing is statutory rape.

In my little opinion, both of these instances are due to knowing the law, breaking it, and then trying to pass the buck off on someone/something else.

When they have done it to themselves!!!

What DO they expect?

By any stretch of the imagination I am no angel; but I do not believe I have selfishly and ignorantly harmed other people either.

I feel worse for the babies that may never know their roots, or their mothers and fathers.

And I feel so damn sad for even knowing that this crap continues to happen.
It is simply the difference between right and wrong.
And yes, it IS that simple!

"Free Will" comes to mind...
You have made your choices. Your children will make their own choices.
But know this, you do the crime, you do the time.
And you suffer any ramifications thereof.

God Bless America, and may He doubly bless the children.

Have a "F" Friday!
I can't think of a single decent adjective... (Can you)?


Casey will be bringing me in shortly to fix my head...
If it works I won't be on too much...
Pray for the coma...

Oroginally posted to Y! 360- Friday April 25, 2008 - 08:29am (CDT)


Do you suffer from VHS???
(or do you enjoy it)?

Two Bumps On a Log...

Two Bumps On a Log...
Bump On a Log... magnify
Mister Greg with Master Gabriel...



Good Morning All;
The sun is up and out, for now.
Forecast calls for showers and thunderstorms later this afternoon.
Am happy it is rain instead of the snow... Even a flurry now makes my tummy upset to even think about snow. And yes, it will be cooling down in a day or two, but we have had a few really nice days.



To think we have gone from this...


(Check out that poor little trike)...
No snow tires on it I guess.
To this...


In such a short while...
And for the smile that says,

"Thank you God, for making my legs long enough over winter!"



We spent Sunday cleaning up the yard too.
Lots of tufts, and tons of gravel that got (re)moved to places that they don't belong when the snowplow went through. (Unavoidable, if you want a safe driveway).



Master Gabriel was the foreman!

But before we got rocks, and tufts,
(and the random doggie~doo~doo) in the trailer,
we had to take a little ride!



"ARF" ?!?
"What'd'ya mean there's NO ROOM FOR ME?"



They made room!!!



And then back to the grindstone...
Did I say "back"?
(I probably shouldn't have driven that l'il tractor back to the woods)...
So time to change drivers, and to start hauling the pollution from my lawns.


And soon I will be mowing those lawns!
Casey says she will do it because of my back.
Not sure if I like that offer or not;
because I am such a mowing~addict in summertime...



Casey found an old mushroom,
still full of spores from last year...
(Which she promptly threw in the garbage for the landfill to deal with)!



Yesterday was a take-it-easy day for her,
after CaseyFace wound up at the ER on Sunday night.

(NO, it was NOT my lasagna)!
Yes, the lasagna turned out wonderfully!
(Well, at least I didn't kill anyone).
We walked to the woods with Mama Milly and Miss Punk
And of course Mama Milly went missing for a little while.



The Punk, and The Pneumo-Pancreatosis-Kid...
Talk about two bumps on a log!
Back up at the house, the first colors of Spring!
See the little flowers??

I took a decent nap then. (She is STILL alseep)!

And of course I could not fall back to sleep til after 2 or so.

So Punk and I went outside and enjoyed the moon...



And I am still not sleepy!

So that leaves me wide eyed and bushy tailed for the laundry, and the dishes, and, and, and...

Time for me to get busy!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Love to all!


Originally posted to my Y360, Tuesday April 22, 2008 - 08:56am (CDT)

Barrel Rolls and Muddy Paws

Barrel Rolls and Muddy Paws
333 magnify
I have one lonely lilac bush left.
But am ever SO happy that this one has lived!


Good Morning All;
A busy day yesterday for almost everyone... (I mostly just watched)!
But yes, my back is being very belligerent and uncooperative today.
Must have done a little more yesterday than I did the day before...

Randy came to help "find" the lawns ~and to trim a few trees too...
All I had to do was point to those branches!
(And yes, that's about the ONLY perk to this back of mine)...

The pear tree, ready to split, topple and die, needed much trimming. But I want to preserve a lot of ot too, until the young tree that came up next to it starts to produce.

First you climb the tree and start to saw...





Then you saw from another angle...
or risk leaving too much of your DNA on the tree...




Almost all the way through ~and the branch still won't budge.
What would YOU do ???



How about a couple of karate chops???



Careful now.
Don't laugh...
It worked!!!

After realizing the my old burn barrel was stuffed to the brim, I had to get the replacement one out...
(OK, OK, so Randy dug it out of the shed, and Casey rolled it down the hill).



NO help there...
Like me, they just watched!



Methinks she was having way too much fun!!!



Done with the barrel, she became "SPEARCHUCKER"!!!!



Now that's a nasty game of "Fetch"



But NO problem for The Punkmeister either!
(Yes, her paw/leg/shoulder is much better)...



But not even a great tug~of~war,
~nor fetch,
~nor playing with her ball
~nor wrestling with Mama Milly, etc
was enough for her...
Or maybe she was just overheated???



She found the big puddle while we were busy elsewhere.
And was MORE than pleased with herself...
Darn good thing I have the hose hooked up already...
(And a bit of Dawn detergent too)...


Casey does keep reminding her that she is NOT a Black Lab!



Time for me to fly.
I have taken my Xanax and am going to try to get to the store by myself.
(I got away with making a pot of soup yesterday, but am setting my sights for a bit of lasagna today).

I hope you all have a 'wunnaful' Sunday!

Love to all!


Originally posted to my Y!360, Sunday April 20, 2008 - 07:18am (CDT) 25