[My] Life in Wisconsin

Full List - Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Green Bay Packers - TIME

Last link of the day.

I promise. hehehe

Much to do- Too much

Have a wunnaful Wednesday!

Officially removed from the Brett Favre era, the Green Bay Packers have come into their own under quarterback Aaron Rodgers. And they justified their billing as favorites by winning their fourth championship ring against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV. TIME takes a look at some things you might not know about the franchise's storied past.

This is awesome- not sure how I missed it either!
Thank you TIME magazine!


Boots and Sabers - The blogging will continue until morale improves...

Like the old saying (sorta) goes...
I looked up "St00pid" and "Uninformed" in the dictionary, and this is what I found.

Adding insult to injury, this a-hole is from Wisconsin!!!!


This should easily fall under "WTF is wrong with these people?" ---

New Policy Requires All Pit bulls, American Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, Chow Chows, and Presa Canerios To Be Killed in NC Shelter « Our Compass

Please read on...

Related: Cumberland County Animal Control wants to limit adoptions of certain dog breeds

Breed ban: please protest 72-hr.-kill proposal in Cumberland County Animal Control in Fayetteville, NC.
Feel free to use the Sample Letters(available if you click), but please modify heavily as it is particularly long.

There is a breed ban on ADOPTION of said dogs, and it is set to be discussed on Monday the 5th of December for all Pit bulls, American Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, Chow Chows, and Presa Canerios.

Cumberland County’s reason for this is they do not want to be held liable for these breeds and the possible problems with them after adoption from the shelter. A simple waiver should solve this.

We need to let them know that this is not the answer.

These dogs will be held for the mandatory 72 hrs and then will be killed, THEY WILL NOT BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE ADOPTED.

If the dog is an owner turn-in, he will be killed the second he walks into the back.

Again, this is set to be DISCUSSED on December 5 and will not go into effect unless passed by all committees.



Dr. John Lauby
Director of Animal Services
Cumberland County Animal Control
4704 Corporation Drive,
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Animal Control Phone: 910-321-6845, 910-321-6844, 910-321-6826, 910-321-6827,
910-321-6945, 910-321-6965 910-321-6852
Fax: 910-223-3357 jlauby@co.cumberland.nc.us


I realize that we do not live around here- At least I don't believe I have any friends in NC- (My apologies if my brain farted).

You cannot judge a breed of dog by its name- Only by its owner.

While I will allow that a dog who only has been trained to fight is unadoptable, this does not mean that all dogs of that breed are the same.
They are not!!!

It is too bad that the constitution- or its preamble- does not provide "All Dogs are Created Equal"


Check your neighbors yard as you walk, jog, or ride along- You may see a dog that needs immediate attention.
Please do not be afraid to call in anonymously. Generally a call to police will also be considered helpful; as long as they pass your info on.
Depending on whether you live rural or urban- Please either call your local dogcatcher, or The Humane Society where you live.

Bedtime for ... Me. (Again). This is all so awful! Am thinking maybe "lala-land" will offer some nice dreams. hehehe XOXO, Me