[My] Life in Wisconsin

April 29, 2006

Entry for April 29, 2006

Looks like our little Master Gabriel has found a new friend here!

I am late(r) this morning here- and had such a busy day yesterday; much like I imagine that today shall be...  So much to do- seemingly so little time...

Once again I have spoken too soon about Caseys pain- as she awakens in the middle of the nights with some pretty intense stuff going on. But she is eating and drinking fine too- and it doesn't seem to make a difference what she eats...  We could go back to the doctor at the hospital- He seemed to know what he spoke of, why he had kept her there, and all else too. Not happy about how this is all being managed right now.

It stayed in the 40's last night so the little family all remained outside overnight.  Am happy to report that everybody is well... except for Miss Milly of course- These 10 pups are taking quite a toll on her- she seems so skinny, but "keeps on keepin' on"---

Another little dog has found a new 'mama'- They will be coming back today to revisit-  I am thrilled that all these people do come back, play with, and love their new additions. Miss Milly seems to take it all in stride too.

I did get more tilling done yesterday- a breezy, cool; but sunny day- Wish it would be nice enough every day to wear shorts and get everything done.

Have much to plant today before the rains come, so will be keeping this short for now- It is to rain for the next 3-4 days, on and off. A good time to get some seeds in and to let them take root!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Saturday April 29, 2006 - 08:05am (CDT)