[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Ides of July

Good Morning, and Happy Sunday, to All;

These are for YOU!







When Mom and Dad got married, she carried a simple bouquet of many many daisies. When I see them in the wilds of my little garden, they always remind me of those wedding stories...




Many of you have been on my best friends lists for a very long time. Some of you may recall last year when I had asked everyone to flood Unca BoBBies inbox with birthday wishes. We write to each other practically every day.

He was 77 when he had a stroke. Spending almost a year recuperating, what does he do? He teaches himself how to use a computer! (That's guts at any age)!

He is still working on his service calls for his "coffee money" as he calls it. He spends his mornings at a little restaurant where they have the very best cuppa joe anywhere. He lives in Monroe, WI... and that puts him have coffee with a few foreign friends; as Monroe is host to The Swiss Colony...

My Unca BoBBie was found Friday at about noon when a friend of his had missed him at coffee for a couple days. He had driven to Unca's house. Seeing the car in the garage, and no answer at the door, he called the police.




Unca BoBBie, me, and CaseyFace at Miss Eleanors.
Please ignore person in red sweater. This is his ex~wife.
She divorced him last year, only because she is a little bit of a strumpet;
(and a whole lot of an idiot)...

Breaking in, they found him on the kitchen floor, unresponsive. He was taken to the hospital, with the initial (and worst) diagnosis being that he has a brain bleed. He was not expected to live through friday night.

But since he is my Unca BoBBie, he has lived right through it all. (He has been known to be quite ornery)! hehehe




Casey and Unca...




They will be doing more tests, and another brain scan today I believe. As of yesterday, he showed plenty of brain activity. They cannot operate as the bleed is too deep within. He is on a respirator, and he does show signs of acknowlegement to touch and voice. Randy and his mom have been down there since late Friday night.

Unca BoBBie is on meds for his diabetes, and also on aspirin therapy for stroke prevention. No one knows how long he might have laid there either.

Was the bleed a result of another stroke, or as a result of the fall? We might never know.

Even should he regain conciousness (which he will), he himself may not remember.

But that is not really important.

...What IS important is that he is still hanging in there!




Miss Eleanor, (Uncas only sister), with Casey!




And so it goes... Please think Of my unca BoBBie when saying your little prayers. God is sure to hear us all, as He has shown to do many many times in the past...

I am hoping he will be up and around very soon and can read your wishes, and prayers then.

As for myself, I have spent the past day and a half just waiting for the phone to ring. (Knowing that it wouldn't if I sat and did nothing), I did get the lawns cut. (Even the ditches)! Kind of proud of myself for that! I do know that he wouldn't want me to just sit around and mope or something.

I do hope you are all having a lovely weekend! And do please take a little minute to be sending him prayers and wishes too... A perfect request for a Sunday...




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