[My] Life in Wisconsin

I Go Out Walking...

Yes. This is Wisconsin.
Yes this is mid-March...
T-o-o-o-o-o-o-o  very  C-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-L!
Temps to remain 30+° above average for the next week!

Good Morning All;
What a grand Winter season this has been for us!
Any snow that flies past now, though nasty, will be gone shortly-
And with that brings a HUGE sigh of relief.

I went to pick up dog food last Friday- And had this amazing thought that maybe Petco would have an opening in their grooming for Punk- as a walk-in.

They did. (And oh boy, was Punk pissed). 
She hates baths there.
Loves showers here though.
She was so beautiful when Casey picked her up!

As expected, Kelli and kids came on Sunday...

Mr Miller took Sputty for a walk... hehehe

Mr. Miller and Sput
So cute they are!

Then Miller and Coco began butting heads....

All the kids

OK. Not really. 
But first glance sure looked like that when I saw the picture come up!

What they were into is anybody's guess.
It wasn't pretty either; especially after they rolled in it -and Mr Miller had some hanging off his ear.

Of a sudden, it occurred to us that Miss Punk had disappeared on us...

Down by the river-
but not yet in it, thank God!

Punk- Whew- Stopped in time

She came back up with not a mark on her!  Say "Yay!"
Whew... Still nice and clean!

We walked a bit.
Kelli had to hold up a tree or three. (She had cleaned the barns on Saturday and was a little more than sore).

We walked. Chatted for a while. 
We even tried to watch Miss Coco-  An impossible task.  hehehe
She moves fast.  And keeps going...
(That is why there are no pictures of her sitting pretty). And it's not going to happen with this dog, she has way too much energy!

We came out of the campgrounds...

Lake Flintville- Punk takes a break. Grrr

Wait, Laying on the ice is really no big problem- She would just get wiped off and brushed when we got back to the house.

We headed home.

Sputty always lags behind.
We spy him wandering about the "World's Biggest Sandbox"

Sputty- Worlds biggest litterbox.

Too funny! 
He took his darn time- And still almost beat us two back home!

While we were walking I had told Kelli that I would not want to attempt to walk back there alone. She knows my luck, as you know it also. 
I would probably choose then to fall down ... and lay there 'til Summer.

BUT... Then again... There are a few things that I just cannot give up...

With yesterday's beautiful temps, I thought I would try to do just that.
Of course Mr. Sputnik always comes along too.  He raced right by me, knowing it would take a while for me to catch up.
Then he lay down and...

Over and over and over again! 

Oh! That sunshine felt SO good!

I caught up to him, and nuzzled his tummy with my cane. We played for a few seconds before I turned to see Miss Punk waiting for me up ahead.
Just laying there.


I just turned around and began the walk home...
What a PIG!

I love me!
ugh...  But she seems to love her new perfume.  
It's an eclectic mixture of Spring dirt and fertilizer of the local, natural variety. 
... Most specifically the Registered Holstein!

I could have screamed!  (I chose to cuss instead).

As she tried to ignore me Sputty had to go rub it in that she'd gotten in trouble.

"She is too talking to YOU!"

Her belly - - - just black!  And soaked!
Double- Ugh.

Knowing that a gentle pat was a long way off, she ran off ahead and got her Frisbee.
I believe she thinks that I love her Frisbee as much as she does. 
She shares her toys with us lots; especially when one is feeling down, (or just downright uglymad).

Wanna play then?

Yeah. OK. So she's cute. What of it? hehehe

Alone, I had made it about a third of the way back to the woods before I'd turned around.
And it's probably a good thing, (if there is a silver lining) that Punk had chosen to go lay in the mud.  After those 2 days of 'hiking', my back is a little more than sore.
But I am still upright and quite capable.

Casey will be coming out today.
I told her to wear/bring shorts.
Lovin' this weather!  
Such a special treat in March for us!
Going to be a treat waiting for Punk in the shower too!
Though what didn't wipe and brush off has now turned to dust, she could do with a good rinsing off. (And a bucket of Cedar or Patchouli Oil). hehehe 

I'd better close for now and get my backside in the shower.  Smiley showering

I shall also try to get my little mound of dishes done before Casey gets here.

Hope all is well with everyone! 
Enjoy this awesome day- but do stay out of the mud!


Stare at this for a few seconds while I try to compose a blog...