[My] Life in Wisconsin

ARF! #4 (Poopin' Punkin)

ARF! (remember that's like ALOHA to you humanoids)

Yup, it's ME again!!!

Anyway... I sure don't feel too good right now; and even 'she' knows this. As I sat on her lap last night, she just hugged me for a while~ But soon as I left the lap, all hell broke loose! And I do mean REALLY LOOSE!!! (And on her floor too)! So last night I was left to my own devices out in the entrance and all alone... This was NOT FAIR!

...And I don't think she will be giving me any more of those new doggie treats she bought either. Bet she'll give 'em to my Mama now. Nothin' ever bothers my Mama; (well, 'cept ME sometimes). Anyway, I guess I'll be stuck with that banana biscotti that 'she' bakes for us doggies.

Maybe I shouldn't say "stuck"~ I do like it, (And a whole LOT)! But sure, I like the treats that come out of the crinkly bags too.

I don't like the bags though; they scare me.

Everytime she goes away without me, she will come in with those noisy, scary, crinkly bags... And so I just watch from afar. 'Cept for earlier this week... It was my 'birthday' comin' up; and I could smell the wonderful smell of a new BONE for me... I crawled closer, and then I could SEE it too! There it was, sittin' right on top of the open bag that she'd left on the floor!!! So I snuck up on it then, real quiet like... I even got it a day early! (She is a such a sucker for a nagging pup)!

...I am a whole 8 months old now ya know! (and FOUR days)!!

Me, with my birthday treat!

Some days, 'she' says I'd better grow up fast; and other days she wants me to be little again. I sure wish she'd make up her little mind... (Not the sharpest pencil in the case)...

I don't know what is happening outside anymore. I used to play and play all day long. I even used ta be able to help my 'she' pull the weeds out because her hand don't work, and I could pull 'em out faster anyway. Now I go out, pee and poo and have to come right back inside cuz my paws get all tingly right away. I think 'she' said "Baby, it's COLD outside."

It was real dusty out there this morning- (even worse than on the inside)!! -and it looked like she was baking outside all night long and that she must have kept spilling stuff. But this new stuff was cold and tingly too.

So yes, I always pee and poo outside- ('ceptin' for last night that is)...

And I didn't mean to make her get mad either. Now I don't really know how 'mad' she was, but I DO remember her hollering "NO!" - and really LOUD too.

Boy, she sure can make a LOTTA noise! No wonder that numb nuts dude was scared of her! Obviously I'm much smarter than him anyway because I know that her bark is worse than her bite! And I know this is true, because she has never ever bit ME!

Back to last night though... After I got sick, she hung up her 'talkie~ringie' thing real fast -

Now try to explain what she did next, wouldja? She then puts me outside saying I could "finish what I started"...

(WHAT)??? gheess-

I had already finished it all ~~~ inside! OOP~OOP (haha, spell that backwards)!

What the heck does she think when that much poo falls out of me? Was she kidding, or what??? Does she really think I can make MORE before I freeze to death out there? (She's not the brightest crayon some days)... She had water in her eyes when she let me back inside though, and it smelled funny in here too. Ha. She only 'thinks' that stuff smells good. But I am a dog, and even us young'uns have these great snouts! (I mean, heck, I found my birthday treat, didn't I)?

I didn't eat at all yesterday, 'cept for a few treats... And when she got up this morning, I wouldn't even go play with my toys when she fired 'em across the room, and up the steps... I lay down at her paws, and just cried a little every now and then. ...Soon as she could she used the 'talkie~ringie' thing and called that nice doctor man. Well, he wanted to see me!!! (I LOVE it when people wanna see me)!!! But I had to go for a ride to go see him, (which was just fine cuz I haven't been eating and drinking anything anyway).

And then, 'she' goes really slow cuz there's that DUST all over the place!!! We finally get there, and there's another nice man sitting on a chair waiting for something. He sez he wants one of my brothers or sisters, but 'SHE' sez she don't know if my Mama will have anymore since we were kinda hard on her and all... He's from a place called Southern California; and said now they live right close to us. He was real nice~ but kinda funny too- He had holey shoes on with socks... She asked him why he had 'sandals' on... Guess he didn't think it was that cold.

He was nice, and then his 'she' and their dog came out of MY room~ I think that doggie was right CUTE, 'cept he growled at me! (The little rat~turd, if I'd have felt better I would have told him I could have eaten him for lunch)... Good thing I wasn't too hungry then...

Then it was MY turn!

I got up on the big flat thing and the Dr. said I was 77.7 pounds. (Not too shabby for a little kid like me, huh)? And then we got to go into my room there. The Dr. stuck something in my butt- He's kinda weird this way, and always does this to me. (It doesn't hurt, but I thought maybe I would have to 'go' but I didn't). He said it was normal at 102.34. (I don't know what that means, something about not having a fever). Then he takes his 'sun' and shines it in my eyes! (Hey I don't like that- It's kinda like when she takes a picture of me)... But the nice lady that came in to help him offered me a treat, (and a really BIG one too). I couldn't resist and I ate it ALL!

Meanwhile, my doctor is rubbing me all over, pushing things- and then he looks in my ears and sez they are fine. (My snout is fine too, remember? but he didn't even look there).

Then he sticks these things in his own ears... She makes me lay down and he puts the other end on my fur. Then he puts it in a different place- This goes on and on and on. This is starting to tickle so I start to wiggle and squirm. Finally he puts it on my tummy too. He asks my 'she' if she has heard any wierd digestive noises. She sez just from her own belly! (haha very funny). And then they laugh, while I'm the one that's sick... Oh, for Pete's sakes!

He asks her all kinds of questions... She tells my secrets, and I'm not sure if I like her so much anymore cuz she told him she caught me with a hairpin in my mouth just the other day. I thought maybe he'd get mad, but he didn't. (And I'm not about to tell them if I swallowed one of them things either)! She asked the doctor about the poison she'd put out for the mouses, (even though she hid it on us doggies in the pallets and stuff). He said it would be much too early for them to know. Guess I wouldn't get sick for about a week... He told her that if I DID do this, then I would have a bloody nose and start to breathe loud. (She asked him if my snoring counted; and they all laughed at me, AGAIN)!

haha very funny...

So anyway, he thinks it could be a bug... Yeah, and I KNOW all about bugs cuz I pound 'em with my paws, and then I eat 'em if I find 'em in the house! So now one must be in my tummy making me feel a little yucky!!! (I'll be pounding and chewing them MUCH better next time)!


So the doctor gave her another bottle of pills for me and said that I should get better fast. She said the pills are called 500mg 'metronidazole'. (I say who cares what they're called, long as I get better)???

And the best part of the whole thing was that she stopped at the place that smells so yummy. It is next to where the little one used to work. And she got me a meat and bread thing there. I had to smell it all the way home then. She is SO mean sometimes... That is a really long ride when she is going so slow. She kept saying something about the roads and the "SNOW" (So THAT'S what its called)! Finally we get home, go inside... Then, get this, 'she' is so mean that she opens my mouth and actually shoves this pill down my throat! I shook my head 'no' when she had offered it to me. Then she cuts the meat and bread into teeny tiny little pieces and mixes it all up with my regular food... So I ate THAT all too. And I think she heard me drinking a little water too. Maybe I will be better soon.

I wish I could talk though so they could know if I ate something that I shouldn't have- She will be worried now for at least the next week, even though the doctor told her it would be fixable...

After I ate all that, and drank a bit, I got to go outside by my mama while my 'she' shoveled the SNOW from by my door, and my mama's door- and a bunch of other places too. It wasn't so cold when I wrestled with my mama in the sunshine; even if we were rolling in the snow!

I have to go nap now... It was a big day for a little Punkin like me!

A real big "ARF" to everyone!!!!


and LOVE too,

"Punkie the Pup"

...and 'member, never tell her any secrets or you'll be sorry!

"Morton Salt" Day...

Good Morning...

First to thank you ALL for your love, your laughter, and your comments from yesterday...

I do love ya ALL!

I figured there would be a little venom for that vermin!

And I hope he read every single comment in my 360 magical 'mirror~mirror on the wall' (and in his face)! hehehe

My little Punkin has been off her feed since yesterday- And is not even wanting to drink water. She will visit Doc Spires this morning...

Earlier, my washer decided that the laundry room would make a grand swimming pool... Last night the kitchen drain came apart, and as I rinsed my dishes I was also rinsing my feet... ick. I have had that drain fixed any number of times already; each person claiming it would NEVER come apart again...

Time to call a plumber and to get things fixed right- AND I DON'T EVEN CARE IF IT IS A DAMNED WEEKEND!

But first things first- Since I have not (yet) ever been accused of NOT having my priorities straight I shall fill you all in AFTER Punkie visits the vet... Wish her well...

Hope you are all having a great Friday...

XOXO Always,

Discovered... (And Foiled Again)!

It's not new- I only needed to clarify a few 'colors' is all...

(Better grab a cup of coffee kids, it's a  l-o-n-g one)!  

But I just need everyones 'take' on it, if you don't mind... (and if you have the time)...

Added:  I am already overwhelmed by the outpouring of support here, and it's not even 3 in the pm yet!  I know I can never thank you all enough for all of your kind words...  You all make me feel so good!


Good Morning EVERYBODY!!!!    Image


Such a busy day yesterday, trying to get ahead of the very cold weather that is heading our way. (It is 23 degrees as I write).  I even decorated the old crabapple tree! (And I must have moved the camera a bit when I snapped the above picture)! Thought the photo was pretty cool anyway! Stringing lights outside when it is 50+ degrees, even if it was a bit damp, was a treat this year! I have a little timer on them too- But it never did go on at dusk as it said it would.   I jiggled the darned thing, and viola, 'LIGHTS'!   (And they even turned off when they were supposed to)!   Yay!

Yesterday was to be my last day of even trying to work outside comfortably.   So all the possible dog poo piles were removed to the fields where they will certainly fertilize the wheat crop for next year... (How come every single time I do this task, the dogs follow up with 2 more piles to be carried away)???

Procrastinating up until this point, I still needed to crawl down in the water pit by the well and take the hose down for winter.

The well is out in the pumphouse. OK, that was a stupid point~ (Where the heck else would it be)????

The pump and the pressure tank for the well are underground in a tidy little concrete area. This 'area' is approximately 7-8 feet deep, and about 5 or 6 feet square. The sides of which are concrete, and that concretre extends up above the floor level in the old milkhouse...

This is NOT a job that is classified in MY book as "womens work" (But since I looked everywhere for a man, and found none,  I thought I had better do this job, nasty as it is, and just get it over and done with).     I do not particularly care to be crawling on down there- and most especially when there is no one to even hold the light for me,  (or just even to be witness to this potentially suicidal task).

And SO, being the cowardly, (yet halfway clever person) that I am, I simply chose NOT to crawl down in that pit to get it ready for winter... Looking around, I'd found an old rake that might reach to move a few things around while I leaned over the side...

...It was actually working for me!

(Now, feeling more than a bit smug at that point, I momentarily neglected to respect the forces of gravity)...

A rather big  mistake for me... 

No, I didn't 'fall in'    ...But I did drop the darned rake!     Yup, I still had to crawl down there on a warped and rickety ladder... It is a good thing I am halfway strong too, as I came back up, the top rung of that ladder was too far gone to be putting any weight on and I had to pull myself up and over the wall then...  (Blame it on the alprazolam, Xanax,  people... remember)?

And I 'fed' all of my little animals (rodents) out there too- A few Ropax bars in the shed, the old garage and in the the calf pen too- And I use the Ropax especially for the more warfarin (D-con) resistant rodents...

(The little buggars are stealing Miss Millys dog food)! How dare they!!! But now the varmints can 'steal' a bite or two of this!   hehehe

And now, on to my title effort here...

My sincerest apologies to those 'good' men that might be reading this blog... (And I do honestly try not to lump you all together)!   But, you are forewarned-  Given my experience here, (and my own current blood pressure), I am thinking this just might be one of those "men without brains" entries... (just kidding about the B/P; I checked it and it was 96/52)...

Mr. Connecticut; You once asked me why I am not "taken" ?    That said, I would cherish any insight you might provide on the following...

As many of you might know, I have a link to my personal dating site here on my front page.  When someone contacts me through my profile on there, I always send them a link to my blog here.   Easier that way to eliminate those who might think my dating profile is a bunch of HOO~HAA,   (and yes to also eliminate those that neither can read, write, or comprehend)...

And so yesterday, I received a missive from a person about 90 miles away... (notice right away that the word "man" is not used)...

His words to me?  Well, here are just a few ot them...

******************** the first note then...


I read your entire profile, and I must say, it was intriguing. I like the 'up front' thing right off. ...(blah blah blah)...

I have a full time job here, (&) am a retired police officer... (More blah blah blah).

I have been cheated on so much, I don't know what to expect anymore from women, but I am not giving up. I can't categorize every woman with the cheating one I was with. (Blah blah blah... and a few more trivialities to end of note).


I replied to it, asking that he visit this little blog of mine to kind of get a handle on what he may/may not be getting himself into...



And he wrote this back last night:

Well, after pouring over your blog for hours, I came to the conclusion that you scare me to death and back again.

I don't need the threat of a shotgun going off, or the idea of me being arrested by your deputy friend, so I am just going to stay put here.

To be honest with you, I'd be afraid to eat a meal at your house or even talk to you because I may say or do something that would set you off, and there we'd be.

Are you sure you haven't had a movie/book based on your life called "Cybil?"

Goodness me, you come on so strong, you'd scare anyone.

I couldn't tell who was writing what you wrote, you or someone else in your close knit family and friends. I know you (claim) wrote every word, but it sounds like it is coming from several different personalities.

I can take a lot, but Anne, you are over board with your demeanor. I know it means nothing to you what I say, but Hon, if you come on this strong, it'll be a long time before you can share your life with someone of the make persuasion. I think I'll just pass on any more communication. Thanks for being so open.

It does help make up a mans mind quickly.
There will be no need to answer me here, ok?


Now, I think you ALL know me well enough to know that I am a dog and cannot leave it like that-   And so I comprised a note of my own...

his replies, (after threatening me with hiring an attorney???) are included in italicized red...

My original reply is in the brown font...  And this is the way it came back to me--- (Guess he couldn't comprise a note of his own)...



You are correct, your note probably doesn't deserve a reply-

And yet I feel I would somehow be remiss if I didn't offer one...

I am very happy that the first 23,170 people that have read my daily life/times blog didn't think like you do. (And yes, I am very proud of those page views and numbers)- Especially considering and given the fact that I can type out a few words each day and maybe humor people, or perhaps even make them feel a little better about their own seemingly impossible situations. (Some have impossible situations, some do not, but we are all of a respectful nature). These are my "FRIENDS", not just morons who cannot read or comprehend my written words...    That's because they don't know the real you

Now... If you had truly spent hours 'poring' over my own entries, I think you would have (during that time) realized that most of it is written "tongue in cheek" anyway-    Well, you hid that very well I tell you that!

I am lighthearted, (and bighearted), and I am very proud of those attributes too.     Yeah right. I can tell the way you answered me.

As are my friends and family; and ALL those that KNOW me too...

They have stood beside me when my youngest daughter has had no less than 6 surgeries in the past 12 months-

They have gathered together to offer prayers, support and love through the death of my step~daughter in September.

(And sometimes they even miss me when I do not write)...

Believe me when I tell you that I have been accused of many things in my life- But I can assure you that scaring a man "to death and back" is not one of them! That's a new one on me! Get use to it!

But I DO thank you for giving me the inspiration for tomorrows blog. You don't mind if I use your words and see what my 'readers' think of your opinion, do you?  And so I shall-    (Not sure, but I think this is where that attorney must come in)...

You are correct on another point as well... I can be brutally honest, and I believe that that aspect is also brought to light and life in my own profile on my date site- good for you

So then why even contact me to begin with?

Knowing full well that I am not some mealy~mouthed, stupid, dependent, clingy, dumb broad? Your thoughts, not mine.

Sorry, but I am looking for a REAL man that comes complete with a sense of compassion and humor; that has enough honesty to match me humor to humor...

...(and back again)!
...because without that, we would all have to be 'bored' then.

...I think this entire note you wrote is humerous. You aren't humorous at all. Maybe in your own mind you are

You are out and out dangerous.

Good luck to you, Sir.


(NOT 'hon' to you)...

You are so far from "hon" it is pathetic. Besides, I didn't mean it as a term of endearment. Far from it.

You must really think you're something huh? (Keep thinking that, someday it might come true)... 'Geez', (NOT his original word),  put that on there once and see how many responses you get.   Had I known you'd flip out like this, I surely would not have contacted you. Just proves you aren't the person you say you are in your profile.

Don't bother writing back, I have blocked you from any more emails.


"Oh. My. Freakin'  NO!"

My true colors have been tried and found waiting... And I hate it when they can figure me out, and even diagnose me so danged fast!   (I just HATE when that happens)...

And now YOU all know too, exactly what type of person I really am...   ;-)

Gee Folks, was it something I said???...


hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe !!!!!!!!!er...

Have a good one!


Oops... Sorry Hon, I meant to sign:  "CYBIL"...


...I should also add:  "I WROTE THIS"... 

...(well, one of us did anyway)!!!  hehehehehe

****Sally Field ROCKS! ****

Revisiting Yesterday...

Good Morning!

I have always heard it said that "if you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, you are only to wait a minute and it'll change"

After seeing the forecast here, methinks that will be holding true for us today/tomorrow...

It is currently 55 degrees, with rain (although I haven't heard the thunder that they have said will still come)- But by this time tomorrow we should be all of about 18 degrees, and with snow... (I am happy that Miss Slurk6k is moving and as such cannot either be online, nor be doing her 'Happy Snow Dance' in Green Bays honor) ...

Ok, now to get back to yesterday...

I first need to thank all of you who have either commiserated, or have shown the compassion that those of us that have this absolutely need.

We are not crazy.... (really!) !

I am on Paroxetine- (Paxil)- and have been for the last year. And I take the Xanax when I need to go someplace (other than the next room). I am told to take the Xanax 3 times a day... although lately the darned stuff only makes me tired- Oh, I am alright for about 3 hours (tops), and then I'd better get home and take a nap. (If this continues, I shall just have to blame the people that make the Alprazolam for any weight gain)! hehehe...

The book that was offered I have already read- and it worked just about as well as the Anxiety & Phobia Workbook that I also have, so that one's a thumbs down for me. (Besides, Dale Carnege has never had a panic attack in his life- and I liken that to Ann Landers sending people with marital problems to go talk to their priest)! Duh! I don't think so! (Did anyone else ever see the stupidity in that advice, or was it only me)???

And yes, one has an inate ability to "know" if the other person is being honest about their attacks too. That is like having someone say they understand what we go through when we get migraines, and inside themselves are saying 'yeah right'. It is simply called being a 'phony'... Nothing less, and nothing more.

Incidentally, these same people are the only people in the WWW that I would wish just one of my migraines, or anxiety attacks upon~ I do know that SURELY just ONE attack would shut them up in a big hurry!

Another friend has offered that maybe I should give up my Cherry Pepsi. And that is an excellent idea. I thought so as well, ~way back when~ and cut out any/all caffeine for almost a year. It changed neither my anxiety levels, nor did it offer any relief from my stupid head.

I do yoga, self-hypnosis (very successfully), biofeedback, and do get my fair share of exercise... (most days)... And yes, there are counselors out there who could help, but I have found that my own doctor, (giving up his lunch hours to do this for me), has provided to me the very best insight to so much. And he isn't afraid to add or to ask questions either as we go along... If I just wanted to hear myself talk, I would gladly go to a counselor.

And so, the best plan of attack is to confer with those of you, who by that awful chance have ever had this diagnosis, or have witnessed it in a very close friend, loved one, or family member... No books please, they were NOT written for me in the first place, and generally are written by people who are only writing 'second~hand' info anyway. Anyone with half a brain, and an intense desire to strike it rich by 'influencing people' could compile such information...

No thank you, I shall write my own book... (Later)...

The kids made it to Texas late last night and called to say they arrived safely! YAY! I was already asleep; but in checking my caller ID this morning, Jenne called here at 11:11pm. (That number arises again)!

Now, in my inbox this morning- a note from my Aunt. My uncle is going through his own cancer treatments, and will have his second one today... Please say a little prayer that all will be well at the end of his own treatment regimen. And yet, she is steadfastly keeping her own sense of humor- That is so badly needed when going through such a terrible thing; and most especially when things seem to be at their worst. He too has not lost his own sense of humor- When told he would be losing his hair as a side~effect of the chemo, he simply removed his hat and showed the dr. his balding head!

I also received a "Dialect Quiz" from her too!
I dare you to see how very accurate it applies to you!
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

North Central
The Midland
The Northeast
The South
The West
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

It nailed my own 'accent' pretty well!

I still find it amazing that everyone in the whole world claims that those of us in Wisconsin have an accent... How come all the TV shows movies and such are then MOST "dialected" toward our "accent" then???

Nope. No accents here!

And there are specific 'wordisms' too from any given geographical locale... I had to laugh when Jade was here the other night, and I had asked her if she wanted a 'pop'... (She looked at me as though I had lost my mind, until Jenne clarified that to her)! Although I forgot to ask her is she even knew then what a 'bubbler' was; I would be willing to bet that she does not! Do you?

Yes, we really DO have "bubblers" in NE Wisconsin!!!

I had better close for today and get busy once more- Maybe today I shall actually even 'find' my house- It is under this mess... somewhere!!!

Have a good one- (and one for me too)! hehehe


I think the above pic is one of Salvadore Dali's paintings? It was just weird enough to use today...

I DID IT! (barely)... Anxiety...

Good Morning!

It is raining and/or sleeting... I hear it hit the window here and it even sounds cold; although the temp is hovering aruond 40 degrees out there...

Ok... Here is a topic that I have touched upon in many of my blogs, but never really got into...

I got into town yesterday- (an achievement of sorts for me with respect to my little anxiety thing)... I got a few necessities, and was almost home before the 1/2 Xanax I took wore off... and it is such a sickening feeling when that happens.

Gosh. Crap. (Help)? Does ANYONE else in the whole world have this issue, or am I losing what little was left of my sane? mind to begin with?

Having had this anxiety/panic/ptsd going on for the past about 10 years or so, I cannot begin to tell you how very tired I am of it all... And I just want my life back. (Or even someone elses, doesn't matter), I just want to 'be'.

Yes, I still have all my Christmas shopping to do yet- Perhaps Casey will do that after she gets home from Texas? Jennifer, CaseyAnne and even Roberta have all done grocery shopping for me already- countless times... And I hate the fact that I have always prided myself on being ever so independent for my entire lifetime, and now to be like this...

I have lost much humor about it too... And some days, (way too few and far between), I am the "ANNA-ANNA" I was before... And I think one of the worst things, besides not being able to go to mass, is that fact that I have never even taken Miss Valerie shopping! Guess that is one of the things I used to dream of doing with my grandbabies... among many other things. And it does my heart good to hear what you Folks are able to do on a daily basis too. (Yes, I CAN live vicariously through you)!

And yet, this 'bloggythingie' of mine brings me out, and has brought me friends, and makes me feel good! (Well, 'cept when you holler at me)... But even that makes me feel good!

Yup, weird! Image (Really freakin' ridiculous if you ask me)...

So anyway, I did get home in one piece, not too much worse for the wear... so I shouldn't complain really- (Home is as nice a place to be as most any other places I have seen)! And yes, I DO know full well that there are any number of worse things that I could be going through, and that many of you are.

While I was in the store yesterday, I even broke down and bought some Christmas cards.

So this is your LAST CHANCE to be sending me your addresses, (should you want me to be having a little fun with my Christmas list)!!! he~he~he ...Just hit the message button though, I am sure you do not care to have your address out there for the whole world to see!

Oh, and yay!, I did hear from the kids too... They got to Missouri- (south central), about 9:30 last night- They got a bit of a late start yesterday morning, and left Green Bay at 8, (instead of the 5 AM that Jenne was originally shooting for)... Casey said they would leave by 8 this morning to be to Texas tonight. I am so happy that they are driving too. One gets to actually "SEE" the country as they go along!

I had better close for now and get to being busier than I have been lately!

Hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday!!!


Below is the host webpage http://www.artistrue.com/details/Abstract/anxiety.htm with the above image in its original context.

Yesterdaze Clothes...

Good Monday Morning to All!

I received the above picture in an email... I think it personifies exactly how I feel and LQQK right now! (Except for those booties- mine MUST have the heel covered)!

The troops are southward~bound... (and to those southern temperatures too)!

They will be staying overnight in Missouri at Jade and Isaiahs Grandmothers house. Jade will remain at her Grandmothers, (& her dad will pick her up next week). Jenne, Casey and Isaiah will leave Missouri (again bright and early) tomorrow morning for Texas. And should be able to arrive later tomorrow evening... Please wish them all well.

Such a weekend we had around here...

And at Zoe and Erics too!

I think (hope?) you have all had a chance to see my new pictures! (Photo album entitled Winter 2006~2007). And aren't they cute?

...Even Mr. Mikey, (my nephew), who made it his responsibility for the evening to get into almost every picture I took. (And probably everyone elses too)! Such a card he is! And yet, so wonderful with Master Gabriel too! (If anyone should become a pediatrician it is Michael).

He IS that good with the babies!
And he also did not believe that I would post this picture either---

Wrong again Mikey! hehehe
I also believe, most fervently, that Zoe and Eric should open a restaurant together.
THEY are that good in the kitchen!

And a special cranberry sauce for dipping the turkey in for those brave enough to try. Michael and I absolutely loved it! Different. But SO good too! Nice too that like my sister Mary, they always have a little something new on their table when they cook. Mary has always shared new recipes too! (Guinea Pigs that we are)!

These 'kids' are so cool- (Us big kids had a great time too)! So many little jokes- So much laughter too, and isn't that what makes it all worthwhile anyway?

Zoe and Erics home is just beautiful, and we all got watch his pictures of before, during and after their remodeling. Such good work- Lots of sleepless nights, but all is well that ends well- Their home is 'picture~perfect' now! And even the darned basement! Eric has his drums set up. The basement is now carpeted, and the pool table even got put up! A beautiful old Brunswick... And of course a dartboard on the wall- I couldn't resist... I tried throwing a few darts and embarassed myself ~bigtime~ Sure wish my "hand" would hurry up and work already!!!

On the way home, I brought my Little Miss Valerie over to Nancys for the evening, and Master Gabriel and I came back here. I put him to bed about 8; (he didn't like me at all after that). Roberta got here to collect him shortly after 10. I was just finishing up some of Gabriels wash, so timing was perfect. We chatted a while, and shortly thereafter, Casey also got here. In the meanwhile, she had run to Pulaski to meet Robertas friend, and then she even went back to Jenne's going away celebration. Like me, she was SO tired; (I'd had a 21 and a half hour day)... So after Berta left with my Little Gabriel, Casey and I both went straight to bed.

(These little people sure can wear out a grandmother)!
But isn't he just so adorable too!

CaseyAnne, Jennifer, Jade and Isaiah came out last night- I had been napping on the couch, and awoke with a wonderful hug and kiss from Jade.

Such a beautiful girl- (14, going on 30).

Man, I don't think I ever looked that good! (Oh wait, maybe WHEN I was 25, in the summertime, and with the lights down real low)! hehehe

Jade is another of Brads children, living on the west coast with her mother, and here to visit family... (which happily includes ME too)!

I miss them all already! And Punk is going to miss the heck out of her friend Isaiah- They would always fight for Jennifers attention; Punk would wait until Isaiah was doing something else and then quick would become Jennes lap dog-

(Yes, even at 80+ pounds)!

Isaiah would catch her on his mamas lap, and there would be hell to pay after he crawled up there too!! I think this dog is so spoiled!

My little Punkin will be a whole 8 months old tomorrow! (Where has the year gone)?

I'd better close and get on with my day- As my title implies, I woke up in the same clothes I had worn yesterday... Just so tired. And perhaps a bit anemic. I shall have to begin taking my vitamins for a while- (If I take them religiously every day, the magnesium in them sets off my head, so I take a break from them every now and then for a week or so)... Time for my shower!

But before I do, you ALL must go to my friends page here, "Reconstituted Teenager" page... She has an entry entitled "Random Acts of Kindness" that should give us all something to do- (Please click on either of those links above)...

Do what she asks in her entry- And please leave her a comment that you were there too- We should do this not only for Christmas, or December, but for all the days of the whole year!

I should also add that I believe in the goodness of all of my fanily and friends on here. (Just tell her "Anna-Anna" sent you)!

Have a 'Fun'derful day!

Anne Image


...YES, Miss Chris, I did finally get PIE!

Turkey in DePere Today!

Good Morning!

I will probably be keeping this real short for today...  Casey is asleep upstairs- A rough day for her yesterday as she had her own migraine to tend to...  Two of my kids inherited them, the other two did not.

Caseys girlfriend Jenny M. is home for the holiday- Was  here last night then, and they watched a few movie... The two of them are going Christmas shopping tomorrow all day- Knowing Casey, she will go this one time (always organized) and get it all done at once. I am never that organized... Are you?

The picture is of my kitchen, turned salon on Thanksgiving.  Roberta highlighting Jennifers hair-    Jenne is much taller than Berta, Berta had wanted to check the 'doneness' of the lightening process... Jenne plopped right on the floor!  (I guess you had to be there, but it sure was funny)...

Zoe and Eric are hosting their own Thanksgiving this afternoon- Followed by Jennifers little 'going away' party!  And since the 30th is Isaiahs birthday, I am thinking that I should get to the store and get a little something... (Oh, they will be missed)!   Plans are for the three of them to leave bright and early Monday morning...

Mary (my sister), has already called- They will also be there!  Yay!  She is working 3 or 4 jobs, so who knew if they could make it or not!

Roberta, supposed to work this afternoon, will not be there- But I do have Master Gabriel here so at least he will be in attendance!

I am really looking forward to this all- Should be fun, Fun, FUN!!  (And I am even thinking that there will even be PIE)!  

Unca BoBBie said he was stuck eating raspberry pie on Turkey Day-  (Oh, that poor man)!  I think right about now, I would exchange one of my daughters in exchange for a piece of that pie!  hehehe

Moms friend used to have a restaurant in the U.P. of Michigan; and he would always have fresh raspberry pie- EVERY day!  It wasn't often that we could get up that way, but we always stopped to have some pie when we did!  Dad always got the apple pie- with a chunk of cheddar to go with it- (None of that "ala mode" for him)... Mom and Mary were the Lemon Meringue kids, and I was 'stuck' with the raspberry pie then ALL to myself!

It occurs to me that I didn't even think to ask Zelda if Miss Valerie has gone up north this weekend...  Sam goes hunting, and so maybe she is up there- Maybe not-  And hopefully they got some venison... And no, Casey only saw that one deer on opening day, and David shot it!!! Oh well...

I had better get busy, as I must make a bit of breakfast- and then make some of the green bean casserole for our meal this afternoon! Zoe said her turkey is well over 22 pounds! I am not going to eat any of it though...

...I'm saving room for PIE!

I do hope you are all having wunnaful weekends!




T-Day After! The Awful Void...

Hope your turkey (or filet mignon) was excellent!

As for me, I availed myself of the unseasonably warm temps and cleaned up the yard a bit. Had some branches cut last weekend that were left in the R/W of the ditch, and it was high time to pretty that up a bit. (Oh, who am I trying to kid? One cannot really 'pretty~up' these ditches)... But anyway, I did a bunch of clearing it all out; and have already started building my burn pile for next spring in the backyard.

The above picture is exactly what I have been seeing since I woke up at about 12:30 this morning...  And am very happy that I do not have to go driving in it- How ever do people see anything when it is SO foggy? This is Pea~Soup Fog, Folks-  I couldn't even see the darned kennel!

And yet, I know there are plenty of DieHard shoppers out there, already grabbing up the first bargains they can see- and fighting their way through the hoards of other shoppers.

Not me. Never did it, and hopefully will never have to either!

No way, NO how!

And it is NOT even the biggest shopping day of the year, as so many have proclaimed it to be... It hasn't ranked that way in recent history either.

Now as for yesterdays entry...

I was not too certain how to go about s~t~r~e~t~c~h~i~n~g  that little mouse with its broken neck into serving enough food for the minions that appeared on my doorstep in the afternoon... So I cheated and we might have eaten a bit of turkey; some mashed potatoes that Casey made- and a few other things too.  My GI tract is currently quite unhappy with all of that!  (Must have been that 'mousey mouse' gravy)? hehehe  Image

But NO PIE!!!   Image

How awful is that???   That's like bad 'secs' or something- It's just wrong, and what's the point anyway? !  

The Fed-Ex guy didn't drop off any pie- Image

Nor did the airlines... Image

None was found in my mailbox- (or my inbox for that matter)- Image

I looked in the fridge. Image

I looked in the cupboards. Image

And I looked under my bed. (No wonder the damned cat died)... Image

Just NO PIE anywhere!!!   It gave me such bad dreams that I couldn't sleep, (overcome by this one little section of my tummy that was just so completely empty).

VOID OF PIE!!!  Image

Casey, Jenne, Isaiah, and Roberta came out- (& they didn't bring pie either).   Image

Berta did Jenne's hair... putting the highlights in, and on Sunday she will be cutting it also-  Hopefully she will have time to also cut mine- Am thinking about shaving it off if I cannot come up with a style I like.   (Um, sorry, no 'double~dog~dares' will be accepted)!

And so, it is onward and upward to Christmas, and the New Year too...  That makes me tired even thinking about it all; and like some of my compadres on here I shall be at least thinking of finding those decorations...

...maybe anyway...

Time to jump start my day!

...(and YAY!, Casey has just come in)!!!




T-Day After! The Awful Void...

Hope your turkey (or filet mignon) was excellent!

As for me, I availed myself of the unseasonably warm temps and cleaned up the yard a bit. Had some branches cut last weekend that were left in the R/W of the ditch, and it was high time to pretty that up a bit. (Oh, who am I trying to kid? One cannot really 'pretty~up' these ditches)... But anyway, I did a bunch of clearing it all out; and have already started building my burn pile for next spring in the backyard.

The above picture is exactly what I have been seeing since I woke up at about 12:30 this morning...  And am very happy that I do not have to go driving in it- How ever do people see anything when it is SO foggy? This is Pea~Soup Fog, Folks-  I couldn't even see the darned kennel!

And yet, I know there are plenty of DieHard shoppers out there, already grabbing up the first bargains they can see- and fighting their way through the hoards of other shoppers.

Not me. Never did it, and hopefully will never have to either!

No way, NO how!

And it is NOT even the biggest shopping day of the year, as so many have proclaimed it to be... It hasn't ranked that way in recent history either.

Now as for yesterdays entry...

I was not too certain how to go about s~t~r~e~t~c~h~i~n~g  that little mouse with its broken neck into serving enough food for the minions that appeared on my doorstep in the afternoon... So I cheated and we might have eaten a bit of turkey; some mashed potatoes that Casey made- and a few other things too.  My GI tract is currently quite unhappy with all of that!  (Must have been that 'mousey mouse' gravy)? hehehe  Image

But NO PIE!!!   Image

How awful is that???   That's like bad 'secs' or something- It's just wrong, and what's the point anyway? !  

The Fed-Ex guy didn't drop off any pie- Image

Nor did the airlines... Image

None was found in my mailbox- (or my inbox for that matter)- Image

I looked in the fridge. Image

I looked in the cupboards. Image

And I looked under my bed. (No wonder the damned cat died)... Image

Just NO PIE anywhere!!!   It gave me such bad dreams that I couldn't sleep, (overcome by this one little section of my tummy that was just so completely empty).

VOID OF PIE!!!  Image

Casey, Jenne, Isaiah, and Roberta came out- (& they didn't bring pie either).   Image

Berta did Jenne's hair... putting the highlights in, and on Sunday she will be cutting it also-  Hopefully she will have time to also cut mine- Am thinking about shaving it off if I cannot come up with a style I like.   (Um, sorry, no 'double~dog~dares' will be accepted)!

And so, it is onward and upward to Christmas, and the New Year too...  That makes me tired even thinking about it all; and like some of my compadres on here I shall be at least thinking of finding those decorations...

...maybe anyway...

Time to jump start my day!

...(and YAY!, Casey has just come in)!!!




A Rodent For Repast!

And finally!!!! ...
Our Thanksgiving meal is secured!

YAY! (I was worried there for a while)...

There is a bittersweet end to this varmint. Meal for him, meal for us! How cool is that? And hopefully his family will read this, and see what will happen should they decide to enter my home! Din Din Morris!

I believe I might have even slept past 1:37 this morning had my cell phone not kept continually reverberating with a new text message for me... After I crawled out of bed- (ok, 'off of couch') I checked the text... It was from Jenne, and said simply, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

And really Folks, that is enough Thanksgiving wishes for me! Although I thank you all for them, I have received a thousand reminders that I need to find something to be thankful for or I am unpatriotic or even un~Christian- Hence, un~American... (The thought itself brings on a whole slew of attitude for me)! After all, being Indian, how much more 'American' can one get?

And yet, that said, George Carlin begs to differ...

Across my desk from Cousin Buttercup aka "Nishgiggles"...
George Carlin on Indians.....

"Now the Indians. I call them Indians because that's what they are. They're Indians. There's nothing wrong with the word 'Indian'.

First of all, it's important to know that the word Indian does not derive from Columbus mistakenly believing he had reached 'India.'
India was not even called by that name in 1492; it was known as "Industan".
More likely, the word Indian comes from Columbus's description of the people he found here. He was an Italian, and did not speak or write very good Spanish, so in his written accounts he called the Indians:
"Una gente in Dios."
(Translated): "A people in God."
In God. In Dios.
Indios. Indians.
It's a perfectly noble and respectable word.

As far as calling them 'Americans' is concerned, do I even have to point out what an insult this is? -----
We steal their hemisphere, kill twenty or so million of them, destroy five hundred separate cultures, herd the survivors onto the worst land we can find, and now we want to name them after ourselves? It's appalling!

Haven't we done enough damage?
Do we have to further degrade them by tagging them with the repulsive name of their conquerors?
You know, you'd think it would be a fairly simple thing to come over to this continent, commit genocide, eliminate the forests, damup the rivers, build our malls and massage parlors, sell our blenders and whoopee cushions, poison ourselves with chemicals, and let it go at that. But no. We have to compound the insult.

...I'm glad the Indians have gambling casinos now. It makes me happy that dimwitted white people are losing their rent money to the Indians.
Maybe the Indians will get lucky and win their country back.
Probably wouldn't want it...
...Look at what we did to it." ...end quote...
Amusing? True? (Again, "bittersweet")...
I do not know whether Mr. Carlin actually has penned these words...
Irregardless, it reflects many points...
"Food For Thought" if you will...
"Food"? (Did somebody say "FOOD")????
Oh, and just so you know... I DO hate all of your entries that bespeak of your many recipes and references to food... (They always make my stomach growl).
And that would be funny enough if I didn't have a pup at my feet that, every now and then 'growls' in her sleep. (And no, my feet don't stink)!?! hehehe...
I have taken to growling back at her- I do not know whether she wakes or not, but she will definitely try to keep it up then. How fun!
Punkins sister, Sadie, even made the newspaper- Being the 'daughter' of a photographer, she is featured as the 'salesdog' for Coleman Pillows for ShopKo! And so, Miss Milly has birthed a celebrity!
(Maybe if I buy one of those pillows, Punk will sit pretty on it too)?
Do ya think?
(Me neither).
And so begins my day for me... I shall have to go surf the 'www' for some special "Recipes for Rodent flesh" now.
Have a wunnaful, warm, and cozy day!

The Day My Big Sister Lost Her Mind!


First of all, I MUST caution you all-

(The blog ahead, and the pictures enclosed, should carry a Parental Warning)!!!

Good Morning!

I have been up for so very long already and am only now getting to my own blog here- And I haven't even gotten in the shower yet- just reading and reading and reading...

(You guys are all too very interesting for me to have to put the proverbial book down)!

And so I shall begin speaking of the weather... hehehe... But it is noteworthy (yesterday and today)... Not enough sun, but was almost 70 degrees outside- Punk, Milly and I 'played' for quite a while. (OK OK, so the dogs played while I dug out my flower bed).

Jenne and Isaiah came out last night, and if I would have planned ahead, I would have made some supper for them. (But there is little cooking when I am outside too)... But such a wonderful evening out there as we sat and talked a bit. My Little Man Isaiah played with the dogs, and then took to showing his mama and myself how to do exercises.

First, you put your right foot in... you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in...

...(Because yes, the hokey-pokey IS what it's all about)!...




Then there are the push-ups...

UGH~ (I had all I could do to lift the darned camera)!




Later, you must be able to reach for the moon and the stars...

...(with your feet)!





And you always, always have to be ready and able to pick Mama up when she gets stuck...

(and that's a LOT)!!!



It made my day to romp around a bit after dark...


...And you have yet NOT even been enlightened as to how my day began...





(This IS where the CAUTION FLAG goes up)...

This is how my day began!











Going down to the basement a few days ago, and KNOWING I had 'company' of some sort; I opted to put the mousetrap out again. I put Peanut Butter in it.  (Since this is Punkies most favorite treat in the whole world, I have to put that trap out of her reach)... And so, I chose one of the two crawlspaces/shelves.

Being overly concerned about the pup, never for one minute did I think about "what if I trap one?"
nd even MORE importantly "Where WILL that trap, and its contents, BE in direct proportion to my face???"

As I went downstairs yesterday morning- (having forgotten ALL about the trap), I came almost face-to-face with the above picture- A mere 9" away...  And I am not afraid of mice, and most especially NOT afraid of a little old dead one...
...But they startle me, (most especially when there is a dead one IN MY FACE)!

Dead mice--- Hmmmmmmmmm  

Gets me to thinking back...


(Oh no, here I go again)!!!


When we were kids, Mary and I did NOT get along one teeny tiny bit, (unless there was some real juicy blackmail involved)...

And another thing that I had neglected to write about yesterday was that 'on the side' Dad had sold new and used machinery-
The machinery field was behind the barn, about the size of a football field.

Now you are really going to have to stay with me on this...

One morning I was particularly mad at Mary (I think just for being here and all- Who knows)?  And I went about my chores at the speed of sound... While pitching the hay down, I had 'company' in the hay mow too- A cat, owned by Jim Peters, would always come around in search of mice- (and female cats). He was a very skittish cat- We called him "Blackie" ...(Guess why).

I turned and saw Blackie behind me, having caught a mouse, and he tortured it while I was doing my work. When I was done, I closed the door to the barn- This scared Blackie off, and he left his mouse behind- (it was, for the most part, UN-eaten)... Devious little hellraiser that I might have been in those days, I got to thinking, and when my chores were done I collected that mouse and deposited it right into the pocket of Marys barn coat...

What else may/may not have happened that day escapes me now. I only know that, by the time our evening chores rolled around I had plum forgot all about that little bitty deceased mouse in the pocket of the snippy elder sister...

As we were doing chores that night, Dad had a customer that had come to check out a plow... Mary agreed to do the milking while he was in the upper field with that man- and I went up to the haymow. Mom was in the kitchen still doing the supper dishes...

ALL OF A DAMNED SUDDEN, I hear the biggest, loudest most desperate scream/screech that I have EVER heard in my life (before and since), coming from the barn under my feet. I ran across the hay mow, to peek out between the barn boards... At this point, I see my sister, dancing around the yard, still screeching... (Even at that point it still hadn't jogged my memory)...

When she became a bit more coherent, (still dancing around the yard, trying desperately to remove all of her clothing without undoing any of the zippers and buttons)...   

I could not know what she was shrieking-  The fearful word(s) spewing from her piehole, consisted of a two-syllable word...


(C'mon, what the heck is "mow-iss" anyway)????

On and on and on she danced and shrieked...
Meanwhile the awful moment of truth strikes me when I decipher her noise...
...to be a ONE-SYLLABLE WORD = 'mouse'.  

...And just to cover my 10 year old butt, I go running down to the yard-
Just as Mom is trying to comfort Mary- (and just as Pa is rounding the corner of the machinery field, with that perspective customer right on his heels)!!!

Everyone is bewildered as Mary still is attempting to strip naked in front of God, her family, the customer, the cats, the dog, the cows etc etc etc...
She does NOT stop this dance until the coat is physically removed from herself, and from her sight...
Taking a breath as her eyeballs are now almost popped out opf her head, matching the artery in her neck,  she threatens my life about 10 times in as many seconds..  

And she is so overwrought that she is allowed to be dismissed from the barn as soon as the customer left- (Which wasn't very long after that display of "WACKY" Mary behavior)!!!   
...Oooh, Pa was MAD!


And then they ALL had the nerve to try to blame ME!!!! ???

(I even got 'swored at')...

And so I said the only thing I could say at that moment in time...

"Yeah right- I know that stupid mouse just must have crawled in there, realized it was Marys coat, (because SHE stinks), and then he died from it."

That was my story and I stuck to it!!!

Up until about 10 years ago anyway, when I could no longer keep my secret.... (It was simply burning a hole in my halo and I couldn't take it anymore)!

For some strange reason,  Mary still doesn't 'feel the love' or see the humor in that situation...
Even Mom laughed then...

Yes, Mom was still alive at that point- (If she laughed NOW, I would be a little freaked)...
hehehe ... And I would just have to get going on that deja vu, and paranormal entry I have promised to you all...


I will get to it SOON...




PS~ to Miss Splurk6K... No need for that danged snowdancing- we will have 3-4" of new snow by tomorrow night...