[My] Life in Wisconsin

Froggy Fog... & A Baby Giraffe!

Good Sunday Morning to All;







I awoke this morning to a pitiful bark coming from the kennel...

Miss Milly most certainly does NOT like it when she has to go somewhat blind in the fog. (Gee, I know people like that)... Looking out the window, I am having a hard time to distinguish the form of the old shed, even under the yardlight.

(Yup, foggy)!

Once Miss Milly heard Punk and I outside, she quieted down accordingly.

The fog comes on the heels of more than a few storms, (thankfully none severe)...



On the way back from Suamico...




And this one, arriving about 45 minutes after that one...




In between raindrops, Casey had a bit of fun with the dogs, singing to them(?) and making them wait for their treats...




These two dogs, being the epitome of 'patience'...




then she makes Miss Milly 'dance' for her pigs ears!




And after that, Punkin, to be bored once more because it's raining!




Still... this rain, so badly needed, and so good for my weeds too!



And how they have almost swallowed up the 100 lb rock by the barngrade



I won't even begin to discuss what these rains have done to my garden weeds...

Casey, out looking at the garden on Friday evening, saw the baby giraffe out by the woods. Came inside then to tell me ~and to grab the camera~ (bless her heart)!




This picture, taken across almost 20 acres...
Do you see him, standing there?



But it wasn't a giraffe, baby or otherwise... only a HUGE Sand Crane!!! hehehe



But then...



"BIGFOOT" had chanced to take a stroll through my garden!


.Such is Life in Flintville for the past few days... hehehe

On that note I'd better close. The drain in my kitchen sink was not working properly, and so I had used some L~Plumber. Still stinky in here from that.... Yes, I do have all the windows open, but I think the fog/humidity is not letting the stink escape... (Time for a fan then, and set to "high").

Kelli and Tim will be here to finish the roof over the back entrance. (That is, if the rain will hold off for a while)!

Have a wunnaful Sun-nie-day!!!


PS OK, it is light outside now... The shed really IS still there!!!