[My] Life in Wisconsin

Ready. Set.. JUNE!!! (bug)

Good Morning All!
I see that Miss DeBee has posted a thank you for those of you that were kind enough to have visited her pages, and mine, and to have offered your condolences to herslef and to Derek as well... (I thank you too)!

Roberta came out with My Little Master Gabriel. I have not yet figured out exactly which language he speaks in, but whatever it is, he is very knowlegable about many things, and very excited to talk about any/everything. I swear this little man has an opinion on everything! hehehe

We took the little wagon, hitched to the back of the cub cadet and made our way back to the woods...



Miss Punk gets the part without the rug!
...and we are OFF!
This is to be Master Gabriels first walk down to the river...
A reassuring hug from Mama... "Boy Grandma, that's a LONG way down!"




About 1/3rd of the way down, Gabriel is thinking that this isn't too bad!
And down at the bottom it is easier to walk... (well a little easier anyway)...




But, "OUCH!", if you step on an odd branch, it can/will hit you in the face!




An old campfire, cleaned by the risen river in spring...




Going UP is MUCH harder... and lots more fun (if you are 19 months old)!



"Grandma WAIT!" We got 5 more feet up already...




And then it is time to head home once again; and get to the chores that nedd doing.




...and he STILL was full of p&v; wanting to help shovel!




Since there is no snow he had to rescue a drowning June Bug before his nap!
He didn't like that too much. (The bug OR the nap..)!




Roberta did the weedwhacking while I mowed the ditches. (And I really don't think the young man napped when he was laid down... A lot of babbling and fun, a bit of quiet. He filled his drawers and was ready to go again! hehehe (More energy than Mama and Grandma had left)!

Hope you all have a grand day!!!
