[My] Life in Wisconsin

Mushrooms in Bloom (and other scattered~brained fun)...

Those darned squirrels still get to the birdfeeder...
They climb the little post, and JUMP onto the feeder!
This drives the cat crazy- Me too.
The "FIX" will be posted tomorrow... hehehe
Good Morning All.
I am way too late for Ten Thought Tuesday, so this will be a "Random Wednesday"

Received in my email. I have to begin with it. It is both terrifying and beautiful.


There are few things in this life more difficult to experience than the loss of one's child. Jim Wallis tells about a sad and terrifying incident that occurred during the tragic war in Sarajevo not too many years back.

A reporter who was covering the violence in the middle of the city saw a little girl fatally shot by a sniper.

The reporter threw down his pad and pencil and rushed to the aid of a man who was now holding the child. He helped them both into his car and sped off to a hospital.

"Hurry, my friend," the man urged, "my child is still alive."
A moment or two later he pleaded, "Hurry, my friend, my child is still breathing."
A little later he said, "Hurry, my friend, my child is still warm."

When they got to the hospital, the young girl was gone.
"This is a terrible task for me," the distraught man said to the reporter. "I must go tell her father that his child is dead. He will be heartbroken."

The reporter was amazed. He looked at the grieving man and said, "I thought she was YOUR child."

The man replied, "No, but aren't they all our children?"

I think that is one of the great questions of our age.
Aren't they all our children?
It is a question that deserves an answer.

Aren't they all our children?
Those who live under our roof and those who reside with another family?
Those to whom we are related as well as those whom we have never known?

Aren't they all our children?
Those on our side of the border as well as those on the other side?
Those of our nation no more or less than those of another?

Aren't they all our children?
Those who worship like us and those who worship differently? Those who look like us and those who do not?

Aren't they all our children?
The well-educated and the under-educated?
The well-fed and the under-fed?
Those who are secure and those who are at risk?

Aren't they all our children?
The highly valued and highly esteemed as well as the castaways and the lost?

Aren't they all our children?
Aren't they all our responsibility?
ALL of them?
Ours to nurture?
Ours to protect?
Ours to love?

I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that the survival of our world hinges on the answer to that question.

To say they are NOT all our children is to condemn the world to more struggle
– family against family,
- group against group,
- nation against nation.

Aren't they all our children?
If we say yes, can we ever again pit them against each other?
"If we have no peace," said Mother Teresa, "it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

Aren't they all our children?

There may be no greater question for our generation.
And how we answer that question will determine the shape of our world for years to come.

Back to our homefront...

The wiegelia (sp) are in bloom- (However it's spelled they are pretty).
Casey's dark purple irises are blooming too...
And I think this mushroom might have been blooming too?
...before it got squished by the rider... hehehe
(It's my blog and if I say mushrooms bloom, then they bloom)!
Some "bloomin' bird" walked all over Jenné's car...
And I am left wondering if dogs bloom after they shed???
Even Punk didn't recognize Old Man Miller!
But yes, it is him, after a shave.

Still lovin' Tigger
And MUCH cooler this way too...

Sweet Pea got me to wondering what this is after her own blog yesterday...
It is very heavy, about 9 or 10 inches across.
And very old.
No markings on the bottom either.
Not sure if it would be Native or Mexican. Does anyone know?
We took a ride to Appleton yesterday afternoon to pick up an 18'x4' pool.
Hopefully we can get it set up soon too.

The bridges seem very treacherous down there...
On the way back, we stopped to see Master Gabriel.
They were all playing in the back yard!
Master Gabriel came running in the house as I was talking to his "mom" (NOT Berta), and exclaimed that he needed a "Grandma Kiss" !!!

HOW COOL IS THAT?!? (I can truly live on that for a long time)!!!

He wanted to plant a yellow pepper- Seeing the seeds on the inside, he and his sisters scattered those seeds in hopes of more pepper plants.
Showing his pepper to Isaiah
Hopefully at least one of those plants will grow for them...

Isaiah rode with me after we left.
He wanted to know "when can we go back?"
So much fun playing with other kids!

So what does everyone think about getting that pool set up???
I wholeheartedly agree.
They can't wait either!

For now I must go into town for a bit- A few groceries & other things to get too.

My love to all!


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Have a "wunnaful" Wednesday!


Wednesday June 17, 2009 - 12:29pm (CDT)

Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.