[My] Life in Wisconsin

Chlorinated Death and Elbow Grease...

Chlorinated Death and Elbow Grease...
Chlorinated Death and Elbow Grease... magnify
See blog for fascinating info on this picture...

Good Morning ALL!

Having gone to the fridge for a pick~me~up shot of caffeine, (read: Wild Cherry Pepsi); I found something inside that assaulted my delicate olfactory sense.

The following became obvious to me to me in a heartbeat:
Overnight, as I lay sleeping; something crawled in my refigerator.
"It" has now died.

*From the smell of "it", I believe it might be yet another dead, rotting chupacabra.
(See photo above of one I had taken in the woods 2 years ago)...
Damn things.
(And here I thought my goat would be safe if I kept him in the fridge).

Time to find the bleach, and scrub.

Have a good one.
Love to all!



To read more about Los Chupacabras >CLICK HERE<


originally posted on my 360; Monday January 7, 2008 - 06:51am (CST)

"Til Last Night...

'Til Last Night...
'Til Last Night... magnify

Good Morning All;

Seems an odd Sunday already... No Green Bay Packers Game. My helmet will just have to wait 'til next weekend!

And that's OK with me; (in that I won't be having to jump up and down today at all).

I hurt my darned back the other day carrying something that would have been better carried by two. Right now, it even hurts to take a deep breath.
This too shall pass. (It always does)...

If you have ever 'thrown' your back out, you know that with this pain comes one heck of a tough time to even fall to sleep...

I went upstairs early, wishing only for the sandman. (Sad, that).
But I did fall asleep before too long.

Then comes the process of trying to remain asleep.
~Telling myself before sleep came NOT to move. (Didn't work too well though).
So inbetween those hours of a waking, painful sleepiness I did try to roll a few times. Big mistake.
I have been up since about 2:40AM.

These waking hours coming only after having been woken up quite fiercely by a thump on my skull.

Not fun.
Certainly not funny either.
And especially no fun when one is startled even more painfully out of sleep.

A bit of background here...
The "thing" pictured at the top of the page is a handheld wooden massager, given to me by Polly some years ago. I call him Arnie, and I keep Arnie on the headboard of my bed when it is not down here rubbing someones back.
Up until last night, keeping it there was never a problem.

A bit MORE background too...
I have a cat. His name is Sputnik.

***This cats sole purpose in life, until last night, was to catch any mowisses that would dare to enter my home; and to pester the dogs at least twice every day.
(Mr. Sputnik gets very high accolades in BOTH of those departments).

Back to last night now...

...As I lay sleeping, (dreamless, but still asleep), of a sudden, something collides directly with the middle back portion of my noggin; hitting it with an obvious catapulted force.

This was not a mere 'gee, it fell off the headboard' thing... No, this "thing" was actually thrown at my head with great force.

Simultaneously, I just about jump out of my dang jammies, (definitely out of the bed), and come fully awake; feeling Arnie laying on one of my pillows.
repeat, WTH???

Until last night, Arnie never moved of his own accord...
...(At least I don't think he ever did)...

Time for a bit of light and some eyesight too.
Being that my back was hurting, I could not reach my lamp.

Nor could I even find my glasses!
Clearly, they were NOT where I had left them last night!?!??
(OK, OK,
not so 'clearly' then)!
...And even Miss Punk, lying sound asleep at the foot of the bed, was more than a little confused too.

With great effort, (and a bit more cussing at my head and my back), I find my glasses 4 feet north of where they had been taken off, and 3 feet down.
These too seemingly having been tossed off the nightstand by some godforsaken unknown sweeping force...

Locating them, AND the lightswitch, I finally have eyesight (AND light)! What more would one possibly need at 2:40 in the morning??? And with that light came the discovery that Mr. Damn Sputnik was trying to curl himself up all comfy~like, upon my headboard.
(Nice of you to dust it off for me, Sputty, but no you may NOT sleep there).

And yes, I had to fight the urge to bat that cat off the headboard!!!


Sputty as a 'working' cat........ . Sputty as a pain in the @ss


Not being able to fall back to sleep, what to do but to come back here and read. Yes, I have been running around silly on the web here today...

Casey and Greg got here pretty late (um, 'early') ~and with herself in pain all over again. She sleeps right now. Thankfully so.

And I do believe that before the day is done I shall be napping a bit myself.
*Makes mental note to close and lock the cat in bathroom before heading back upstairs at any point...

Have a wunnaful Sunday!


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originally posted on my 360, Sunday January 6, 2008 - 09:30am (CST)