[My] Life in Wisconsin

Any Solid Ideas?

Any Solid Ideas?

Cute picture was taken inside of Miss Millys Cedar doghouse- One pup asleep in the front corner... There aren't words...

More of the little ones have found a new home this weekend already- And if you have read the entry title here, then you know I will be needing your suggestions...

Miss Milly has a bit of a fever now- and the diarrhea too- Will see if I notice any improvement tomorrow- if not, I will bring her in. Like I said, these pups are taking their toll on her right about now- Have told my 'owners' since the pups have had puppy chow since week 2, and they are all healthy, ready to be paper trained etc etc etc, that I would NOT be against removing them a bit early-

Everybody wants them to have more time with their mama, but what they do not understand is that if Milly gets too sick, then it is neither constuctive nor healthy time spent with their mama.

Sadly, life in the animal kingdom, domesticated dogs included, still is survival of the fittest-
This would translate to Milly being the fittest. The alternative would be that I remove her from the pups- Will see what our vet has to say about it. But am afraid that is what he will probably recommend...

Because of my stupid head here, I did not get any seeds in the ground yesterday Hate to 'lose' these planting days, but I just napped on and off all day- My tummy is off now from the migraine meds I took yesterday. (Gee, speaking of 'alternatives' is that now out of the frying pan and into the fire for me?)... Just sorry that I did not get those seeds in. I just couldn't do it yesterday- no energy, and not many pain-free minutes either. They are calling for rain over the next 3 days or so- Perhaps I can run out there inbetween the raindrops.

The fields got planted on Friday too- Corn this year, and while that is alright after a season of soybeans, I like to be able to see the woods back there too. Oh well, maybe next year!

Funny story now too- The other day, Casey wanted spaghetti so badly; and so I'd promised her I would make some... Old Mother Hubbard here went to the freezer, and couldn't find a single pound of ground chuck. But I did find some chili I had frozen from last month... Since I do not make it real hot, the old lightbulb flashed brightly in my brain and I pulled that out of the freezer- I did some quick thinking and seasoning- added some garlic and red wine- a bit of sauce and tomatoes... (and prayed)! ...

When Casey came home, she smelled it all cooking- Her friend Joe stopped by- and I threw on a quick batch of garlic toast... Everything went well until Joe asked me why there were beans in the Italian Spaghetti. Oops, I'd forgotten all about them! Funny. But it worked out fine- Both Casey and Joe had these little piles of red beans on their plates- but both went back for seconds too.
In raising 4 kids on my own, you learn to make do with what you've got. And here I'd thought I was being smart. Another "Oh well" for me; but another bullet dodged too!
Hope you are all having a great weekend- soggy as it is around these parts...

Sunday April 30, 2006 - 07:36am (CDT)

April 29, 2006

Entry for April 29, 2006

Looks like our little Master Gabriel has found a new friend here!

I am late(r) this morning here- and had such a busy day yesterday; much like I imagine that today shall be...  So much to do- seemingly so little time...

Once again I have spoken too soon about Caseys pain- as she awakens in the middle of the nights with some pretty intense stuff going on. But she is eating and drinking fine too- and it doesn't seem to make a difference what she eats...  We could go back to the doctor at the hospital- He seemed to know what he spoke of, why he had kept her there, and all else too. Not happy about how this is all being managed right now.

It stayed in the 40's last night so the little family all remained outside overnight.  Am happy to report that everybody is well... except for Miss Milly of course- These 10 pups are taking quite a toll on her- she seems so skinny, but "keeps on keepin' on"---

Another little dog has found a new 'mama'- They will be coming back today to revisit-  I am thrilled that all these people do come back, play with, and love their new additions. Miss Milly seems to take it all in stride too.

I did get more tilling done yesterday- a breezy, cool; but sunny day- Wish it would be nice enough every day to wear shorts and get everything done.

Have much to plant today before the rains come, so will be keeping this short for now- It is to rain for the next 3-4 days, on and off. A good time to get some seeds in and to let them take root!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Saturday April 29, 2006 - 08:05am (CDT)

Frost on the pumpkins?

Frost on the pumpkins?

   Yes, Miss Milly really IS under that pile!  (Hungry puppies!, what more can I say)?

   CaseyAnne is hanging in there too. She had a pretty good day yesterday- this phantom pain that comes/goes for her-  Unpredictable, and it does not seem to actually relate to what she eats- or not.   (Good grief, has anyone even HEARD OF this pancreatic divisum)???  

   Have the 'kids' back in the garage once again- have the heat lamp on too as it is only 33 degrees  with a bit of a NE wind- A nasty cleanup job awaits me I am sure- But it is something you do because you know they just do not know any better yet.  (But I did find if I fold up their blanket, then they will do their pee/poo NOT on it)! Signs that they are ready to be paper trained, and that is a very good omen.    Have been washing (bleaching) these blankets on a daily basis.  And am redoing their big old pillow too, so they have something a bit cleaner, softer and comfier to lie down on. Will finish that up this morning.

   I need to use the gentamycin (sp?)  each day for Millys scratched up udder- feel badly for that- it burns and cools- kind of at the same time.

   Had a bit of shopping to do after my appointments yesterday, and one of the adoptive couples called, asking if they could come see their little "Jessie"  Happy that they come and spend time together with their new little dog-  And still another couple has emailed and asked to come also.  I am so happy with all  of these people! And still have 3 people to return phone calls to. Will do that when I am done on here.

   And YAY!  My strawberry plants are coming today!  Will have to get out early and finish the tilling...  (that is, if the tractor will start)!  The fields were done just the other day- ready for corn now.  Had soybeans in last year, and like when the crops are in, the deer pretty much leave my garden alone- (although they much prefer the soybeans)!  The marigolds I plant around the garden keeps the little buggers from decimating the whole thing on me. (Stinky but worthwhile too, as I get to fill my freezer instead of their bellies)!

   Still have a ton of things to do yet- and Berta comes early to do my hair- Getting tired of looking so windblown and frumpy all the time- (So nice to have a cosmetologist in the family)!  But I do think perhaps I should just shave it off- (am waiting for that to be 'in style' for women too)!

   Mary has a CAT Scan for next Monday and of course I will go with her for that-  Scared, but finally to get an answer to what she is going through- All her pain- seemingly everywhere- and she has had a terrible headache for over a week now too.  Please keep her in your prayers.

   And think ALL positive thoughts for all!

   Blessings to all- Have a grand weekend if I do not get back to you before it is over.


Friday April 28, 2006 - 05:10am (CDT)

April 26, 2006

Entry for April 26, 2006

Hi Again;

   I am sorry that I did not get to this earlier- 

   I have no news yet on when Casey will be having to go to Froedtert.  She still has pain, yet all her records and all must be still dictated and faxed- And so we have not heard from them to even schedule an appointment.  She hangs in there though.

    Yes, all 10 pups are in the above picture- Having been out and playing about in the sunshine for quite some time today, they all tried to vie for a place in the shade under my little lawn chair when they tired out.  It still amazes me to see how much they grow each and every day.  Have had them in for the past two overnights- (And bleach my garage each morning too)!  I guess it is to be that way for the next 3 nights too- Oh well.  Good thing I have 2 gallons of bleach in the back! I have an old plastic broom-  It is great for scrubbing concrete! (Because I surely don't think this is something I would care to be doing by hand- rubber gloves or not)! 

   Knowing that Miss Milly likes to 'get away' for a while,  even in the garage, I put an extra blanket down for her last night. It had barely even hit the floor and she was on it already.

   Glad I have her on the puppy chow too, and that she gets her vitamins every day- (Doubled since she was pregnant- doubled still now that she nurses). And what a waif she is too- From the side, she looks much like a cow- (and a highly profitable one at that). But if you look down while she is standing, she is SO thin... Such a good mom she is too.  Proud of her for that. And am glad that she is not prone to distrust either. Thus far, she has allowed everyone not only to see her kids, but has had no problem at all with people- even strangers- picking up, petting and playing with her little dogs. Am so glad she is so calm.

   Enough of this for now-  Hope all is well with everyone!


Wednesday April 26, 2006 - 07:37pm (CDT)


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Ain't he cute? This is Isaiah, my 3rd grandchild- smiling at his mama... with a face full of pizza!

    I must have spoken too soon about Casey's pain-  She called from school yesterday- late morning- and ended up coming home early, as her little pain pills were not working too well for her at that point.  Am glad she has that appointment today to get her surgery scheduled. Please offer up a little prayer for her that all goes well.

   I was out cutting lawn when she got home; and instead of going in, she sat in the sunshine by Miss Milly, and read one of her books for school.  Yesterday was a beautiful 75 degrees! The sunshine always helps- (unless it's a migraine).   One of her friends stopped in- and by that time, I had cut as much as I cared to for then. (And that shower sure felt great)!    A lady called about the pups- and another also- (Why is it that the ratio here is about 50/50 for the good/bad prospective pet owners)?   And I think some people are either genuinely stupid, or simply illiterate. The ad says to "call with personal and vet references"-  (I didn't think it would be that hard to understand)?  Seemingly it is.

   And still another lady called, looking to get a dog as a gift for someone.  A dog/puppy/animal is not a gift. (Unless you are the dad or mom to a kid that is receiving it).  Too many wind up only at a shelter then only to be put to death.

   The puppies- and Milly- all came in the garage last night... I have to close the door now that these "kids' are so leggy and climbing- running around.   I am sure too, that I will be having quite the mess to clean up... But even as I write, it is only 34 degrees- 

(Weather. Wisconsin. Wait... as they say).

   Mary called last night too- Still pretty sick-  And I feel so impotent as I talk with her- wish I could take it all away for her- (whatever it is at his point)-  And wish she wasn't so "allergic" to doctors too... Time...  Hopefully when she does finally see this new oncologist, he/she can put all our fears to rest.  

   Laughed more than a few times- out loud- at my little chipmunks while I was mowing. And if they weren't so darned destructive I would actually enjoy having them around. Lots of antics, (and I swear there was one that was actually playing "chicken" with the lawnmower).  Not to mention how they will tease Milly too.

   Better close for now- Have a good one...



Tuesday April 25, 2006 - 05:20am (CDT)

Good Monday Morning! 04/24/06

Good Monday Morning!

   And I trust that you all had a wonderful weekend!   I sure did.    CaseyAnne is not having as much pain lately- A good thing, and a great relief to her as well.  She has an appointment tomorrow with her regular doctor- They will schedule the surgery at Froedtert for us.

   We sure had lots of company this past weekend, and people wanting to look into buying a dog. A few that I remain very impressed with, and a few that were less than honest too.  Such variety--- the spice of life!

   Mary called last night- and sounded quite sick- and getting a bit depressed too, given that fact that she has wanted to rule out any further cancer.  Quite often, a Grade 3, Stage IIIC breast cancer will metastacize and cause further problems. We had gone in last month to her oncologist, and he didn't think it was necessary to redo any CAT Scans or MRI's to recheck the spots on her liver and all...   But her insurance no longer covers this oncologist, and perhaps now with having to drive up to Green Bay, her new doctor will think it more appropriate to redo these tests.  (And besides that, Mary will feel much better knowing there is nothing to be worried about)!  And she is SO looking forward to getting her own little "Satchmo" home- (I call him Oscar)... either way, they have picked out a very loving and lovable dog! Aw heck, they ALL are loving and lovable!!!

   Have to cut lawns again today- Greg was here and cut back by the woods on Saturday- They are such a nice family- and their son said he would like a puppy... Don't think that is going to happen- as they have just recently gotten a dog from the Humane Society.  But he played in the kennel for about an hour too- just loving up all the pups.  Nice to see that he was so nice to them too. This little interaction  speaks volumes about character. A good kid- Happy for that!

   Not too much other news- (Guess that is why some people think I have a boring life, eh)? 

Ah, all are entitled to their own opinions- 

Tell it to my face... (the door is thataway --->)!  Image

   You all have a great Monday!


   Monday April 24, 2006 - 05:50am (CDT)

April 22, 2006

Entry for April 22, 2006

Good Morning!

   For those of you that are counting the puppys in the photo, yes there are still 10 of them- They all weren't eating at the same time is all.

   I cut the lawns west of the old garage yesterday- It was so nice and sunny- threw on an old pair of cut-offs, and a cut off t-shirt too-  As soon as I got outside of course the sun went behind the clouds- so I threw on my old Shell jacket. Warmer- especially with those breezes. ("Breezes" may be an inadequate word here- Lemme think...   Yup, sure was windy)!   This is the first time I cut behind there this year, and always find more than I bargained for in that area. It is where the stone to the barn is buried, and you never know what has moved throughout the winter either.  Guess I found out the hard way, (and will be replacing the blades on the rider very soon)!  I don't think the grass will look very good if I just beat it up all year! Casey got home from college, and said how nice it looked- Kinda makes it all worthwhile!  

   I was SO smug about my gopher/chipmunk/mole murdering frenzy last fall-  Had put all the poison down their holes- and calmly planted more of my spring bulbs. I am happy to report that almost all of those bulbs came up this spring!  BUT, while I mowed back by the little orchard, my blades started making this weird noise...
   After a few seconds of confounded listening, I realized it was not my blades... Looking up, there was a gopher squeaking at me, about 3 feet away! (Brave little bugger)-
...Up on his hind legs with a "na-na-na-na-boo-boo" LQQK on his face.
The little varmint! 
I missed one- (and have come to realize that if I missed one, there are only about 175 left). 
Will put the "tasty" magic corn out later today- (and will try to remember where the rocks are)!  Wish I had something to level off that ground besides my back- Filled some holes in with the mulch/compost- and hope we get a bunch of steady rains to pack it down for me. While I do not appreciate thunder and lightening, I will be thankful for any rains that fall too!
   Many of you have asked about my squashed puppy. I am more than happy to report she is not recognizable as a pup with any injury at all anymore!  I did put the pups in the paper-  They will be available mid-May. This will give me the time necessary to do the background and veterinary checks on any potential buyers.

   Even though Casey is out of the hospital, she will need to go to Froedtert in Milwaukee for surgery- She has a birth anomaly called Pancreatic Divisum. Guess there aren't any doctors up here to do it. Kinda scary stuff for us all;  (I can only imagine how Casey feels about it all).

   Guess I was so happy they didn't say "cancer" that almost anything else is preferable. It took so long to know.

   She called yesterday from UWGB while I was out mowing the back lawns- Left me a message to have her go in next week to her regular doctor- I made that appointment-
She will go in on Tuesday- I cannot keep her from her classes at UWGB either- She is so 'gung-ho' about going in. (Which IS a good thing)... but she is constantly in so much pain. I don't know how she does it.

   My girlfriend dropped off some soy dog food- (Am kind of leery to begin using it as I clean up dog-poo by the bushel about every 4 hours already). I will use it sparingly at first to get her used to it- Don't know if I should be giving it to her now if it's soy- With all the natural estrogens in soy, and her nursing... Better wait til the pups go. But any kind of food like that always helps out.

   I have been having dreams about my hand working normally again- And I wake up only to realize they are only some stupid wishful dreams. But maybe it means that it will come back soon too. Hope so. (So much for pole-vaulting in the backyard)!!!

   I haven't even hardly begun to think about my garden yet- Too much else going on... Have so many seeds that I'd harvested from my flowers from last year- Want to plant them, but it was way too windy to even try yesterday. We shall see what today brings...

   Again, I had better close for today- Much to do, and think Zoe and Eric might be coming to check on his puppy too! Yay!!!
   Have a great weekend- (Have one for me too)!

Saturday April 22, 2006 - 04:34am (CDT)

Entry for April 18, 2006

Entry for April 18, 2006

Good Evening;

   I did not get up to the hospital today-  Have a touch of something that just kept giving me chills and making me so tired...  I pretty much rested all day long.   I think Casey did too-  But she is allowed to eat real food now too.  A little at a time...   She says she still has pain if she touches her side-  but seems much better now.  We spoke on the phone whenever we were both up.  I think 3 or 4 times...  Nice, that.  To even hear her voice-  And maybe she will be coming home soon?  I sure hope so.   Her car is still sitting at the emergency lot at the hospital.  Oh well.

   She does have the nicest doctors; and a young intern that is so very personable too.   He seems to be on top of every little thing.  Just am really impressed with this guy.   With his personality and obvious intelligence, he will go far.

   Nancy, Jeff and Ryan brought Miss Valerie to see the pups yesterday afternoon.  Nancy also brought me a plate of food from their own Easter celebration- (It was SO good)! 

   While they were here, Jeff put some screening on the bottom of the kennel door so Milly and her pups could go outside then, and so the pups could not escape through there.   Although I brought them all in last night, I have just gone out and checked on them all- Everyone is asleep- Half are in the doghouse- The other half are alseep out in the cedar chips. All were cozy warm too. I shall try not to worry overmuch then!  A bit much now for Miss Milly (and myself) to be keeping up with cleaning in the garage; especially now that they are getting big enough to escape the little pen.   Our hurt little pup is doing very well too-  She is almost all the way back to normal now; and I have to hunt to even single her out. 

   I thank you all for your prayers for both Casey and the pup.  

   Caseys room is beautiful with all your flowers and gifts.   And they brighten up her little world too. Those of you that have stopped by to see her, those that have called- I thank you too.

   And Zoe, thank you for getting her those socks- We were beginning to think the other ones were tattoo'ed on!

   Good night for now.



Tuesday April 18, 2006 - 10:17pm (CDT)

Written by Casey

(Written By CaseyAnne)
248 magnify
I am finally home!
I wanted to post a bulletin thanking all of my wonderful friends and family who visited/called/emailed me while I was sick and in the hospital. It's really not a fun task to be there, but being surrounded by those who love me, (even when my pancreas is eating itself), makes it a lot easier to handle.
I'll admit, I didn't like having to wait for a diagnosis and hearing words such as "Possible kidney and liver failure" but my optomistic belief in the key word there (POSSIBLE) was mirrored in every one of my friends/family members beliefs....
Thank you for being there for me and getting me to laugh! I never knew it was possible to laugh that hard... (Maybe it was the painkillers they gave me, but I think it was the company).
You all rock!!!
I know a few of you are wondering, "What next?" and the answer is: a few things....
Next week I have a follow-up appointment with my regular doctor (seeing as how my lipase counts are still too high, but not as high as they once were) -and he will write me a letter of referral to go to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee.
I will end up going there twice. Once for a pre-procedure consultation, then again for the procedure. I will keep you all posted as to when I'll be going down there.
Thank you again, it's times like these we learn who are true friends are and what exactly they are willing to do for us... Even if it's as simple as stopping in to share a smile....

Wednesday April 19, 2006 - 07:13pm (CDT)

April 16, 2006 Happy Easter

Entry for April 16, 2006 Happy Easter
   Again I have been up since one o'clock in the A.M. -  Still tired, but haven't a clue how to fall back to sleep either. I did try...
   The CAT Scan that Casey had revealed nothing, and so she will be having an MRI today-  She still hasn't eaten, and the broth they gave her last night left her in terrible pain once again- She now has a specialist doctor- He said she couldn't have picked something easy to diagnose- but that they are going to get her well and capable of eating too.
   I went up to the hospital early yesterday- Home by about 11 then- and to cut the lawns- (or shall I say at least to make the weeds and the grass all the same height)!?!  I did not do west of the old shed- That will keep; (and besides, I do not think that anyone will be playing volleyball this Easter anyway).
   My sister Mary will be coming up to visit Casey today, along with Rita and Michael. I think that Mikey has recovered from his own little bout of the flu- and what an awful ordeal for him. (If you ask me, I think it's not the best way to be getting a few days off before Easter Vacation)!
   One of the tires was flat on my rider, and I broke the little bicycle pump I use to inflate them-  I called over to Kelli and Tims'- thankfully they had one I could borrow.  (I honestly think if I do not work all this off I will go crazy just thinking about everything... And so I worked-  and it even felt good to sweat a bit).
   In the shower; and got some laundry done too- And then back up to the hospital about 6-ish. Jenny Mella and Zach were visiting with Casey- they were all playing a board game. Zach said he would sleep in the chair, and his friend Joe will be picking him up in the morning. I don't know if Jenny stayed too.   I fell asleep about 9:30, and slept til about 1 or so.
   The puppy is still "hanging in there"- And this little pup even had a visitor yesterday- Nancy stopped by just to see how she was- I stopped at Fleet Farm then for a bottle and a little bit of milk replacer- This little pup has little use of her hind legs, and cannot fight well enough to keep her place when Miss Milly nurses them.   I restrung Millys tie-out too- Over the beams in the garage- She cannot get to the soil now to dig, or to destroy any plants. It also leaves her able to care for 'the kids' -
   I am such an idiot sometimes--- Do you think that while I was at FF that I remembered to buy a little air pump???   Duh!   Oh well.
   So much for yesterday.
   If you would, would you please say another little prayer for Casey- One for the pup too.
   They are truly BOTH "fighters"-
   Have a nice one,

Sunday April 16, 2006 - 04:21am (CDT)

When it Rains, KC, & what happened to Punk...

When it Rains, KC, & what happened to Punk...

They are correct--- those that say "When it Rains, It Pours"... Casey is still hospitalized and has had nothing to eat since Wednesday... They gave her a little broth yesterday evening and she had so much pain all over again.

The Nuclear Imaging did not reveal that there is/was a problem with her gallbladder- She was in such pain then last night, she now has an IV of pain meds too. Whatever the heck it is, the doctors are even baffled- The doctor has referred another specialist to her- This guy ordered a MRI and MRA- and wants to do a CAT Scan even though she is so allergic to the dye they use- (She had a CAT Scan once before, and wound up with hives all over her body- head to toe)- They said they will give her much antiallergy crap ahead of that all, so maybe she will not have the same reaction. I do not know what time they are doing this all- I am trying to get my lawns cut a bit (at least to make the weeds and grass be both the same height).

I am going to do another copy/paste with my note to Uncle BoBBie this morning- Here goes.... I wrote this before I had gone in to the hospital this morning...

I have been up since shortly after one (AM) here- Do not know what to do, where to turn sometimes...

We do not have any further diagnosis on little Casey; save for pancreatitis. They did a nuclear imaging on her yesterday- the procedure lasted a little over 3 hours- I waited until about 8 pm to get the remainder of the diagnosis, but the doctor still hadn't come in. I am sure I will know more when I get back up there today- but I had to come home and rest at least for a little while.
I fell to sleep in my La-Z-Boy, and about 2 and a half hours later, woke to a pitiful noise- I went out to the garage to find Miss Milly all tangled up in a bush- I had put concrete blocks there to prohibit her from going around that bush--- Yesterday, she got a bit tangled after digging a hole- I had left the garage door a little up for her so she could at least go potty or poo if she needed to...
...Anyway, when I woke up and went out there, there were only 9 puppies, and Milly tangled- out of reach of her little dogs.
One little pup had escaped, and was outside, crying an awful cry.
I found that pup- halfway under one of those damned cement blocks, Bob-
Miss Milly had knocked it over trying to get to the little dog-
It was half frozen, and I worked her over real good, just to establish better circulation, and brought the pup and Milly inside then-
She took her to the back- by the dryer-
This puppy just kept crying- wouldn't nurse... And it barely moved- Her back end not working at all...
After trying to get this pup warm and able to nurse. I figured then instead of trying to get one puppy well, I thought it better to get Milly out with the rest of them; (as I surely don't need her coming down with mastitis at this point).
I took the injured pup, mixed some whole milk, some of Gabriels formula, and water; heated it up, wrapped him tight--- and dropper by dropper, through her little cries, she got a little in her tummy anyway. I even turned the heat on so we could sit by the register.
I do not imagine she will make it, and if she does, she will probably be paralyzed as she hasn't moved her back half at all.
I cried right along with that little pup too...
And I talked to God-and how many times...
When 3 hours later I was so upset... and so I asked Him where his 'angels' were??? -
I could barely stand those worn out little puppy cries any longer- It was at that point about 10 minutes or so later, that this little pup finally fell to sleep.
Don't ever try to tell me that He doesn't listen.
I then went out to check on Milly and the rest of them- and there was no Milly...
In my concern for the somewhat squashed little one, I had forgotten to hook Milly back up-
She had fed her pups and disappeared...
I whistled and whistled- almost afraid to go out and to look on the road... And then hollered too- More whistling- and who should appear out from the pines in front but Amos- (In my work on the little pup, I hadn't even realized that the cat had gotten outside- nor had I even missed him in the meantime).
Shortly thereafter, Milly came out from behind the pumphouse- She reeks of fish, (and dead ones at that).
She went into the garage right away, and checked her puppies. I tied her up immediately and came back inside- The pup was still fast asleep-
Suddenly, from outside, Milly started howling and howling- I went and brought her in-
She ran right to the dryer- No pup, and I feel so badly for her too.
I told her the pup was sleeping - and she had to go sniff in the living room then-
I put her back out, and will let her back in when the pup wakes up- ...God willing.
And so, Dearest Uncle, you asked "What next?" and I have told you.
I had better get my dishes done, and get up to the hospital then.
You have a good day- and say a few prayers for Casey too.

Saturday April 15, 2006 - 04:09pm (CDT)

Entry for April 13, 2006

Entry for April 13, 2006
254 magnify
Casey hospitalized today... Will keep you informed


Thursday April 13, 2006 - 09:44pm (CDT