[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Cleopatra" Sleeps

Picture stolen from everywhere on the net...

Good Morning Friends;

CaseyAnne got through her procedure yesterday. WITHOUT WAKING UP ONCE! Not sure 'what' they used to knock her out with, but it really worked... (And left her loopier than a light airplane in bad weather afterward)!

Must have been whiskey in her IV...

After we had tried to wake her up for quite some time, she finally opened her eyes, looking from me to the nurse.

Her first word out of surgery?


...Saying it as though she was in kindergarten, or sounding it out for the first time... Then she plunked right back down on her pillow, quite unceremoniously.

After a little time, I tried to rouse her again. As I lifted the head of the bed, I also had to grab Caseys head, (nodding like a newborn).

A bit of movement as she tested her coordination, (there was none); plus, her eyes kept going funny. (They really MUST have used whiskey as I have seen that vacant "look" before)...

I asked her what her name was...

She looked at me (sort of), with those funny eyes, and said, "Cleopatra!"

(This, complete with the most elegant hand movement)!

OK, kid, "Cleopatra" wins, go back to sleep... hehehe



Her procedure was at 1:00, we had to arrive there for noon. The doctor had never put the orders in, so we cooled our heels til about 12:30 in the lab... When we got back to surgery, they were waiting for her. Everyone except anesthesiology that is. Methinks they forgot about her because it was almost 2 by the time they finally wheeled her back.

Nobody had turned me in for neglecting my unhappy, abused dog this time. hehehe But it was high time to go out to the ramp and take "The Punk" for a walk anyway. We walked all over campus. Punk does not like anything too near the cranes the construction guys use. (Out of the surgical wing alone, one can count at least 4 working at any given time you would chance to peek outward).

There were at least that many on the east side of the grounds also. But back there, there are a few ponds, and a couple of stone benches, which no one ever seems to use, save for myself. There were a few ducks, and other pond creatures. Namely mosquitos! But they would buzz around and not bother me either. (Lucky that way, those blood~sucking nuisances do not like me). And not too much traffic on that end of the buildings either. The worst being a few airplanes that flew real low. (Progress pictures for Froedtert maybe)?

I went back inside, and got everyone to chatting in the surgical waiting room. It beats the heck out of being alone with your thoughts.

I learned a long time ago that the worrying only makes the waiting worse...

Everybody shared their own stories. One gal even asked me to write "CaseyAnne" down on a piece of paper so she would include her in her prayers. Thought that was pretty nice of her... (Hindsight being what it is, mayhaps I should have written "Cleopatra" down)?

Then the lady at the desk went to check for me. Casey was still in the OR. So back outside after another hour or so. And another walk.

L-o-o-o-ong afternoon later, we were finally back here about 6 or so. Casey actually stayed up for much longer than I thought she would have, (or even COULD have). Not being able to 'feel' her legs yet, I practically carried her bag of bones back to the room here. Her legs 'worked', (kinda/sorta)... She just could not "feel" them... (Yes, I have seen that "whiskey~walk" too)! hehehe She weighs in around 92/93 right now.

We all walked outside later, fresh air being good for everyone... It was SO foggy too. A chill in the air; it had been so warm out earlier.

I see by the forecast that there is a dense fog advisory for a couple of the counties we will be driving through; until mid~morning. We shall just leave a bit later then. Arriving home to some 85~degree (PLUS) temps then, and to be able to look forward to high winds, complete thunderstorms tonight. Ugh. Oh well. Just doesn't sound much like "Fall" to me!


In keeping with Fall, and the darned Halloween that will surely come, I thought I should enclose a picture I had taken a few weeks ago...



("The Great?") PUNKIN; and CaseyFace!
Cute, aren't they?



I'd better close. Casey is making a few 'pain' type noises, and maybe if I shut off the lamp she will sleep through... (Besides, I 'lost' my entry once already, and do not wish to retype/edit it yet again)...

Hope everyone is having a splendiferous Friday, with plans for a 'wunnaful' weekend ahead!

***** Oh and here's a little Pirate fun fer ye all!

My pirate name is:
Calico Anne Kidd
Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color.
You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake.
Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate.
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Love to all!
