[My] Life in Wisconsin

Bat. Moth. Sick Dog.

  Sleepy Punk...

Good Morning-

After my recent bat experience, CLICK, I took to looking my own bat up.
I found this picture, although the bat in my home had black, not light brown connecting the wings, this is the closest I can find anywhere.

hoary bat

The one I had was almost entirely pitch black- except for around his face, and eyes, where he looked more like a raccoon instead of a bat! hehehe

The wingspan below is also not accurate-  As I held this one (in those now infamous wiener tongs), it moved it's wing- That wing came halfway up my forearm!

hoary bat info

Given that I did not check the underside to see if it was nursing, I have no idea if this bat was trying to get home to its twins.
~ Nor do I much care, as long as it is out of my house!

Bat Booster?
I also did not check to see if it was clean... hehehe

But I do know I didn't smell any soap either!

The following morning, Punk thought maybe she would get even more treats if she kept the house secure.

Not a bat!
This was a moth for Pete's sake.
I hit it with the swatter, and she ate it!
Yes, she got one little treat- Just to wash the moth taste out of her mouth!

So that is all the news here-
I am sure that there is NO correlation to the bat, but since I could be wrong, I will be calling Doc Spires- as my little Miss Punk has been sick since Friday.
I believe this is my fault- I had bought a bone for her- smoked pork hip- as another treat for knocking down, and not killing this wonderful <--- sarcasm there) bat.
Methinks she has a bone splinter somewhere in her digestive tract.
She has vomited every morning, and is off her feed- lethargic and sad.
To think that I 'treated' her to this is so sickening... Not sure what to do either.
Thank God for veterinarians.

Hope everyone had a 'wunnaful' weekend!
My l
ove to all-  Time for me to make that phone call-
