[My] Life in Wisconsin

I Always Feel Like...

...(Somebodys Watching Me)!

Talk about a little healthy paranoia!!!!

Good Monday Morning!

I think I froze my little pinkie yesterday. Since I never did call the plumber, I went outside to try to remove the washers discharge hose... (THAT didn't work)! So I guess I will just have to wait 'til Spring to launder my clothing! (Personally, I believe it is a very good thing I live with a couple of dogs)? hehehe



Speaking of those dogs, I had them out for quite a while playing together, but I figured when my little finger lost color it was time for Punkie to come in and thaw her own paws too. She wasn't happy about that, but I see that she did curl up with her paws all tucked under her too! Neither was Miss Milly too happy... She lasted all of about 5 minutes in the house... (Careful Milly, your paws might thaw out)!!! But she comes inside, wants her petting and her pigs ear, and just wants to dash back out. I just cannot get it through my head that it probably IS more comfy for her because that is what she is used to. And I cannot help thinking that one day I wll go out there and find a frozen solid dog... (and with my luck she would be all curled up in her doghouse and I would have to wait til Spring to get her out of there)!

Coming back inside, I was assaulted with such an icky smell... Yup, yet another "mow~iss" in the trap! I wish I knew where the heck they were coming in from??? I hadn't checked the trap in the last few days... hence the nasty smell. (Hope you're not eating breakfast)! hehehe

Last summer, Miss Milly had caught this little guy- I think it is a baby possum, so tiny. Cuter when I realized he had already "passed" too!




A friend of mine was in an accident two days ago; and while there were no injuries, the truck didn't fare nearly as well. And so I have offered up the old Buick (Roadmaster). It has always started in the wintertime no matter how cold it had gotten; and it is one of those "tankety~tank" cars that will give its own life before it will harm a single hair on your head. So I had to go outside and get it running to make sure that it still started in wintertime... Of course it did. (Oh me, of little faith)...

I swept and scraped 'Mother Nature' off of it; letting it warm up before Punkie and I took it for a ride. (And in doing so, I realize just how much I miss driving that car)! They sure don't make 'em like that anymore! (All that, and it still gets between 25 and 30 MPG... I kid you not)! But I will run down to Fleet Farm and get a few bags of sand for in the trunk too. A bit of stability (weight) for the old rear wheel drive.

I took some of Caseys venison out of the freezer and will make that up today. (I have hidden a few of those pieces of meat way down in the freezer... And since I cannot remember if i ever put the picture of "Casey and Her Two Boys" on here, I shall do so now...




That was last year-

And in the course of 15 seconds, she had shot her 1st (and 2nd) deer! Both were nub bucks; but the meat tastes SO much better than "old" deer anyway, so nobody has ever complained about it either! (well maybe if those deer could speak they just might have offered up a complaint or two)!

Such a hodge-podge of thought today...

I took this picture yesterday morning. And I know that I used to know what the 'ring' around the moon means; but have NO idea anymore- Do you?




It was such a colorful ring- The photo does NOT do it justice in the least, but it did capture the essence there~of...

Now, if you really want to see some beautiful photography, please visit Miss Lisa's page. She takes the best pictures!!! (Witty too)! Enjoy!!!

On that note, I shall close for this morning and start vacuuming- (that always warms me up)! And then 'on' with my day!  I still have to find some chairs for my dining room table so maybe I can try to do that too! (Shall I double~up, or halve, that xanax then)?

Have a 'wunnaful' Monday!!!




Is anyone elses 'page counter' screwy? I had a ton of mail, comments etc yesterday and my counter only said I had a few people here- (less than the number of comments even)!  Now how do you comment without viewing my page? Hmmm...