[My] Life in Wisconsin

Silence? (The Sound of)... 4/30/07

Good Morning...

...Yes, I do realize that many are participating in the "One Day Blog Silence" in honor of the 32 Virginia Tech Students/Teachers who were outrageously murdered during their day. And by a person who should not have even been free in society.

I believe that silence accomplishes little.

I believe that more needs to be said, (AND DONE), about this; and many other atrocities. Silence, for the most part, only breeds ignorance. There are too many questions surrounding this massacre that have not been answered to satisfaction.

Do I know the answers? I certainly do not. (I do not even know the many questions that need to/MUST be asked).

Do I believe that such a thing will happen again? Sadly I do.

Have I prayed that all mentally/emotionally confused individuals can somehow seek help or intervention? I have.

Do I believe that people who are prescribed medications to 'help' them should take these meds? Absolutely.

Personally I know of at least one person who discontinued their own depression meds JUST BECAUSE IT INTERFERED WITH HER ABILITY TO GO OUT AND DRINK! ??? (How intelligent/bizarre is that)?!?! Again, sad but true...

Pray NOT for the souls that have made it into Heaven...

Pray for the souls of those among us still that have the potential for apathy within their own hearts and souls.

...May God Bless us Everyone...

And on to my blog...

We had an 85 degree day yesterday! Almost too hot... (or maybe just too fast to become that hot; not giving a body time to gradually adjust)... I pulled many weeds and turned over much soil and sod to prepare it for a few seeds. I transplanted a few things that did not agree with my plans. And NO, I am surely not a landscaper, (nor anything even close), but I do love a zillion flowers around me too.

Casey came out after mass; once again in intense pain. Jenny Mella was home from college for the weekend, and stopped to visit with Casey...



Casey and Jenny...
CaseyAnne in my old leather jacket, (and showing off her brand new chaps)...
Jenny Mella just being a wonderful friend!

Berta, (and of course Master Gabriel), also came out to visit... Berta had brought along her beautician things to cut Caseys hair. She always does such a grand job with this...

Gabriel wanted to be outside... and played happily with his firetruck for a long time...



So very cute!

And yes, he kept his shoes on because Grandma has not yet sprayed the picker bushes that are poking their heads up out of the lawn. Damned thistles anyway...



Now why do I think that dandelions are so pretty, and yet I hate the thistles? ~They are BOTH noxious weeds...
(But maybe because when I step on a dandelion it doesn't hurt)? hehehe




Berta! Enjoying the sunshine too!

They had to leave so Berta could get into town and pick up a headlamp for her Escort. (Could they make these things any harder to change now)? One has to practically disassemble the entire front end to change the stupid bulb! Makes no sense.

Casey and I took a little walk around to check on the flowers progress too. More and more opening up yesterday, and fun for the dogs too... Not so bad as the sun is going down... But we did watch a bee (wasp) make its way inbetween the siding by the bathroom and the brackets that hold it. UGH. Guess I have a bee problem too! Don't know how very brave I am to be going up into the attic over the back entrance to be killing them either... (Methinks I will be finding out very soon though)! eekie... It makes my skin go goose~bumply to even think of it right now...




Casey used that old board so as not to be walking around looking like a 'question mark'...

She goes in tomorrow for her xray to make sure her stent has passed. Now this is going to sound bad, but in a way I am hoping that it has not; because then THAT might account for all of her pain that comes and goes? Maybe? An extra little prayer then?

On that note, I had better close for today and get busy... Maybe they will finally come to fix my lawn today? I hope!

And I also hope that you all have a wonderful Monday, whether you have chosen to be silent... or not.



...If any of you were wondering about those tulips I had shown in yesterdays blog?
Here is what happened to them overnight!
Ahhhhh... Spring!



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