[My] Life in Wisconsin

Over/Under ~Come and Play...

Over/Under ~Come and Play...
Over/Under ~Come and Play... magnify
The dead monkey above is exactly how I feel today...

Good ? Morning All;




Under the weather.

Over the rainbow.

Nuff said.



~~~Now, can you name these Christmas songs? ~~~

A. You may NOT answer two in a row. hehehe
But you can come back and answer every other one.
B. No remarks on whether the answer above yours is correct.


1. Oh, member of the round table with missing areas

2. Boulder of the tinkling metal spheres

3. Vehicular homicide was committed on Dad's mom by a precipitous darling

4. Wanted in December: top forward incisors

5. The apartment of two psychiatrists

6. The lad is a diminutive percussionist

7. Sir Lancelot with laryngitis

8. Decorate the entryways

9. Cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a whitish metallic element

10. Oh small Israel urban center

11. Far off in a haybin

12. We are Kong, Lear, and Nat Cole

13. Duodecimal enumeration of the passage of the yuletide season

14. Leave and broadcast from an elevation

15. Our fervent hope is that you thoroughly enjoy your yuletide season

16. Listen, the winged heavenly messengers are proclaiming tunefully

17. As the guardians of the woolly animals protected their charges in the dark hours

18. I beheld a trio of nautical vessels moving in this direction

19. Jubilation to the entire terrestrial globe

20. Do you perceive the same vibrations which stimulate my auditory sense organ?

21. A joyful song of reverence relative to hollow metallic vessels which vibrate and bring forth a ringing sound when struck

22. Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven teamster

23. May the Deity bestow an absence of fatigue to mild male humans

24. Rose-colored uncouth dolf is aware of the nature of precipitation, darling Walkin' 'round in women's underwear!


Have fun!

And do feel free to steal and copy this to have fun on your own page.

Originally Posted on my Yahoo Thursday December 13, 2007 - 09:35am (CST)