[My] Life in Wisconsin

Maxalt Rocks!

Maxalt Rocks!
Maxalt Rocks! magnify
Punk yesterday.
Just as the sun was breaking...


Good Morning Everyone!

Yes, my previous blog is still open for your ideas, (and of course for a whole lot of fun too)! hehehe
As I mentioned in my comments back at you, I am leaning toward Ask~Anna~(almost)~Anything!
So go dust off your thinking caps!

Got my backside outside early yesterday to get the upper hand on the snow. Not too much, maybe only 3 or 4 inches. Just enough to mess up the yard, and the roads. I saw only one lone snowplow go through while I was out there, heading toward Suamico. Traffic was barely crawling along either way; and I noticed that the more daylight there is, the more bold they all become. Idiots.

It began to snow HUGE flakes!



Note the shadow caused by that one snowflake on Punks side!



Mama Milly was more than content to crawl back into the relative warmth of her insulated, cedar~lined doghouse. But Punk had to go "in search of"... Not too sure what she would find, but not for lack of trying either.



She believes those gophers might be back?



And always hears the camera, even though I have silenced it!



Everything seemed to be part of this Winter~Wonderland too. Hardly any wind, and everything just so very decorated...



From the old shed........... To the Willow Tree!

(The shed roof even looks good with the snow on it)!

From DeeAnne's Thistle....To the Weigelia, sp, (never mind), "BUSH"
And it was high time to get the Cub Cadet out, and make the yard a bit safer!


And it had no problem firing right up and moving all the snow either!



I had to laugh though as I finished off the end of the main driveway. .


My fire number was completely covered too!



And "someone" had put a brand new tree in the front yard!

We should have left the bulbs on it too, don't you think!



Judging by the paw prints from the rabbits feet, they'd been out playing in it too!


It took me about 2 hours, but I actually had fun.
('Til I got off the darned little tractor anyway).
But only my back was hurting; and yes, it will get better shortly.
My back not even being the worst of it yesterday. The damned migraine that snuck up on me was. Still, the Maxalt I took for it absolutely did its job! I took a bit of a nap, and when I woke up, it was all gone! (Oh, I do love it when it works as it should).

Besides, I was in no mood to be feeling crappy for today either...


Not wanting to be sick for a Packer Game!
No way!


There was a >Packer Pep Rally< last night; and even a few Seattle fans were in attendance... And, Packers fans from as far away as Alaska too!!!
That article aptly entitled, "Bring on the Seahawks"

I came across a little page with so many links it will take me til The 4th of July to get through them all!

(Especially when one has a tendency to click on the links that they have within them too)!
>Here< is that link if anyone wants to be "in the know" for todays game!
Get your Packer jerseys and sweatshirts on kids! Here we go!

Punk does hate the games... More specifically she hates the tourettes affectations that seem to present themselves as the game unfolds. But it has always been thus, so maybe I shall have to find her some doggie earplugs! hehehe

I hope you are all having a WUNNAFUL weekend!






Originally posted on my 360 Saturday January 12, 2008 - 09:07am (CST)