[My] Life in Wisconsin

Say "YAY!" ~~ **Staeven found guilty

Randall Staeven found guilty in 2009 death of estranged wife, Christine | Green Bay Press Gazette | greenbaypressgazette.com

Do the click above- This creep has been found guilty on ALL counts!

Good Morning All;
Friend Chris called me mid-afternoon yesterday; just as the 'news' came over the wire...
Chris has always been such a good friend to our family- Ever since we bought his family's home. A dear dear man. He also commented that he was glad that WI has no death penalty; better for him to rot away in prison and think about what he has become.

I just say there is a God who ensures that bad things happen to bad people too.

Not only was/is the 26th my daughter Jennifer's birthday, it is also Staevens birthday.
Yes, I called Jennifer first! She was celebrating in San Antonio!


Staeven may not have gotten what he wanted for his birthday, but he surely got what he deserved.