[My] Life in Wisconsin

Kamikaze LadyBugs.. and Other Stuff!

Good Morning, and Happy SunnyDay!

I have overslept... (not like me, but I sure am NOT going to complain about it either)!

As I tried to collect my dishes that needed to be washed, I had to soak a little bowl... As I ran the water, the dish was empty... Yet going back an hour or so later, one little ladybug had drowned.



...and another one bites the dust!!!

And removing her to her final resting place, (my trashbasket), I ran my sink full of hot water and soap... I generally allow it to cool down for a few minutes; and going back then to actually wash those dishes, I found her "significant~other"...



This ones final resting place??? Ditto... hehehe
And then I got curious... and checked on a few things about these nuisances.
Here are some facts about ladybugs.

There are nearly 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs worldwide and 400 which live in North America. (And all 400 kinds live in/near MY home)!
A female ladybug will lay more than 1000 eggs in her lifetime. (Also adding their male counterparts, that would roughly be about 400,400 bugs in/near MY home)!
A ladybug beats its wings 85 times a second when it flies. (Not after I hit it with my shoe)!
Aphids are a ladybug's favorite food. (I have APHIDS too)???
Ladybugs chew from side to side and not up and down like people do. (This is why they never choke to death on those damned aphids).
A gallon jar will hold from 72,000 to 80,000 ladybugs. (Great! Kinda makes ya wanna go check all your ice cream jugs)...
Ladybugs make a chemical that smells and tastes terrible so that birds and other predators won't eat them. (Yeah, and it smells like 'feet' so always use your shoe to hit 'em with).
If you squeeze a ladybug it will bite you, but the bite won't hurt. (If you squeeze it hard enough, your fingers will smell like your feet; but there will be no more flapping wings either).
The spots on a ladybug fade as the ladybug gets older. (Maybe people with age spots and liver spots should eat these bugs)???
During hibernation, ladybugs feed on their stored fat. (Well, THAT explains why I saw the same one yesterday that I had already seen last fall)!
Ladybugs won't fly if the temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (Time to turn the heat down in the house then)...
The ladybug is the official state insect of Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Tennessee. (These states do not have mosquitoes)???
The male ladybug is usually smaller than the female. (Male ladybug? Isn't that a contradiction in terms)???
The Asian Lady Beetle can live up to 2-3 years if the conditions are right. (Aha! The 'conditions' must be perfect in my siding and/or walls)!
Does anyone else have these little buggars around their homes???
I look around, and see that already two more have entered the premises...
(Probably for their friends funerals)???
They do NOT belong in my house!!!!
It could be worse though, as they are clearly NOT spiders!




Casey saw one of those 'jumping' spiders in the window yesterday.

Roberta quickly jumped to her baby sisters defense, all ready to kill that narfy thing... But she couldn't find it? As CaseyAnne was about to point out WHERE she had seen it, my darling Roberta let out a very loud "gasp!" ... (I do believe Casey actually leapt the entire length of the living room)! hehehe (Better her than me)!

Now usually my Punkster will step on the spiders... But as you can tell, she is still not feeling up to par.



There is still pain in those beautiful eyes...
But she did keep a very vigilant eye on Master Gabriel while we walked outside...
And he couldn't go too far without being nudged to go back the right way by herself!
Fast Friends, these two...

We did walk about 2/3rds of the way back to the woods. Punkin was most happy that her little Gabriel has those short legs too; because then she surely didn't have to run or get hurt worse by doing so... And meanwhile, Master Gabriel was completely fascinated by every little corn cob that he saw. Each one was more appealing than the last, and he must have literally picked up 100's of those things during our little walk!



"Grandma, I found ANOTHER one!"
(Actually, he just giggled... But I knew what he meant by it)!
(I think we were playing "Hide~and~Seek" here)! hehehe

Roberta came out as soon as their marriage seminar was done. Casey had errands to run; and one that had her stop for a bit of carry~out Chinese for lunch... Mmmm...




And THIS piece looks like some prehistoric "Chick-o-Saurus!" ???

***And didn't I begin to see those damnable flashing lights shortly after I had eaten... Yet they swear there is no added MSG in their food... (Not too sure about that). Perhaps the key word there is "added"... maybe some of their foods come already prepared?... Hmmm... But within 20 minutes my Maxalt worked so it is not important anyway. (I do love it when it actually works for me)! I shall steer clear of that... for as long as I can anyway...



Once tasted, even Gabriel loved his food... No. We did NOT give him chopsticks!
(This is some "noodlie~like~thingie" that I REFUSED to put in my mouth)!




Punkie was SO-o-o-o tired, and more than a bit sore too...
(She didn't even do a good job of begging for food)...




Punkin slept for quite a while then. After everyone had left, I had to bring Miss Milly her nightly fresh water (Punk always joins me)... Hearing the water running, she tried to get up and off that couch... (My heart broke a bit more when I had to help her get up). ...She then walked about 10 feet, and promptly sat down again... When I brought Millys water out, she just stayed up by the house and waited for me to come back.

I am still afraid to be giving her that Rimadyl that the vet gave me to give to her twice a day. Checking into it a bit online, I didn't like that labs had problems with taking it... But after having to help her get up last night, I did give her one more after she ate a little something. I think it helped her sleep too.

A few of you are thinking that maybe Millys change of attitude is hormonal. Could be. She was just in heat though at the end of January. Punkie is 'fixed' though, so its not HER own cycling that is bothering her Mama...

I am still going to try to keep them apart for a while. Who knows? Maybe it will work, as in an "absense makes the heart grow fonder" sort of way.

Is that right? ~~(Or is it "absence makes the heart go wander")??? hehehe

Later, Derek and his dad came out on their Harleys... (notice the bright sunshine once again)!



(Punk doesn't mind the bikes when they are not running... Otherwise, she HATES them)!

The boys kidnapped CaseyAnne, and they went down to Shoots Bar and Grill for some food for the guys...

Casey got to watch them eat... She can eat a bit of food every now and then; but needs to eat small amounts many times during the day, and not big meals nor greasy fried things... (Guess those two things really piss off her pancreas).

And so, from bugs, to babies, to bikes, this was MY Saturday!

I do hope yours was as happifying!


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Oh, after you leave your comment, (hehehe), please do not forget to recheck your dog food AGAIN.

More and more brands are still being recalled... (and less and less are actually being pulled off the shelves too)... ??? WHY?

Please CLICK HERE to double~check your own supplies. These lists change on a daily basis.