[My] Life in Wisconsin

"Senile"... Like a Dog...

Good Morning ALL!




this bears reposting today...




And so I am thinking that March goes "Out" like a Lion this year too. (So does that mean that next year we will have IN like a lamb, and OUT like a lamb too)?

Curiouser and curiouser, this weather of ours...

It is 37 degrees, and damp too... (Much too cold for THIS sort of behavior too)...

click on the "THIS" above... (and don't forget to come back either)...

Now doesn't that story give a whole new meaning to the song "Little Willy" ?!??... hehehe

I know too, that this goes completely against my better judgement, (and also against everything I have P'sd and M'nd about this past month), but WHO MOVED MY SNOW???




I am thinking it would be much nicer to be doing what Punkie is doing here...
(than to feel like I have woken up to a fist fight).

Free Dermalogen? Collagen? My top lip is swollen up like a newfound plastic surgeon might leave it after a bit of lip augmentation... (And if I ever find out who snuck into my room in the middle of last night and hit me in the face with a sledge hammer, please know I WILL repay in kind one day)! hehehe

Having had dental work done in the past few months, I am thinking this has something to do with all of that. ??? It feels as though my top teeth have been frozen, and that the dentist has left the needle in... (and when I smile only half of my lip seems to agree)? Weird...

...Since I cannot duct tape an ice cube to my face, I was thinking that a little snow in one of those ziplocs would be very helpful... BUT ALAS, THERE IS NONE!

I have thought of a short trip to Antarctica...


This actually looks highly attractive right about now!




ANYWAY! ...On to other things...

Menu Foods have begun to recall DRY Cat (and Dog?) FOODS as well...

...Can anyone say "Table Scraps"???

I will do this for the next month; (or for however long it takes to ensure safe foods for them). The problem seems to be focused on the wheat gluten now... WTH? I do not think my dogs will complain with respect to a different menu, and a vitamin, every day; (besides, doing this will also enable me to better use up the contents of my freezer)!

I am NOT taking ANY Chances here...
I would rather have a fat(ter) dog than most, than have a dead one.
Cat and Dog Foods RECALLS Links...
  • Link to story... CLICK HERE
  • Link to PETA... CLICK HERE (I do not usually agree with many things that PETA does, this is a good article, based on erring on the side of caution)....
  • Link to Menu Foods... (And others)... CLICK HERE
  • Link to IAMS and Eukanuba Foods Updated March 30, '07 CLICK HERE
  • Link to Melamine CLICK HERE
  • Link to aminopterin CLICK HERE

I cannot begin to tell you how sick this whole ordeal is, and how very sad it makes me too. And where WILL it end? I do not know what other products Menu Foods makes, but I am thinking that it does not begin and end with Cat Food and Dog Food either. Like I said, I am NOT taking any chances.

Time for me to "fly" once again...

Have a "wunnaful", safe weekend... And do start some healthy cooking for your pets! make sure any vitamins you give to them do NOT have any wheat products in them either. ***A good Health Food Store always carrys pet products too. Call ahead and make sure that they have products in stock that are made from things that are made, grown, in the United States. (Lucky me, having Bay Natural Foods headquarters right in Green Bay)!



Oh, and the title?

....This is the response you get from your daughter when you ask her, "Do you think that dogs get senile?"

And this lovely 26 year old replies...

"I have heard of many animals taking on the characteristics of their owners, so I would have to say 'Yes' to that question."









...now wait a darned minute here...



...Too funny for words...



I am NOT senile!




Welfare?, Subway, and 'Food for Thought'...

Good Morning!

What an interesting evening. And one that I have learned (TOO?) much from...

I was checking my email and came across a very interesting article on Public Assistance, Welfare and The Law.





And I am hoping that this shows up large enough for you to read.
(In case it does not, here is the text)...
Written by Leonard Wilson of Riddle, Oregon

"I have a question, not only for Douglass County, but for the entire State of Oregon. Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. In order to get that paycheck. I am required to pass a random urine test, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check, because I have to pass one to earn it for them?"

"Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt. Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check."


Sounds pretty good, yes???


Of course me, NOT being able to come online without checking my 360; I had found myself on Miss Rebecca's Pages... And here were a few blogs that were very closely related to this email... (Note: She hates Gee Dubya). And so, I included the newspaper article that I had been sent, in my comments to her.

She wrote back to me then, and included a few "facts" of her own...

"Please pass this on to your friend...

My sister in law does have to pass or fail (depends how you look at it) a drug test to get her check. If she passes the drug test she loses the check.

You see she gets disability for being a drug addict who is so addicted the state says she cant work. All she has to do to get a check is fail a drug test every 6 months and go to therapy once a month. They also pay for her methadone.

I raise her kids and my taxes support her habit. Great system we have, yes?"



How bad is this?!?!? (Personally I had to read it twice to make sure I had read it correctly to begin with)... Sadly, I had. While I have ALWAYS been of the mind that welfare and the like are necessary evils, this "qualification" has really made me ill.

I am sure that if anyone is in a position to accurately relate their states codes on this...


Is the law like this in your state?

Is it like this in all 50 states???

Kinda gets one more than a little upset!

And on to other topics...

I cruise around Yahoo 360, and stumble upon many interesting words, stories, poems, and their authors... I am sure many of you know that CaseyAnne used to work at Subway... And this morning I had come across a patron of Subways... Britt had a very interesting tale to tell too! Funny also... (click their names for their own facts and fictions).

But then, as I write I remember what happened to CaseyAnne while she had still been employed by the tacky gas station down the road... (Now that's a whole 'nother blog in and of itself, so I am not going to explain the 'tacky' part of that story right now)...

One day last Fall she had gotten a Subway sandwich to take to work with her for a bite of dinner should she get a break on her shift. She did. And so, she began to happily munch away on her sandwich! Mmmm. We do like Subway Food!!! (Especially knowing that their breads are baked fresh every morning)!

Imagine Caseys surprise when her coworker said, "there is something on your sandwich."



Still happily chewing as she turned it over, this is what she found...






(Oh Freakin' Hey! I KID YOU NOT)!!!



I had frozen the sandwich immediately. As luck would have it, the next day is when she had had to go back to the hospital for emergency surgery on her 2nd spontaneous pneumothorax(ed) lung. And so I had not given it a second thought... (Until this morning). Digging around in my freezer, it was still there...



Eat "Fresh WHAT" exactly????

(Well hey, it IS a fresh picture)!

I don't imagine anyone would do anything about this at this late date; but it sure is disgusting, GROSS, and probably quite UNhealthy too. (And I don't much care what Jared, Jon Lovitt, or any other of their spokespersons say)... Had Casey not been taken ill and hospitalized right then, I probably WOULD have contacted an attorney, (or at least the Brown County Health Department), to see what could have been done at that point.

Oh well. Live and learn.

And ALWAYS turn ANY sandwich over before you proceed to think you are enjoying it...

Oh my... Between the unappetizing and unappealing welfare system in place, (not to mention an equally inappetizing and unappealing Subway), it was inevitable to lose track of time here...

And I just cannot resist telling you that it is "time for me to FLY!"

(Oh, quit groaning now, you HAD to see that one coming)...

Have a grand weekend!





Sandals. Boobelage. Hate Me, Love Me -NAILED- The Cold Hard Truth


Good Morning!

This blog is inspired by an email received yesterday one of my oldest (hehehe) But dearest friends.


(Thank you Beth)!
(I will include her email to me at the end of this blog).

As warmer weather descends upon us, there are a few things we need to know about how to dress appropriately to still be comfortable; (and yet, to NOT be making anybody else feel UNcomfortable enough to spit/spew their food and drink through their mouths or noses; or in the worst case scenarios to force anyone to lose their lunch). This is an awful thing to do to anybody; (most especially to an unsuspecting stranger).


(Beach or otherwise)...

Men: Please keep your shorts 'long' enough to not expose any of your jewels.

No Speedos... (Honestly, a well~placed sock looks better than a Speedo). And absolutely no purple. (You WILL be snickered at; and the bright eyes you see looking at you are only hiding gales of laughter)...

Women. Irregardless of age, most of us are not the next Coppertone Baby. Shorts that show any portion of your gluteous maximus are not really cute. (That is what swimsuits are for). And for those same swimsuits, please make sure that your gluteous is at least in shape. (If it is not; well, that's what swimsuit covers are for).

The very same goes for any exposed "boobelage".

Speaking of "boobelage"...

Men, if your boobs are bigger than those of a postpubescent child, please keep them covered. (Personally, it leaves me highly depressed when a mans boobies are bigger than mine; and hang lower).
This is not cute in the least. It is just so sad for many of us. Please also remember this when you are mowing your front lawns, or doing anything within eyeshot of your street.
(Even a wife~beater/muscle shirt/singlet shirt will cover these all~too~feminine appendages of yours).
These shirts come in packs of three at any WalMart; so dust off your danged wallet and spend the $5.00 (for dignity sake).


More specifically... "SANDALS"

Sandals were created to bring a bit of comfort to your feet, (and to our noses).

***~Recently I have noticed that they can also be used to accurately judge any spouses, (male or female, prospective or otherwise); simply by determining how awful it might be to spend a single night in the same bed. If, upon awakening, your legs repeatedly look like you have been mauled by a lion, please either sleep on the couch or get a divorce... (or a cage)... If that lion hasn't had all of its shots, you will be subjecting yourself to many infections... (some of which are incurable)...


Men and women: If you care to wear sandals, please do not allow your toes or feet to look like long, narrow brillo pads. I assure you that this is not attractive in the least. (And that YES, there is a reason why your dog, and the neighbors dogs, are constantly sniffing at your feet. (Simply put, you have gotten something yummy in your 'nitso').


...How gross do they have to really get?

(Please refer to ***~ASTERISKS above)...



Unless you are a duck... Your toenails should never be any shade of yellow; (whether they are painted, unpainted, or infected)...

...Please either get a pedicure, (men too), or see a podiatrist.

Fungal infections are as disgusting as growing your own mushrooms... (Which is exactly what will happen if you remain untreated).

Might I also suggest scouring your tub after each use... and changing your sheets more than once a year?

If you own old worn, holey and see~through socks, please keep them. (Your feet obviously need all the air they can get).

Soaking your tootsies daily, (or even once a week); in Epsom Salts, (add a little H2O2), will also keep those toenails fresh and decent.

Toenails should NEVER extend beyond the ends of your toes!

(Again, please refer to ***~ASTERISKS above)...

...This is dangerous to anyone that comes near to you for whatever reason. When we are swimming together in a pool or a lake, there is always the possibility that you will scratch me. (I get more than enough close calls from Mr. Schick, so I do not need you to be adding to this for me).

Buy yourself a toenail clippers and use it weekly. (They are not only for decorating your weekend/overnight/shaving bags).

Also purchase yourself some very good emery boards. When you are done clipping those toenails finish correctly by FILING THEM DOWN. (Yes, men too). This takes all of about one minute. Nobody wants to see your jagged nails; or the dirt beneath them. Clean out the cracks out too.

Please also file your heels with these magical emery boards- Do this before, and after, soaking your feet. Unless you are a barefoot mason your heels should not look like fresh concrete.

The magic boards can also be used to remove any pre~corn skin. It files off very nicely.
If it does not, please go buy some Dr. Scholls Corn Remover Pads.... (and USE them).

It should go without saying that sandals and socks should NEVER be paired together; unless it is in the following sentence.


(This only tells us that you have NOT taken those few moments to ensure that you have nice feet... ...And that you have only tried to cover up something very gross and disgusting).

So now we will all be ready to wear sandals or even go barefoot! Yay!

There now, I feel better already!

I have had a bit of fun; and I do hope no one has taken offense..

Have a great Thursday!


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...Oh and here is Bethels original email to me... The "inspiration" as it is!
"Happy sandal season!"
Alright ladies, it's that time of year once again!!! I think we need to be reminded of a few things.
Ladies, PLEASE, raise your big toes and repeat after me below....
The Open Toed Shoe Pledge...

As a member of the Cute Girl Sisterhood, I pledge to follow the Rules when wearing sandals and other open-toe shoes:

  • I promise to always wear sandals that fit. My toes will not hang over and touch the ground, nor will my heels spill over the backs. And the sides and tops of my feet will not pudge out between the straps.
  • I will go polish-free or vow to keep the polish fresh, intact and chip-free. I will not cheat and just touch up my big toe.
  • I will sand down any mounds of skin before they turn hard and yellow.
  • I will shave the hairs off my big toe.
  • I won't wear pantyhose even if my misinformed girlfriend, coworker, mother, sister tells me the toe seam really will stay under my toes if I tuck it there.
  • If a strap breaks, I won't duct-tape, pin, glue or tuck it back into place hoping it will stay put. I will get my shoe fixed or toss it.
  • I will not live in corn denial; rather I will lean on my good friend Dr. Scholl's if my feet need him.
  • I will resist the urge to buy jelly shoes at Payless for the low, low price of $4.99 even if my feet are small enough to fit into the kids' sizes. This is out of concern for my safety, and the safety of others. No one can walk properly when standing in a pool of sweat and I would hate to take someone down with me as I fall and break my ankle.
  • I will take my toe ring off toward the end of the day if my toes swell and begin to look like Vienna sausages.
  • I will be brutally honest with my girlfriend/sister/coworker when she asks me if her feet are too ugly to wear sandals. Someone has to tell her that her toes are as long as my fingers and no sandal makes creepy feet look good.
  • I will promise if I wear flip flops that I will ensure that they are actually flip and flop, making the correct noise while walking and I will swear NOT to slide or drag my feet while wearing them.
  • I will promise to go to my local nail salon at least once per season and have a real pedicure (they are about $35 and worth EVERY penny).
  • I will promise to throw away any white/off-white sandals that show signs of wear... nothing is tackier than dirty white sandals.

Random, Scattered Thoughts for Today...

Good Morning ALL;

Have been reading the news here... And although I didn't really even know who she was the while she lived, I find it sad that Anna Nicole Smith had to die this way... And I do believe that even with all of her prescriptions, she would be alive today if it wasn't for that damned Methadone.

As most of you are already aware, this is the same drug that killed Reianna!

Please, PLEASE tell everyone you know NEVER to take methadone FOR ANY REASON.

I am also thinking that perhaps it is high time for ABC to repeat their story about methadone entitled "One Pill Can Kill." I believe they had aired it originally last October, shortly after Reianna died.

Why do the physicians keep prescribing this killer drug in the first place???


Please see 20/20 article: "One Pill Can Kill"

Please also SEND THIS LINK TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK, and to everyone in your 360 Friends list too. It is too important not to.


Another note about those flowers peeking out... I don't think they will be 'flowering' this year, as the damnable rabbits are feasting upon each and every one of those little sprouts!


Little buggars! ...& I don't care how 'cute' they are; (they STILL taste like chicken)!
Am thinking that when Sam and his cousin came to hunt 'em, they didn't take out enough of them.

And the other vermin around here, the bats, I should get a longer ladder and try to close up that little crack in the roofing by the chimney. While it is kinda cool to watch them come out at night, I do not think it is good to be harboring all these bats that seem to live under my roof. No, they aren't in the house... yet...

For more info on troublesome pests, (bats, bunnies, birds ,snakes and more), please go to http://www.abirdshome.com/habitat/profiles.htm (You can also learn how to attract the "better" kinds of wildlife)!


Yesterday, Casey needed to go to one of her Labs... She had missed this lab last week and did not want to miss it again. She took my car, stopping off at Dereks home first (her car has been parked there ever since she was admitted to the hospital last week). She struggled even to get that far. Being dizzy, shaking, sweating, and in pain,; she did not care to venture any further to get to the campus at UWGB. Instead, she called the campus and was transferred to the registrars office. Only to learn that she had missed too many classes and she had a choice of being suspended, or withdrawing from her classes. She chose to withdraw yet again.

I do feel so badly for her. Besides Roberta taking a few nursing courses at Troy State, and then going to the College of Cosmetology; Casey is the only other of my daughters that, at such a young age has maintained her desire to keep up her accredited education. She also had to withdraw last semester when she had that part of her lung removed. Kind of a kick in the teeth for such an inspired and capable young lady; you would think the UW~System would have done everything in their power to help her acheive during these tough times. And her High "A" GPA is nothing to scoff at either! (Again you would think they would want to keep a student like this). Not so.

The apathy shown to her by her own profs also had my blood pressure rising. She had emailed them all last week. And she heard back from only ONE!!!! He was absolutely willing to do whatever was necessary to help her out and to allow her to catch up. (The rest of them don't seem to be worth the paper their checks are printed on)... She had to resend her emails to them (I am not sure if she ever even heard back after that).

I also think that a 'break' might be a blessing in disguise for a time. It will give her the time to get to Froedtert, and to have them make her better somehow; and it will also slow the pace of her somewhat hectic life. She will need (needs) to relax a while and recuperate. Like I said above, she is still in a bunch of pain, and along with all those other symptoms, is made also very nauseous by it too.

Maybe by the end of today we will know much more as to when we will be going back to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee. (Dereks mom ended up driving Casey home yesterday, and Derek came to pick up his mom then when he was done with work).

Please just keep praying is all...


Roberta stopped out yesterday before work too! Dropped off a few pictures for me to scan, and was on her way in then. Short and sweet. Nice to have her stopping in too! She called yesterday AM to check on Casey. Casey was still asleep... As Master Gabriel was also in the backseat when Berta got here. And he stayed that way too. (Why does the old saying about "sleeping dogs" come to mind)? hehehe Generally one to sleep good in the car, Gabriel had hollered almost for the whole drive...


The quote on my top page, which a few of you have asked to steal, is by none other than General Norman Schwarzkopf... (I didn't have enough characters left to include who said it)... So yes, and absolutely, you may steal it away!


So, such is Life in Flintville...

Hope your "Hump Day" is an awesome one!


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From Ambien to Zoe~

...And (almost) EVERYTHING in~between...

(of course if you think of a topic I might have missed this year, please do let me know)!

...I've been told I am quite outspoken... (whatever THAT means)! hehehe

Good Morning!

It occurs to me that I have been a Yahoo~Blog~About for over a year already! How cool is that? And what a year it has been!

A Year of Nonsense!?!? (maybe on my part)... But a whole year of LQQKING forward to your own lives and times too!


Today is Miss Punkins First Birthday! And how fast she has grown... (and to what proportions too)!




Yes, Punkie IS in there somewhere; (how so very tiny those pups were)!
Fighting over Millys SQUEAK ball...
Miss Mama~Milly, (on the left)... as her "baby" looms over her...
Milly now about 60 pounds, +/-, Punk weighs in at about 90...

The old 'switcheroo' too; (as Milly was about 90 lbs. when she delivered those ten pups)!

And for the title... I was going over a few of my older blogs... And I saw when the doctor had prescribed that Ambien for me to use to fall asleep (and to stay that way). It didn't work, and so I still do not stay asleep... So here I am!

I was awoken this morning by such a bright light in my room... It has been warm outside, and I had all the windows open yesterday. Knowing it was only to get down to the mid~40's tonight, I left my bedroom windows open.

That bright light? The moon! It was about 1/2~way across my window before it woke me up...

So much to do yesterday... And I had said a silent prayer before I'd pulled my shorts on too. Only that they would still fit... (They did)! Yay!

I pulled out a bunch of plant wood that I 'shoulda' pulled last Fall already... But methinks I didn't do it because that is when Miss Casey had her partial pneumothorocotomy. (And after that I just probably plum forgot)! Most of those weeds are out now.

I trimmed the rosebush to within an inch of its life, (and then promptly stepped on the trimmings)! hehehe (Yes, of course I was barefoot)... Punk will usually help me remove the clippings and stuff, but she was a bit miffed when I wouldn't let her touch those branches. After hearing me cuss and dance around like a fool in the backyard, she took my word for not touching those branches.

What I found out there...
My "Daffy~Dils".... And other things... popping their new, and promising, growth!
My chives too! "Regular" in the old stone planter... ... my "Garlic Chives" on the rocks!
I found some dead rhubarb.....
my old wooden wheel drums of Devils Claws!
Just a few weeks ago Roberta and I were not even too sure what those drums were!!!
Pretty much covered by that last snowstorm....

This past year... as they say, WHOO~HOO, WHAT A RIDE!!!

And what wonderful friends I have found through sharing my often mundane thoughts and life...




I have shared my 'Ups' ...
And a few scary "Downs"...
Our Cat and Dogs...




There was Amos... aka... "Moose~da~Kitty"
12-25-93 ~ 07-23-06
And of course, Milly and Punk




There have been other critters too...
HEHEHEHE! ....Heya Rita; I used "Vermin~B~Gone"!?!





There is still a whole new world to share with you for the next year... (or two... or ten)?!?

And so for ALL of my friends, family, lurkers, and others... (you know who you are)... Here are some beautiful flowers...

(for You from Me this time)!




Have a 'wunnaful' Tuesday! (And like I said earlier, let me know about any'missed' topics too)! hehehe






I did try to tell Miss Punk that it was HER responsibility to be doing a blog today in honor of her BIG Number "1"...

...She turned tail on me and went back up to bed...

(Methinks that is dogspeak for "maybe later")...


Casey is HOME!

Good Morning ALL...

Morning has broken!

And there's a flock of wild turkeys back by the woods...
Those black blobs are turkeys; I counted 8...
(They come every year... I think just to destroy my garden)!

Casey IS home... for now. We are unsure still if she will be going back to Froedtert, or to Rochester, (Mayo Clinic).... She has much pain, but has awoken only once during the night. Am happy for that, as she needs her rest.




"Casey~Face! ...(You've got the cutest little Casey~Face)!"



Derek was at the hospital when she was released, and drove her home, stopping to pick up a prescription on the way. She slept a long while yesterday afternoon. Roberta, so happy to not have to go back to the darned hospital herself, (like Jenny Mella, Roberta has been up there every single day too), also came out with my little Gabriel. And such a beautiful day it was!

Nice enough to fire up the little bitty tractor, and hook up the little bitty trailer, and take them all for a little bitty ride...




...Yes, even Miss Punk had to jump in the itty bitty trailer....





Thinking we could get around the entire field, we headed back to the woods.... Oops, it was pretty washed~out by the old mulberry tree, so to turn around and head back home...

Thinking I would then go around the field the north way, I headed up there... Now this was an AWESOME idea! (...until we got stuck in the mud)! ...Thanks for the "PUSH" Berta!

Back up to the house then, and stole a ride down my neighbors driveway... all the way back.



Take a peek at how tall these trees are. Makes ya dizzy just to see it!

Mom and dad had planted all these trees years ago. By hand.

And when we got back home, it was time to put the plow down and try to reorganize a bit of gravel that had been displaced by the snowplowing this year... LOTS of noise moving that gravel, and even though Casey was sleeping on that side of the house she never heard a thing! And it seemed to have had the very same effect on Master Gabriel... He fell sound asleep in that little bitty trailer.

Time for dinner then...




A bit of rice and veggies... and I fried up a few chicken strips in olive oil and butter;
with TONS of garlic... MMmmmmm....
(All that garlic? hmm? 'Twas OK, I didn't have a date last night)! hehehe




Threw on a few brussels sprouts, and took out some black caps that were froze from last summer....




Master Gabriel even ate his brussels sprouts! He is so good about eating; he has never refused whatever I decide to throw on his plate!

He even eats jalapenos; (although I didn't give those to him)!





After dinner, Master Gabriel tried to make the Great Escape!




That didn't work for him though... (That door is hard for even an adult to make their escape through)!

We laughed and played a while....

Berta with a nasty migraine of her own but managed to get a blog written while she was here!

CLICK HERE for Berta's blog if you haven't already visited.

Casey ate very well, NOT without pain, but in the end "hunger" wins. (At least for Roberta, Casey and myself it always has)! None of us are too picky either. Just NO eggplant!

I walked outside with Miss Punk afterward... We could see the storms coming, as the sun was setting...





One of Gods Finer Sunsets~ ...in too long a time...




And once more all is well and wonderful in our little bitty corner of Wisconsin! ...Well, mostly...

I hope all is as well in YOUR little corner of the world!


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Cat Stevens

Morning Has Broken

Morning has broken like the first morning,
blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for them singing, praise for the morning,
praise for them springing, fresh from the world.

Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven,
like the first dew fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
sprung in completeness where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight ! Mine is the morning
born on the one light Eden saw play !
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day.