[My] Life in Wisconsin

Welfare?, Subway, and 'Food for Thought'...

Good Morning!

What an interesting evening. And one that I have learned (TOO?) much from...

I was checking my email and came across a very interesting article on Public Assistance, Welfare and The Law.





And I am hoping that this shows up large enough for you to read.
(In case it does not, here is the text)...
Written by Leonard Wilson of Riddle, Oregon

"I have a question, not only for Douglass County, but for the entire State of Oregon. Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. In order to get that paycheck. I am required to pass a random urine test, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check, because I have to pass one to earn it for them?"

"Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt. Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check."


Sounds pretty good, yes???


Of course me, NOT being able to come online without checking my 360; I had found myself on Miss Rebecca's Pages... And here were a few blogs that were very closely related to this email... (Note: She hates Gee Dubya). And so, I included the newspaper article that I had been sent, in my comments to her.

She wrote back to me then, and included a few "facts" of her own...

"Please pass this on to your friend...

My sister in law does have to pass or fail (depends how you look at it) a drug test to get her check. If she passes the drug test she loses the check.

You see she gets disability for being a drug addict who is so addicted the state says she cant work. All she has to do to get a check is fail a drug test every 6 months and go to therapy once a month. They also pay for her methadone.

I raise her kids and my taxes support her habit. Great system we have, yes?"



How bad is this?!?!? (Personally I had to read it twice to make sure I had read it correctly to begin with)... Sadly, I had. While I have ALWAYS been of the mind that welfare and the like are necessary evils, this "qualification" has really made me ill.

I am sure that if anyone is in a position to accurately relate their states codes on this...


Is the law like this in your state?

Is it like this in all 50 states???

Kinda gets one more than a little upset!

And on to other topics...

I cruise around Yahoo 360, and stumble upon many interesting words, stories, poems, and their authors... I am sure many of you know that CaseyAnne used to work at Subway... And this morning I had come across a patron of Subways... Britt had a very interesting tale to tell too! Funny also... (click their names for their own facts and fictions).

But then, as I write I remember what happened to CaseyAnne while she had still been employed by the tacky gas station down the road... (Now that's a whole 'nother blog in and of itself, so I am not going to explain the 'tacky' part of that story right now)...

One day last Fall she had gotten a Subway sandwich to take to work with her for a bite of dinner should she get a break on her shift. She did. And so, she began to happily munch away on her sandwich! Mmmm. We do like Subway Food!!! (Especially knowing that their breads are baked fresh every morning)!

Imagine Caseys surprise when her coworker said, "there is something on your sandwich."



Still happily chewing as she turned it over, this is what she found...






(Oh Freakin' Hey! I KID YOU NOT)!!!



I had frozen the sandwich immediately. As luck would have it, the next day is when she had had to go back to the hospital for emergency surgery on her 2nd spontaneous pneumothorax(ed) lung. And so I had not given it a second thought... (Until this morning). Digging around in my freezer, it was still there...



Eat "Fresh WHAT" exactly????

(Well hey, it IS a fresh picture)!

I don't imagine anyone would do anything about this at this late date; but it sure is disgusting, GROSS, and probably quite UNhealthy too. (And I don't much care what Jared, Jon Lovitt, or any other of their spokespersons say)... Had Casey not been taken ill and hospitalized right then, I probably WOULD have contacted an attorney, (or at least the Brown County Health Department), to see what could have been done at that point.

Oh well. Live and learn.

And ALWAYS turn ANY sandwich over before you proceed to think you are enjoying it...

Oh my... Between the unappetizing and unappealing welfare system in place, (not to mention an equally inappetizing and unappealing Subway), it was inevitable to lose track of time here...

And I just cannot resist telling you that it is "time for me to FLY!"

(Oh, quit groaning now, you HAD to see that one coming)...

Have a grand weekend!





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