[My] Life in Wisconsin

Mad 'Nuff to Spit Nails

I am ever so hesitant to say "Good" Morning...
I am too mad to even try to be nice.   hehehe?

That said,  you're just gonna have to figure it out yourselves...

1.  Ignore the dustwebs... 
2.  Know this is NOT where I feed the cat!

(Anybody caught laughing, giggling, or snorting will be shot on sight).
'Sides, Kelli already did that. (Yes, she is still alive). hehehe
She thinks they are just SO cute. Not me. Not by a longshot.


Hindsight ;-)

Sunset 11/27/09

Good Morning Everyone!
Time for a "cuppa"! hehehe

I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We sure did.
That is, if you don't count the fact that dinner was supposed to be at 2PM- But that interfered with the Packer Game so no way for that time.
I rescheduled for 3- No wait, I wasn't ready at 3...
Also, don't count the burnt (adds flavor, right?) stuffing, the concrete mashed potatoes that I made after the first 'real' potatoes smelled funny to me. Sorry Greg, I am not used to making my taters out of a box, being in a hurry, and misreading the directions all at once.
I should have taken Greg up on his offers when he asked 1., If I needed any help; and 2., If I wanted him to make those taters.

While doing 'stuff', there came a ruckus from the living room...
Casey- Bring it on!


Just moments before there was sweet music coming from that old Hamilton piano...

Playing Piano

Bring it on "Chopped Liver"
(Oh wait, that's Kelli's nickname for Greg)...

Orb on KC's butt!
That's either an orb, or a target, on her backside...

Greg and Casey
After she was done beating Greg up they smooched and hugged. hehehe

Then we ate "yummo" turkey, potatoes and gravy, and stuffing too!

Greg had doctored the concrete taters- And I still poured a wealth of gravy over mine. He even had 2nds-
(Wonder if he is well, or if those taters have since solidified in his stomach)?

I spent a ton of money yesterday!
Imagine that, me $pending money on Black Friday?!
But I just HAD TO!
AND, I spent it in record time too!  And we were home by about 9:30.

See, Sputty has been sneezing (gross), and wheezing, (scary). I called Dr. Spires on Wednesday and made that appointment...

Kelli stopped by really early yesterday- At one point she had my cat carrier, but one of her cats sorta destroyed it.  She has bought a new one; and had dropped it off about 5:30. (Not sure, but it was still dark, and Punk was still sleeping).

Sput in carrier
Sputnik in the carrier...

He did not mind being in there at all. Matter of fact since it is still here, he has slept in it twice already!

Not sure if he minded Doc Spires though...

Sput~N~Spires With Treat
Even after he was given that treat- (which of course he didn't eat because he cannot even smell it). But he kept an eye on the rear door to the room...
Waiting to make his escape.

No Thank you
After the "temp" was taken... hehehe

No fever- But an upper respiratory infection...
AND he has Rhinotracheitis
This is the medical term for herpes. wth?
From "cat world"
Most cats are infected with rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus 1).  Estimates vary from 70% to 95% of cats being chronically infected but it is likely that it is closer to 90% than to 70%.  Cats are usually infected when they are young but because the virus is a herpesvirus it can live in the body long term and surface at times of stress or immune compromise."

Now the dang cat has pills too. (And oh what a wrestling match I had last night getting that pill down his throat).

Sputty Drugs

He has the Clavamox pills for the respiratory infection, (and some homeopathic goo for the other).

I'd better close for now...  Maybe nap before Kelli gets here to run the dogs for a bit. (Been up since 11:30).

Oh but I wasn't done...
On Thanksgiving, my desktop computer took a doo~doo and died. Dr. Greg took it all apart, and in moments had it dx'ed- A few moments later, after hooking up my laptop, he also had the part ordered for it.
Not sure how long it will take, given that it is formally holiday season now, what with shipping and all.
In the meantime, know that my pictures are wacky... 

Again, I hope your Thanksgiving was grand! I look forward to reading all of your stories and such.

...And full steam ahead to Christmas! My tree will be set up soon.
I missed out on that last year, so I can set it up really early this year, right

Love to all.


Am I the only one who thinks that Martha Stewart needs a good swift kick in the @ss?
What a witch she is! CLICK

Theresa's Main Street Turkey


I received this recipe from Miss Theresa who we met while Casey recuperated from her TP/AIT a year ago.
She is a wonderful gal- Like Casey, still has a few ongoing medical problems...
I wish to thank her here for sending this recipe.

Having done my turkey already, (see picture above), I can hope that those of you who might be interested in a tasty turkey recipe will try this one tomorrow...

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Love to all.




  • 1 whole turkey, (fresh or completely thawed)
  • 1 large lemon, cut into halves
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • butter or olive oil, whichever you prefer


  • Turn oven to 350°

  • Rub butter, or oil, over the skin of the turkey until it is completely coated.

  • After placing in roasting pan, tuck wings in and under.

  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you prefer.

  • Take a knife, and very gently separate the skin from the breast meat.

  • Slide lemon halves under the skin with the peel side up.Place one on each side. (This way the juice from the lemon will release into the breasts).

Cover and bake for 30-45 minutes.

Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes until turkey is done.  Please refer to timing chart included with turkey, or until meat thermometer registers 165°.

If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should look much like the one pictured below.


Bon Appetit!

Of course you can always do it this way too: 

How To Cook A Turkey:

Step 1: Go buy a turkey
Step 2: Take a drink of whiskey
Step 3: Put turkey in the oven
Step 4: Take another 2 drinks of whiskey
Step 5: Set the degree at 375 ovens
Step 6: Take 3 more whiskeys of drink
Step 7: Turk the bastey
Step 8: Whiskey another bottle of get
Step 9: Ponder the meat thermometer
Step 10: Glass yourself a pour of whiskey
Step 11: Bake the whiskey for 4 hours
Step 12: Take the oven out of the turkey
Step 13: Floor the turkey up off of the pick
Step 14: Turk the carvey
Step 15: Get yourself another scottle of botch
Step 16: Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey
Step 17: Bless the dinner and pass out

Flintville's Fashionistas

Wild Dogs, Front and Center!

Subtitled: "A Hunting We Will Go?"
These are important... somehow
Good Afternoon Everyone;
Lest you think I have abandoned you, rest assured I am still alive. hehehe
There have been more than a few times in the past days here that I wished I wasn't.
Been wrestling a migraine since Saturday. It comes and goes at its leisure and not mine.

Even with respect to my head on Saturday, we found such fun (sprinkled with bellyaches from laughter).

Kelli called as I was going to put some pictures into this machine. She wanted to take the dogs for a walk... And had a few other things to do as well.
Punk tries to be a lapdog...

Kelli had also brought more wood for the campfires...
We are restocked now! (Thank you Sweetie)!
Since she was working hard all day- (they were cleaning out their garage), she had sweatpants on. This is acceptable clothing for such a day.
Had it been snowing, like a little kid, I would have had to bundle her up like a penguin in snow~pants and scarves and mittens etc.
Remember those days? One either had to go potty after getting dressed, or simply had to accept the fact that you couldn't walk in such attire. Thank God it was fun to fall over.

It is nice when they grow up and can dress themselves for whatever weather we have...
Like Casey does...
Casey dressed for a nippy day in Minnesota.
But now, in Wisconsin, there is Hunting Season.

A proper and safe way to dress is called for, for everyone that ventures outside.

Though she loves hunting, Casey will probably not be getting back there this year.
But back to the above safety pins...   Cnv1867 
They are necessary when you have to dress the dogs for Hunting Season.

A few pins, strategically placed, should keep their colors from sliding off.

Key word: "should".      hehehe
Punk, unimpressed and impervious, watches as CocoBean gets "dressed"
Mr. Miller had been the first to get dressed. He is after all the closest color to whitetail deer that we have in dogs.

He was not amused...
And he'd hoped no one would see him...
But the squirrel did!
That squirrel kept looking and laughing;
using that irritating sound they make when they are amused
The dogs made fun of each other too.
When things became noisy, they were told to take it onto the grass.

They did. And had glorious fun, making fun of each other...
Even Mr. Miller got in on that action.

Know that Kelli and I had all we could do not to snort, we were laughing so hard.
Know too, we could not even speak at that point...

Again, Mr. Miller took it personally.

He felt he had to at least try to hide...
Checking the lawn, that squirrel was laughing even harder...
at least had the decency to turn his back to spare Mr. Millers feelings
Kelli laughed so hard that the dogs went and pushed her over.

Mr Miller to the rescue!
Even the birds stopped eating when Kelli went down...
(And I didn't even know chickadees could giggle)! hehehe
Meanwhile, CocoBean and Punk were still arguing about whom was the cutest.
Miller finally rescued Miss Kelli
And it was time to head back to the woods.

Miller, not being able to stand it anymore, was first to leave the lawn
Punk was grazing, (and CocoBean was apparently invisible).
It had been a dark and froggy morning.
Still the orange would keep them safe.

And they were off!

As Kelli rounded the corner of the field, the previously invisible Miss CocoBean had come running out of the squash patch...

PICTURE THIS if you can...

By that time, I was near to the old pear tree with my camera.  A darn good thing too.
CocoBean had come tearing out of at field just as her 'sleeve' had come undone, as well as the top pin that earlier had kept her 'shirt' from hanging down and tripping her over.
Pins undone...
This caused the young dog to do a perfect somersault! How she managed to tuck her head in and under remains a mystery. Know that this somersault was Olympic quality.
Fortunately for me, I managed to hang onto the pear tree; as I was laughing too hard to remain standing.

Kelli stopped to refasten CocoBean's pins again...
When they got back up to the house, Punk was hungry again.

(That mix of wild peppermint and grass by the old stump must be really yummy)!
CocoBean still looking a little dizzy from her Doggie Olympics...
I asked CocoBean what she thought of going ass over teakettles?

Though I am still not quite sure how she replied, I do know her face tells all...
Poor Beans!

Are you laughing now?
Such is the Fashion Industry in Wisconsin for the next week...

Hope everyone is having a "wunnaful" holiday week!
Love to all.


Key Provisions of the Senate Health Care Reform Bill

The "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,"
H.R. 3590

By , About.com Guide

First of all, here is the bill which is now before your senators.
2074 pages, all are double spaced. Easy.

This article summarizes key provisions in the U.S. Senate health care bill, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," H.R. 3590, which was unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on November 18, 2009 after the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office concluded that the bill:

    * would reduce the federal deficit by $130 billion over the 2010-2019 period;
    * would cover about 31 million Americans who are presently uninsured;
    * would raise the percentage of Americans with health care coverage from 83% to 94%;
    * would slow the annual growth rate of Medicare to 6% from its 8% growth rate since 1990.

The Senate's "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" is the companion legislation to the House health care reform bill, which was hotly debated and negotiated over many months, and passed on November 7, 2009 in a historic House 220 to 215 vote.

Health care coverage and reform measures under the Senate plan are similar to the House health care reform bill.

However, most fiscal aspects of the Senate health care reform plan differ considerably from the House plan, including in funding sources for reform legislation, decreased employer penalties for not offering health insurance to employees, and decreased taxpayer penalties for not obtaining mandated coverage.

Health Care Coverage
Like the House bill, a Medicare-like public plan will offer four levels of care to all U.S. citizens and legal residents to choose from, without regard to pre-existing medical conditions: basic, enhanced, premium and premium-plus. The four government plan levels are differentiated mainly by costs covered by the public plan, rather than the participant, and range from 60% to 90% of costs.

Under the Senate bill, states may opt-out of allowing the public plan to be provided to their residents. Illegal immigrants are not covered by either the Senate or House health care refrom bill.

The public plan will be offered along with a myriad of private plans via a state-based insurance exchange.
For the first few years, only small businesses, the uninsured, and self-employed persons may purchase policies from the exchange.

In contrast to the House bill, employers will be strongly encouraged, but not required, to provide health insurance coverage for employees. If coverage is not provided, businesses will be assessed a flat fee per employee who buys insurance via the exchange.

Like the House bill, the Senate bill reforms for-profit practices by mandating that private insurers:
    * are required to accept all applicants,
    * may not charge higher premiums because a person becomes ill,
    * prohibits the use of pre-existing conditions to limit or disallow coverage, and
    * children may remain on parents' insurance through age 26.
    * No lifetime caps on coverage expenditures.

Mandatory Insurance with Cost Subsidies
As is the case for car insurance in most states, all Americans will be required to obtain some form of health-care insurance coverage.

Subsidies to help pay for the costs of government plans will be given on a sliding scale to individuals and families with annual incomes between 133% to 400% of poverty level.
* Those earning less than 133% are eligible for Medicaid coverage.

Penalties of up to $750 per adult, under the Senate plan, would be assessed for failure to purchase insurance coverage. The House plan charges much higher penalties, as high as 2.5% of annual income.

Doctors and Hospitals
Under the Senate's public option plan, doctors, hospitals and other medical professionals will be reimbursed at individually or regionally negotiated rates.... a change forced by legislators who hail from largely rural areas, which often receive below-cost rates under standardized Medicare reimbursement procedures.

It's widely expected that all doctors and hospitals that currently provide Medicare services will also opt to provide "public option" healthcare plan services.

Paying for Government "Public Option" Plan
The goal for the Obama administration and Democratic leadership in Congress is for government "public option" health care to be budget-neutral, which means new government funds will be found (new revenues or cost-cutting measures) to pay for the new Medicare-like plan.

The Senate Democrats' "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" legislation plans to pay for these new initiatives through the following:
    * A 40% tax on employer-provided "cadillac plans," which are defined as having employer-paid annual premiums over $23,000 for families and $8,500 for individuals
    * Increased Medicare payroll tax, from 1.45% to 1.95%, on couples with adjusted gross incomes over $250,000 and individuals over $200,000
    * A 5% tax on elective cosmetic surgeries
    * Annual levies on health insurers, clinical laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies.

So there you have it once again...
I imagine the rabble rousers will have their field days posting ignorant and false things pertaining to this...
Oh well.
Some people just refuse to educate themselves.
It will be their burden later on to explain their own culpability, (as they will, at some point), watch their loved ones die.


***  New "Flintville" update later today...

On a related note... From here: http://www.figtreenotes.com

What the American public still has not really understood is that the economic morass we are in is directly connected to our profligate military spending. While people bemoan a health care package costing $849 billion while cutting $1 trillion over a decade in projected health costs, they fail to acknowledge that we have spent about a trillion dollars on the Iraq War. And now we are on the brink of sending more troops to Afghanistan with the price tag of $1 million a year per soldier. The overall military budget could jump to $734 billion — 10 percent more than the $667 billion under the Bush administration.

In the Leonard Bernstein “Mass,” a street band and chorus do a rollicking riff on the Gloria: Half of the people are stoned and the other half are waiting for the next election. Half the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction. And they call it glorious living. Prophetic words from maestro Bernstein. Folks are already polling Obama’s popularity and the wing nuts on the right are ready to torpedo him as a failure if he doesn’t send troops overseas. They can’t wait for the next election.

Garry Wills, in the November 5 New Your Review of Books, still has high hopes for Obama’s promise to “change the way Washington works” and would like to see him enter a second term. “But I would rather see him a one term president,” says Wills, “than have him pass on another unwinnable war to the person who follows him.”

I like that, and I like his conclusion: “It is unlikely that we will soon have another president with the moral and rhetorical force to take us out of a foolish commitment that cannot be sustained without shame and defeat. If it costs him his presidency, what other achievement can match it?”

Well spoken, Garry

Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc.

Just saving this link for anyone with Chronic Illnesses...


WELCOME to Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc., where patients can get free information, advice and advocacy services in areas including but not limited to the following:

***** How to get your own medical records.
***** How to get and keep health insurance.
***** How to get health insurance coverage for particular treatments, drugs, and/or therapies.
***** How to get private disability insurance coverage.
***** How to get Social Security Disability Income.
***** How to assert your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
***** How to assert your rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

You may request assistance by writing to attorney Jennifer C. Jaff, Esq. at patient_advocate@sbcglobal.net or by calling her at (860) 674-1370.
If she can't help you, she will try to direct you to an appropriate resource.

Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc. will provide advocacy services not including litigation. If your claim cannot be resolved without litigation, we will attempt to refer you to an attorney in your area to bring suit on your behalf.
(Thanks to Jamie Diaferia of www.InfinitePR for helping to spread the news).

You may know someone who might need this referral link?
Please send it on to them

Check Your Résumé...

These excerpts were compiled from actual resumes and have appeared in magazines and numerous online publications.

"Was met with a string of broken promises and lies, as well as cockroaches."

"Please call me after 5:30 because I am self-employed and my employer does not know I am looking for another job."

"I was proud to win the Gregg Typting Award."

"Physical disabilities include minor allergies to housecats and Mongolian sheep."

"Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain operation."

"They insisted that all employees get to work by 8:45 every morning. Couldn't work under those conditions."

"I was working for my mom until she decided to move."

"Work Experience: Dealing with customer conflicts that arouse."

This is especially twisted for those of us who have ever done any hiring.


...from Lewis; the bizarre news guy

Question for ALL (Comments please).

Hi All;
Bring it on! Please.
Having been verbally attacked, sabotaged, (even to include a desperate attempt at humiliating me), I have put the following question out for everyone...

Has any one of you ever had to question my Faith, or lack of it?
Now what of my patriotism?
Why? or Why not?


I am over 50 years old. I am more than set in my beliefs and am quite honest as I have been always. As Mama said, "blatantly and brutally honest"
Therefore I won't be hurt (or disgraced?), by your words. 
Though of course you are welcomed to try....

A 'Casey Update' From Minnesota

Good Morning All;
We are yet in Minnesota- I have just brought Punk outside- A quiet walk for us both.

Before we left, and ready to get in the car. Casey had begun to laugh.
I had no idea why til she pointed; and told me I had to get my camera...

Flipped the trap right over.  (Either that, or it's Hide~n~Seek)!

Since I have not been catching the meeces in the house, I leave the trap in the attached garage.
Sure enough that little guy tried to have his last meal.

Aside from my back, and Casey's tummy, we had an uneventful drive here.

Punk says "hi"!
Punk, (in Ringle of course).

Casey brought all of her homework...

Homework 1
...and a snack or two.

I prayed to 'the god of the back' to take me away. (It didn't work). ;-)

And Punk was bored...

... even with the big town scenery.

My "Multiply" friend Beths daughter Melanie has been awful sick since her own TP/AIT.
One of the matters put to her was that Melanie has gastroparesis. When I had brought that term up to Dr. Sutherland, it was then he ordered that test.

...So thanks to Beth, Casey has had a gastric emptying test!

(Thank you "Little Voice"). Beth and I have learned that not only do the two doctors compare notes, so do us two mothers!

*  Casey's own test came back as "severely delayed"

Meeting with Dr, Sutherland twice now, he will probably be doing Casey's surgery after the 1st of the year.
She will be having a roux en y gastrojejunostomy. (Click to read a few articles if you wish).
Not sure if there is a short way to say that, but for those familiar it is also the surgery that is done to counter obesity. Save for the fact that Casey's stomach should remain at almost 50% of its whole size.

  roux en y gastrojejunostomy 2
Photo from here:

And a much better picture to show the "Y" part of it.

The bile from her liver will not be able to get anywhere near her stomach as the cut will be 28 cm beneath the duodenum (Tail end of stomach).
This promises to be yet another long surgery- They will use the same scar as she is to be filleted open during it all.
Should have had that darned zipper put in a long time ago...

She will be hospitalized at least a week too.

She has yet another prescription to hopefully hold her over until 2010.

And in the meantime...

... a few prayers won't ever hurt.

Hope all is well with you?
Love to all.


FOOD! Carnivore? Herbivore? Or Omnivore? hehehe

Good Morning All;
Seems as though everyone is talking about food lately- Makes my mouth water to read some of your entries! (Maybe it is because I haven't done the 'real' grocery shopping in a while).


Thank you Sophie for sharing this!

The list includes fine food, strange food, everyday food and even some pretty bad food - but a good omnivore should really try it all. :)

The instructions are quite easy...

1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.

2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.

3) highlight in red any items that you would never consider eating.

  1. Venison

  2. Nettle Tea

  3. Huevos rancheros

  4. Steak tartare

  5. Crocodile

  6. Black pudding

  7. Cheese fondue

  8. Carp

  9. Borscht

 10. Baba ghanoush   Will never do so again-

 11. Calamari

 12. Pho

 13. PB&J sandwich

 14. Aloo gobi
aka: alu gobi, or aloo gobhi  (Cumin, I'll bet).

 15. Hot dog from a street cart   (I live under a rock. Carts won't fit).

 16. Epoisses   too scary.

 17. Black truffle

 18. Chicken and Waffles (only if I ran out of bread)?

 19. Steamed pork buns  huh?

 20. Pistachio ice cream

 21. Heirloom tomatoes

 22. Fresh wild berries

 23. Foie gras   before I knew it's history

 24. Rice and beans Senior Class exchange to Mexico

 25. Brawn, or head cheese  Don't like it.

 26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper

 27. Dulce de leche

 28. Oysters

 29. Baklava

 30. Bagna cauda   sounds like barricuda?

 31. Wasabi peas

 32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl  Country Kitchen

 33. Salted lassi   Arf?

 34. Sauerkraut    Mmmm (Click Here).

 35. Root beer float

 36. Clotted cream tea

 37. Gumbo

 38. Turtle Soup

 39. Oxtail

 40. Curried goat

 41. Whole insects

 42. Phaal (Its HOT!!!) Then no.

 43. Goat’s milk

 44. Pheasant

 45. Squirrel

 46. Fugu   I haven't eaten it, (I don't think), but there are a few people I could say this to.

 47. Chicken tikka masala

 48. Eel

 49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut No.

 50. Sea urchin   No.

 51. Prickly pear   No.

 52. Umeboshi

 53. Abalone

 54. Paneer

 55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal

 56. Spaetzle

 57. Tongue

 58. Skyline Chili

 59. Poutine A Québecois delicacy: French fries, gravy, and cheese curds

 60. Carob chips

 61. S’mores

 62. Sweetbreads

 63. Kaolin (But I drank a bottle of kaopectate when I was a kid).

 64. Currywurst

 65. Durian

 66. Frogs’ legs

 67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake

 68. Haggis

 69. Fried plantain

 70. Chitterlings, or andouillette

 71. Gazpacho

 72. Caviar and blini

 73. Dog

 74. Gjetost, or brunost (Is this cheerios for ghosts)?

 75. Roadkill

 76. Shoofly pie

 77. Hostess Fruit Pie

 78. Snail

 79. Lapsang souchong

 80. Bellini

 81. Tom yum  (Tom who)?

 82. Eggs Benedict

 83. Pocky (Do I need a vaccine for this)?

 84. Ostrich

 85. Kobe beef   Face it, I will never be rich enough

 86. Hare

 87. Goulash

88. Flowers

 89. Horse

 90. Criollo chocolate

 91. Spam

 92. Soft shell crab

 93. Rose harissa

 94. Catfish  Mmmmm

 95. Mole poblano

 96. Bagel and lox

 97. Lobster Thermidor

 98. Polenta

 99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee

100. Snake


So, are you hungry now?

Do tell !


And just for grins and giggles I have to throw this in...

You Are Milk Pocky
Your attitude: caring and charming
You are smooth and silky... invigorating and natural.
You ignite people's senses. You are very sensual.
You are like comfort food for the soul.