[My] Life in Wisconsin

What They Heard!


Good Morning All;
Here is a short quote from yesterday- please tell me what you think of it...

"...I wish I could have a dog right now more than anything in this world.Throughout my entire life I always had some breed of dog. It wasn't always a Pit Bull. It may have been a German Shepherd. It may have been a Dalmatian. But whatever it was I took care of them..."
-Michael Vick

Yes, you read that correctly.  Michael Vick wants another dog.

Michael Vick was speaking to some high school kids in New Jersey when he said it.
What school board in their right mind actually approves such a visitor for their young audience?

Oh wait, could it be that ... ???  Nah
Please call someone like Mike Huckabee.
Perhaps they will change the previous judges ruling saying that Vick may never own another dog.

Methinks at the very least the entire school board in that district should be replaced.



The following are a few 'quotes' from Aug 24, 2007

... Vick pleaded not guilty to the charges, he also said he looked forward to  "clearing my good name."

"... killed a number of dogs that did not perform well in testing sessions around this time," the summary says. "Vick did not kill any dogs at this time."

...dogs that did not perform well in "testing" sessions at 1915 Moonlight Road and all of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning,"

Note to Multiply: There are no negative review stars. We need negative stars.