[My] Life in Wisconsin

Out With the Old

Good Happy Sunday Morning to All!

First and foremost, I have a friend that is living in Bangkok Thailand... Please take a moment to visit Leticias blog~ (Bangkok was the site of SO many explosions yesterday). And please, please to keep her safety in your prayers. CLICK HERE

Another friend of mine whose Mother~in~Law passed away early yesterday afternoon after an injury on Christmas Day. CLICK HERE I had earmarked her Christmas Eve blog entry called "A Dogs Night Before Christmas" to share with you all. (Well, with those of you that actually like dogs anyway)...

Uh-Oh, did somebody say "DOGS" ??? I'll get to them in a minute... hehehe

Hmmm?? (Kinda scared to ask, but shall my own New Year resolution be then to NOT post about dogs in blogs)??

What a nasty few 'daze' here... But I have slept. And I have woken. Slept. Woken. And slept some more... (The jury is still out on whether I am still asleep or awake at the moment)! ???

And with that, unless you want me to be blogging about the dreams I had while I slept, there is sure NOT too much news from the farm... (And Jamie, I do not have chicken poop anywhere)! Sure wish I did though...

Our little walk to the woods... And much excitement (and a bit of sadness too), for my little Miss Punk... We began walking back with Mama Milly; who then decided to take off straight for the old dump. Punkie started to follow, and then sadly thought better of it, (not wanting to leave me alone I suppose). She came back to me, to walk together.

I have LONG since given up trying to call Miss Milly back when she takes off at the speed of light. (And especially now, given the fact that it still basically hurts a bit to get that cold air in my mouth anyway)...

Milly truly loses her hearing at that speed anyway... (And sometimes a varmint or two loses the chase also). But I saw no bunnies or anything else ahead- Just the quickly disappearing backside of my eldest dog!

So a sad 'nobody~to~play~with' Punk and I meandered back to the woods... For the first time this year, there was a bit of ice on the river... but just a tiny bit too... Miss Punk cautiously running the ridge to be on the lookout should her mama appear down by the river. But it didn't happen.

Punkie got hold of a "Tarzan~Style" grapevine, taking her pent up frustrations out on that. But it wouldn't 'let go' for her either. hehehe

the more she pulled the worse it got for her...
until, finally ripping it loose, she sailed her backside right into a pine tree!

And then she almost 'bought it' over the cliff once more, as some bark snapped free from the grapevine...

...my own heart skipping a beat as she caught herself in time (with grapevine bark in her mouth)!

And still no Mama~Milly for her... As we walked to the old campsite, she just sat. Listening for any sign...

yet there was nothing to be heard or seen anywhere.

Finally, from all the way back home, Miss~Milly~Mama appeared! She must have realized we were still in the back woods waiting and wandering. And the joy was apparent in Punks face, as I told her "GO!" And she did!

Both Punkie and Millie... THROTTLES WIDE OPEN!

And then to realize after a moment that she had left me behind she had to come back as if to say "Come see! I FOUND MAMA!"



And she was ever so happy!

I do not know what the heck Milly had gotten into, but am once more SO very grateful that she is not my 'inside' dog. When we got back up to the house to realize how very dirty she really was!

All that dirt, and very little snow for her to be rolling in either.
A dogs "winter bath" nowhere to be found...

The last I had posted about the snow, I was asked about their collars. Perhaps a few others of you have wondered about them as well... I wrote back top Miss Val the following note:

The 'collars' on the dogs are two~fold. Both are Pet~Safe collars.

Miss Millys is a bark collar- When she first arrived to the farm she was a noisy little thing- Miss Mona (my deceased and beautiful black lab) had an old bark collar, so that went on Miss Milly... and has remained there ever since. (Of course the batteries died many many moons ago, but she doesn't bark now unless it is of the utmost importance).

Miss Punks collar is a remote controlled training collar. And it has 2 functions...

One is a 'beep' which warns her that she might be in trouble...

The other button on the remote actually can 'zap' her if she IS in trouble. (I have only had to push the zap about 4 times, but she knows it is there)-

Mostly she 'listens' so it is a moot point anyway.

The ONLY times she has gotten a zap is when she was getting too near the road, or something else that might have cost her limb and life. (But I like it on her, just in case). She can still get way too excited at times; but she's a baby yet- (9 months old now), and that's to be expected anyway.

So one is 'no bark' with no batteries; (PLEASE don't tell Miss Milly)... and Punkins is for training and safety.

Now Miss Mona (the black lab)... She was about 5 years old, and we had taken the old buick back to the woods... Mona would run like the wind there and back; and loved this twice daily routine...

One day, (after doing this only about 3,000 times), she had tripped in a rut, in the field- and wound up under the back tire. She died almost instantly.

I still have not gotten over the horror of killing her- Casey was in the car with me... and it still breaks my heart to be thinking of it all...

And life goes on...

Some days better than others...

And clearly even some months and years are better than others... But WE are here! And we take what the Good Lord sees fit to hand to us. Not always with a smile; but to not take it would be to end the purpose of anyones life.

I am happy to be here. (Um, most days). And I am forever happy to have found this little corner of the world that has brought me so much peace, that has brought me so many good friends, and that has brought me so much happiness in both of those things! This little niche in the big worldwide web... This little place I call "home".

I thank you for allowing me to share it all with you ALL. And I am thankful that I have only had a very few negative experiences associated with being on here. Through the dark days of Reianna's death; and from my bee~stings to my stupid head and even now my 'owiee' teeth, it is very apparent that I have certainly had MORE negative crap in my life that has nothing to do with being online and "out there" !!!

Happy New Year to Everyone!

And should you be away and enjoying a cocktail (or 2 or 3 or 10); Doubtfire has reminded all to please make use of a designated driver. Be safe.

My wish for you is that you have someone to have and to hold onto come the stroke of midnight, and for forever too.



PS I shall see those 'designated drivers' on here bright and early tomorrow morning... (and the rest of you? Perhaps a bit later)! hehehe

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Steve Buzil & Female Football Fans EVERYWHERE!

Steve Buzil is an unmitigated, chauvenistic idiot in my book!

...READ ON!!!

Good Morning...

I have been 'up' for the better part of 4 hours already; and hopefully can go rest a bit before actually beginning my day... Trust me when I say that tired, and with a nasty head, is NO way to go through life.

So... About the above picture...

Having gone through a few blogs, belatedly, (but cheerfully), there was an idea on my friend "Reconstituted Teenagers" blog... CLICK HERE ...

The idea is to post a baby picture of ones self... And so I have! (Well, it is the portrait Mom and Dad had done when my adoption went through anyway; I don't think anyone has any newborn pictures of me)!

... And yes, I know I USED to be cute!!! hehehe

So much of the media, local and worldwide news is so revolting to me, and I am ever so happy to have my little 360 World that brings me joy each day... Happiness and many smiles that come in the form of your comments, letters, invitations, (and even a marriage proposal since I began writing). hehehe (Hey, if nothing else, that was VERY good for my ego)!

Oops, yes I DO realize that was a poorly constructed paragraph. Please keep the "Grammar~Police" away from my site, or they will be having a field day... (week... month...etc etc etc)? ...Oh well...

Now, as many football fans and fanatics already know, our Green Bay Packer Game was switched from noon to 7:15pm tomorrow night.

Online, and on last nights news was a man by the name of Steve Buzil... Buzil, is a broker in Chicago, (and) said he knows why fans, particularly men, are opting to either give up tickets or not buy them in the first place.

And I quote: "I would believe that behind that gentleman is a woman screaming at him, or telling them that we're not going to the Bears game," he said. "We're going to that play, or we're going to that dinner, or that party."


(Excuse me, but did you really say, "screaming at him")???

Now, maybe in each stadium there are fans are male, and have those prissy, pouty, 'football~ignorant' spouses who would rather eat, drink and get fat, than go to a football game... But here in Green Bay, I can assure you that this is not the definition of ANY of our beloved "fans"!

Hey Buzil, we were RAISED better than that!

...As were many, many other teams' female fans!!!

I can only hope you get all kinds of rebuttal and grief for your ignorant statement too.

I am also wondering WHY the men in your quote are referred to as "gentlemen" and the women are portrayed as shrews?

(Things that make you go "Hmmmm")? Answer THAT, if you dare.

(NOTE: After a bit of checking up on this guy, here he is, as owner)...

SitClose Tickets, 955 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60613

Let's all tell the boy to get out of his box, and actually LQQK in the stands at ANY American football stadium!!! (Chicago INCLUDED)...

Toll Free Phone: 877-999-2020

And life goes on! But I am glad THAT is off my chest! hehehe

I apologize again for being so nasty yet today. This b*tchy attitude will change by tomorrow, I promise; ...or I simply will NOT blog!!!

Punkin is asleep at my feet, bringing a whole new definition to the "Lucky Dog" concept! And I think that is what I shall try to do this 'asleep' thing for a little while now...

Have a grand Sunday!!!



Ooh. Ooh.

Now please go dig out those old baby pictures!!!

Babies always make me smile... (well, as long as they are quiet anyway)!!!



Favre/Helmet Image from HERE


I wish this picture had turned out; but is it a ghost-pup??? (Caseys car is hunter green for Petes sake. I have always wanted to know more about photography... (See, I wasn't kidding)...

So, Good Morning... (with a warning, I am in a nasty mood)...

Having just checked my forecast; it is showing the roads might become covered with snow and sleet. (Hence my title)! But it should become only rain the for later today.

Having woken with a leftover nasty migraine from yesterday this is good news for me. I usually try to treat these danged things at home for a day or two, and then if they do not let up I will go in for a shot. (This is always a hard call to make on a Friday; and especially given that it is the beginning of a LONG weekend here). Will see how the afternoon leaves me feeling then.

I do have to get downtown and pay the idiot real estate taxes too. Now if it were true that migraines are brought on by stress, this would be a perfect thing to blame it on! But sadly, we all now know that is only an old wives tale.

Oh well. (But it is always so nice to sit back here with my sunglasses on while I write). ???

Not too much going on... Shoveling. More shoveling. And a whole lot of entertainment from the Punkster, as she has finally found out that snow CAN be fun. (Yeah, if you're a dog)!

She was so leery of wandering too far off yesterday...

turning back to see if I was watching...
Yes, Punkie; I am STILL watching...

Time to start shoveling... and then the FUN began!!! CaseyAnne arrived just in time... I was trying to figure out how to move my little snow~pusher~thingie now attached to the front of the Cub Cadet.

Meanwhile CaseyAnne was really introducing Punk to the fun of snow...

Punkie tried and tried to catch the "snow~treats" as they came to her...
And MORE fun to be had playing "keep~away" from her Mama!
(Miss Milly is on the left)...

For now, the yard and driveway are clear; and given the fact that it is to be about 40 degrees by this afternoon, what little remains then will quickly disappear!

Such is the "snow~and~the~sleet~and~the~rain~winter" that we are having this year...

Anybody wanting to help shovel when it does finally come, please keep in mind that I do have a couple empty bedrooms upstairs!!! hehehe...NO, I'm NOT Kidding!?!?

On a wildly different note, I have been reading news stories on here. People are actually complaining that the cops seem to be shooting more and more bad people. (And I am thinking that this is quite a can of worms I am about to open here)...

But like the fwd emails we have all received already, (giving credit to Mr. George Carlin), I too believe that the police have EVERY right "TO SHOOT YOUR SORRY ASS" if you are stupid enough to be threatening THEM! (I further believe the word "DUH" is MORE than appropriate once more).

And I am also thinking that this should really be a huge "NON~ISSUE" for the rest of us.

Guess it might be just something for people to be complaining about...

And most especially those who have not raised their kids to know the simple meaning of the word 'respect'...

...Oh hey, and how about 'please' and 'thank you' and 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.' and 'God' and 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' and, and, and, and, and.... And then how about a nice little spank on the butt when they refuse to show this respect? No, you don't 'beat' them, but just sometimes ya gotta teach them to respect their own mouths and backsides first.

Well, that is my b*tch for today! (Oh yeah, and the danged taxes too)...

Quite a foul mood I am in; and I must apologize for that. Sorry.

(But you are NOT alone; I don't even like me like this)!



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Tattoos, Butts and Smiles!

Oh, what a beautiful morning... !!!

And very Good Morning to ALL;

The above picture here- Miss Milly attempting to smile as she had received her own little present from Miss CMM for Christmas. Normally Milly can smile REAL BIG, but she was way too upset about being interrupted by my camera! Still a hugely finny picture! "Finny"??? (Heck, it's a FUnny picture too))! hehehe

Being up late last night when sleep wouldn't come... Then napping, and waking during the night (only to go back to bed), I have severely overslept here... But to my amazement, leaving Punkin outside for her morning 'work', I have found my whole little outside world all so very nicely decorated!

knowing that I have to shovel being a damper on the wonder of it all!

Proof that "Punkin Was Here" !!!!

But shoveling is OK too- Having had too little exercise in the past few weeks, I will need to work off the extra calories that my 'mashed potato diet' has afforded me...

Yes, I did go in to the dentist on Tuesday, and left with instructions to be calling him tomorrow with an update. After taking an X~ray, it is determined that the sharp 'thing' I am feeling in my mouth is actually the bone from my upper palette?... (How gross is that)? And yes, he said this happens in a very small handful of patients, and that my gums will heal over it. (Hopefully anyway). The pain coming from the air being in contact with exposed bone...

I'd asked him then if this pain was all in my head? He said absolutely not, that it should hurt like BillyHell. (I assure you that it does)! But it is nice to know that in some little way I am keeping Idaho in business. (My good deed for the final month of the year)!

And, I am also quite happy to know I am still 'a very small handful too'!!!! hehehe

OK, now who was it that asked me yesterday if grandmothers should be grabbing butts??? Well, I don't know about all of that, but THIS grandmama says, "Go for the gusto!" hehehe

(Please Note: I am NOT quite DEAD yet)!

Back to my snow... Punk didn't know what the heck had happened between 3 and 8AM here, and got all confused and peed on my cement! Funny; but a bit too colorful to be welcoming visitors too. I shall have to shovel THAT part extra nice; and leave a bit of white over it all...

CaseyAnne came out yesterday to show off her new tattoo. You will have to go to her page to see it... CLICK HERE for the little ones page.

Also on this page you will find Caseys little rendition of what er...um... 'flatulence' has caused in our little world; (but it might fall under the guidelines of not believing everything you read).


Life goes on...

Back to the tat... I know there are plenty of people that will say that tattoes are bad etc etc etc... Having raised 4 daughters; and knowing full~well that there are so very many WORSE things in this world that they could be doing, I find that I do prefer a bit of body art myself.

I'd better close. Late again, and shower is screaming my name already. (I would save it for after the shoveling, but I see that the white stuff is still coming down a little bit).

Have a 'wunnaful' Thursday!!!



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Christmas '06... It Wasn't Me!


Good Morning Everyone!!!

I shall start off by saying that it wasn't myself who had imbibed of any alcoholic quenching... Personally, I don't drink. (Am thinking that the stupid narcotics are more than enough for my system to handle anyway)... And yes, Sweet DeeAnne, I DO know that alcohol and drugs do not mix; especially painkillers. Any alcohol in this house has been 'gifted' to me, and/or is here for "Caseys FAMOUS Beer Can Chicken" ... (Crap, how is it that one can suddenly be starving in the wee hours of the morning here)???

So Jennifer has written that she wants pictures! And she has also written that they need a dining room set, and that I should send $$$ or an oak slab. (I shall address the pictures, "Oh Jenne, My Jenne")!!! hehehe

my candle tree gets lit always...


A bit of background for those who do not know... When the girls were little, I could not stand my own anticipation on Christmas morning... To wake them up, (along with half the neighborhood I am sure), I stuck in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tape that I had... and simply BLASTED the poor little kids out of bed! (Finding that this worked so very well, I have done this each and every year since)! And yes, with my camera at the ready...

First down this year was Casey, (but having to make the dreaded potty stop before she came into the living room; Berta and Gabriel beat her to the punch)!

Christmas Morning... MISSING Jenne, Zoe and their Babies...
Young Master Gabriel; sneaking up on the tree while coffee was being poured...
He unwraps a present with mama's help!

Even Punkie watching safely from between CaseyAnne and Roberta... Punk had not really known what was going on when I lit all the candles, placed Baby Jesus in his stable; (I suppose doing THOSE things set all well and good with her)... But when I had put the "Antlers" on my head... (Hmmm....hehehe) It was clearly MORE than she could handle~ (She had immediately dashed up the stairs and made herself scarce until the music began)...

Gabriel and his new Legos! ~And still another present from the SantaMan!!
Casey LOVES her jewelry.... Roberta gets a SASSY shirt!

And it was 'hurry hurry' to literally "get cookin'" in the kitchen... First to arrive was my sister Kris and her friend Judy!

SissyKrissiePoo, Me, and "Judy Judy Judy"~~~ Kris even SANG for us!
Robert~A~Wart, 'Meself', Kris, and Casey!

Then came my 2nd Family of Daughters... (Missing Miss Tracy and her 2 little ones this year). Now the girls here have all worked for/with me at one time or another- Through those nasty growing~up years for them, we have all become "family"... Close. And I am SO full of pride and of LOVE for them ALL!

Myself and Miss Crystal... Myself and Miss Brandy too!!
Brandy, Me, KC and Ashley... Brandy Me, and Crystals 3 Children;
(Raven, Jonathan and Brittney)
Berta and John.. John 'reading' a few cards that I decorate with...

Everyone was followed shortly by Chris and Cheryl. When my family lived NE of Pulaski, Chris owned all the land around us... He too, very quickly became part of my little family. Clean. Decent and Hardworking, and with a great sense of humor as well. (Cheryl is very lucky to have him; as he is her)! A wonderful couple, and I am always ever so happy that they come to Christmas at my house each year! My sister, Kris had to leave a bit early to get to Judys brothers home, otherwise Kris picks on poor Christopher relentlessly! The battle of the Kris/Chris' !!!

Christopher and Cheryl!

My sister Mary, Tom, (Captain Sneeb) and kids, Rita and Michael also came.

Mary and Rita... Sneeb and Mikey!

Finally Zoe, Eric and Valerie came!

Meself and Zelda!

And we ate and everybody had fun- A day to remember well for everyone!

ALL this, and it was Jesus Bithday too!!!

The stable, handmade by my Father... The statues (most) painted by my Mother...

OK Mrs. Jennifer- I am hoping the picture craving for you has been quenched a bit!!!

Note: I would also like a new living room set my Dear- If you send me $$$ for that, I will gladly send you $$$ for your new dining room set!!! (And you will just have to push on my comments section here and leave me one as to what you would like to do about this offer)!!! hehehe

Love to ALL...



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In The Beginning...

I have heard it said that in the Book of Genesis, that He made all living things...

That He made the dinosaur above. And He created the mass storms, meteors, and explosions that most have tried to convince us the dinosaur was gone from us forever...


Now as it happened yesterday, and having had many mouths to feed, I was not paying attention to all that I should have been... And somehow this little guy wandered into my kitchen, crawled up my new table, opened a Leinenkugels (Apple Spice no less),

and drank it down...

Still thirsty, the beast then moved on to the Behringer !

He tried to break in!

But alas, he had NO WAY of popping the cork on this one... (There is something to be said for having THUMBS)!!! ...exceptin' of course when they do not work correctly...

Later, most tragically, we found him like this...
poor little guy... he has yet to wake up...

After the dinosaurs came the homo sapiens, the dogs, and the bears!!! The bears and the dogs (and even some of the homo sapiens), were mean and frightful creatures and spent a great deal of their time hunting, or running from the hunt! (And sometimes they lost life and limb in this feeble attempt to run from their terrible and hungry predators and enemies)...

Much like this (HE LOST) and is now attached to Public Enemy Number One.

And you wonder what became of the dog? (Oh, yes you do)!

The dog befriended all humans... and learned to be their fiercest of all protectors...

Even startled, they would run into the face of danger to protect us.

Bravely and gracefully, they would do their level best to save The Little One from being attacked by any mal~intentioned bears...

And sometimes it proved too much for a little dog...

And yet, the moment of truth came when said Little One bent down and held on tightly to dog... as the bear also held himself to the Little One.

Most courageously, the little dog attacked... and tried valiantly to get the bear to loose its grip...
And they ALL fell down... Blaze of Glory!

Being youthful, strong and not at all like the cowardly lion, the fierce dog has earned her little present (from CMM in Tennessee)...

Ooooohhhhh YUMMY!!!
Even better when it gets pried out and unwrapped!!

We sincerely hope that ALL of you have had a very much more merrier Christmas than the dinosaurs and the bears...

This one was also found off the couch, and on the hooch...
Love to all!
And the Little Dog, like the rest of everyone, was also decorated in high~style!



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