[My] Life in Wisconsin

Christmas '06... It Wasn't Me!


Good Morning Everyone!!!

I shall start off by saying that it wasn't myself who had imbibed of any alcoholic quenching... Personally, I don't drink. (Am thinking that the stupid narcotics are more than enough for my system to handle anyway)... And yes, Sweet DeeAnne, I DO know that alcohol and drugs do not mix; especially painkillers. Any alcohol in this house has been 'gifted' to me, and/or is here for "Caseys FAMOUS Beer Can Chicken" ... (Crap, how is it that one can suddenly be starving in the wee hours of the morning here)???

So Jennifer has written that she wants pictures! And she has also written that they need a dining room set, and that I should send $$$ or an oak slab. (I shall address the pictures, "Oh Jenne, My Jenne")!!! hehehe

my candle tree gets lit always...


A bit of background for those who do not know... When the girls were little, I could not stand my own anticipation on Christmas morning... To wake them up, (along with half the neighborhood I am sure), I stuck in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tape that I had... and simply BLASTED the poor little kids out of bed! (Finding that this worked so very well, I have done this each and every year since)! And yes, with my camera at the ready...

First down this year was Casey, (but having to make the dreaded potty stop before she came into the living room; Berta and Gabriel beat her to the punch)!

Christmas Morning... MISSING Jenne, Zoe and their Babies...
Young Master Gabriel; sneaking up on the tree while coffee was being poured...
He unwraps a present with mama's help!

Even Punkie watching safely from between CaseyAnne and Roberta... Punk had not really known what was going on when I lit all the candles, placed Baby Jesus in his stable; (I suppose doing THOSE things set all well and good with her)... But when I had put the "Antlers" on my head... (Hmmm....hehehe) It was clearly MORE than she could handle~ (She had immediately dashed up the stairs and made herself scarce until the music began)...

Gabriel and his new Legos! ~And still another present from the SantaMan!!
Casey LOVES her jewelry.... Roberta gets a SASSY shirt!

And it was 'hurry hurry' to literally "get cookin'" in the kitchen... First to arrive was my sister Kris and her friend Judy!

SissyKrissiePoo, Me, and "Judy Judy Judy"~~~ Kris even SANG for us!
Robert~A~Wart, 'Meself', Kris, and Casey!

Then came my 2nd Family of Daughters... (Missing Miss Tracy and her 2 little ones this year). Now the girls here have all worked for/with me at one time or another- Through those nasty growing~up years for them, we have all become "family"... Close. And I am SO full of pride and of LOVE for them ALL!

Myself and Miss Crystal... Myself and Miss Brandy too!!
Brandy, Me, KC and Ashley... Brandy Me, and Crystals 3 Children;
(Raven, Jonathan and Brittney)
Berta and John.. John 'reading' a few cards that I decorate with...

Everyone was followed shortly by Chris and Cheryl. When my family lived NE of Pulaski, Chris owned all the land around us... He too, very quickly became part of my little family. Clean. Decent and Hardworking, and with a great sense of humor as well. (Cheryl is very lucky to have him; as he is her)! A wonderful couple, and I am always ever so happy that they come to Christmas at my house each year! My sister, Kris had to leave a bit early to get to Judys brothers home, otherwise Kris picks on poor Christopher relentlessly! The battle of the Kris/Chris' !!!

Christopher and Cheryl!

My sister Mary, Tom, (Captain Sneeb) and kids, Rita and Michael also came.

Mary and Rita... Sneeb and Mikey!

Finally Zoe, Eric and Valerie came!

Meself and Zelda!

And we ate and everybody had fun- A day to remember well for everyone!

ALL this, and it was Jesus Bithday too!!!

The stable, handmade by my Father... The statues (most) painted by my Mother...

OK Mrs. Jennifer- I am hoping the picture craving for you has been quenched a bit!!!

Note: I would also like a new living room set my Dear- If you send me $$$ for that, I will gladly send you $$$ for your new dining room set!!! (And you will just have to push on my comments section here and leave me one as to what you would like to do about this offer)!!! hehehe

Love to ALL...



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