[My] Life in Wisconsin

Casey. Re: An Open Letter to St. Mary's Hospital in Green Bay...




(For the hospital staff who cared for my daughter)...

Good Morning;

I have a few questions for you.

On March 8th, 2008, in the very early morning, Casey was admitted to your hospital, experiencing yet another flare~up of pancreatitis.

She was discharged over a full week later, on March 16th.

During the course of these 8+ days, she was told to eat as tolerated.
She was then told not to eat.
She was then told to eat anything but fats.
She was then told to eat only a liquid diet, but then added starches.

She was treated for her #10 pain.
First by IV, then by pill.
(Not a problem until you take into consideration all of the nausea she was experiencing).

Her nausea was treated like her pain.
First by IV, then by pill.
Then by nothing. ?!?!?

She infiltrated ALL of her IV's.
No surprise there, as she is 21, so she MUST receive an adult sized IV, right? (These, even AFTER she requested pediatric IV's).

*Note to you all...
Over the course of the past two and a half+ years, she has had over a dozen surgeries, and literally 100's of IV's. 
So too it should come as no surprise to anyone that SHE KNOWS WHAT WORKS, and what does not.
(But your nurses knew better)!

CaseyAnne is allergic to any tape, save for tagaderm.
(Here again, she actually KNOWS what works, and what does not).
Paper tape and plastic, hypo~allergenic, and all the others, only leave her covered with hives...
(Again, your nurses knew better)!

I watched, twice, as your nurses actually ARGUED with Casey, telling her that NOBODY was allergic to these tapes.

(And THOSE were only the times that I was in attendance)...

Please do not even get me started on that suppository again.
(CLICK for that story).

You have once again treated her symptoms.
(Nothing special there, folks).

Should the truth must be known, what she really needs is for someone to actually treat her illness, her failing pancreas.
(And in this day and age, I do not feel this is too much to ask of our advanced medical profession)!

I do not believe it is too much to ask for a call back from Froedtert either.

  • For your doctors... (Did they/he even call)?
  • For my daughter. (She has called for the past few months).
  • Or for myself. (I am almost positive they do NOT want MY call today). Trust me on that.

Furthermore, I do not believe that it was too much to ask for a DOCTOR to have signed her discharge papers yesterday?
How very odd that these were signed only by a nurse)?!?
I truly must get out from under my rock.

Oddly enough, she was released LESS THAN 24 HOURS after experiencing crushing chest pain, an inability to breathe, and we all watched as her entire body shook and trembled for the better part of an hour.
She was given lovenox for any possible blood clot, and also given atavan.
(Not sure of the atavan, as I have only heard of it on "House").
Will have to look it up. Probably was for the seizure and the tremors.

Thankfully, her chest CT was negative for clots.

So, what of this terrible pain in her chest?
Did she miraculously recover overnight?
(Because according to her, it still hurts on and off, and she told you this before she was discharged).

What of the FACT that her heart rate has been 110+bpm for the past three+ weeks, and soaring over 200bpm many times, even at rest???
And why do medical personnel, nurses and doctors alike, brush this off as "medically~insignificant" ?

And if you, as her first line of treatment, have NOT listened to her, how the effing hell can we expect someone else to?

  • Yes, she is home.
    Yes, she is in pain.
    Yes, she is taking your meds as prescribed.
    (And yes, I will be making those phone calls)...


On the bright side...

...Her homecoming made more than one person very happy...



The ever~vigilant and tender Greg.
It was he who spent each and every night in the chair at her side.



Jenny Mella!
And Mister Sputty too!



The Punkster-
Who was VERY happy to get her back scratched!



Even if she missed a spot!


(Brave girls, wearing white socks on my floors)!



But yes, there ARE worse things than dirty grey white socks...

Love to all.


Posted to my Y! 360 Monday March 17, 2008 - 06:50am (CDT) 5