[My] Life in Wisconsin

Christmas for CaseyAnne!

Good Evening Everyone!


I don't know why some of you get my blogs as I post them, and some do not. I have 'backed up' the posting time here...

I am ever so tired, and will be keeping this quite short.
Know too that I am going to post this as "network" as I know that many of your own family and friends have been praying for and thinking of Casey daily.

And a big OOPS on me... 

*** If you are planning on sending flowers or candy, there are no live plants, or cut flowers etc, allowed on the transplant floor/wing.
And of course candy is out of the question with her blood sugars being so wild.
(She does NOT tolerate the chemical/fake sweeteners either).
My apologies for not posting about this sooner, I found out myself (the hard way). 
~The tree below being the one I
tried to bring to her room 2 days ago...

Caseys Address:

CaseyAnne L. DeGrave 
University of Minnesota, FAIRVIEW Hospital
Room 238, Unit 6B, Organ Transplant
500 Harvard St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

I will also be posting a photo album from here in Minnesota.
(I might do that tomorrow).


But here's the thought for this blog- 

? If you were here, and if $$$ wasn't an option,
what would you put under the tree for Casey this year?

I am SO looking forward to see your comments below & what ideas everyone has.

Minnesota 12-21-08 026
Merry Christmas to ALL!


Understand that she has no energy to be on her computer yet- And her eyes are being funky from all the meds...
But I will bring my laptop up with me on Christmas Day to read her all your thoughts