[My] Life in Wisconsin


Good Morning!

Halloween is OVER already-     But the storytelling of it sure isn't!!!  I have been on here for too long already- and have read about the fun; the freaks, the fanatics- and the fearless- ...and a few of the 'fearfuls'  too!

I fall into the latter category- Not being prudish about it all,  but being awed by the masks...  I don't like 'em. Nope, not a mask! Not me!  Too scary for me!!!

I very much prefer a cowboy or a spiderman costume...


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I don't mind the weird makeup...   

...But we found out that our Little Isaiah surely did when Casey had materialized from the bathroom WAY different than when she went in!   He didn't stop crying 'til... (he's probably still crying about that one)!  

He didn't mind his vampish Aunt Roberta; nor even his own mother who had turned a ghastly shade of green...   


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But Auntie Casey was a WHOLE 'NOTHER STORY! 




And then to have "Sister Grandma"  to want to take a group photo was just too much as he found himself right next to the lady of his nightmares! 





They were planning on hitting the big city of Pulaski to go trick or treating this year, but Mother Nature ixnayed that destination fast enough- (After all, it is MUCH warmer in the mall)!  By the time they got to Bay Park Square,  there were already many places devoid of candy- but they had much fun even strutting their stuff!   

While they were all at the mall, Miss Zoe and Miss Valerie had come out here- (I had almost given up hope seeing them, but they had so many other places to go to also)-   And getting Valeries own makeup on sure wasn't easy for Zoe either...

Well worth the wait for me...

to see what a very cute witch Miss Valerie had become!




Zoe and Eric had celebrated too... Herself as a Bingo Bitch, and himself as the Grim Reaper...

(What? Waiting to take her away)?...



Jenne and Myself-            and then Miss Valerie and Myself    too...

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I told Casey to drive and offered my Rendezvous for them to all pile into while they went out and about...    Which they gladly accepted!   Jennifer opted to take her own car back into town though-  And then the freakiness began for Miss Casey and Roberta...   As they were leaving the mall, my car did something I have never even ever heard about before, let alone experieced...  As Casey was backing out, she had to pull forward again-  Putting the car in drive, she touched the gas a bit, and then the brake...  NO BRAKES!!!    And the now possessed Buick kept going in reverse!!!   How very scary for them all- And not too happy to hear about this either as there were 2 of my children and one of my grandchildren in that vehicle...    (thank God it is still under warrenty)-    The boys at Gustmans in Kaukauna will be getting an earful very shortly.  

Has anyone else ever heard of a car going in reverse while the lever is clearly in DRIVE???  And why did the brakes malfunction???    

After shutting it off for a few awful moments (while they tried to regain some semblance of composure), CaseyAnne started it up again- and the car was fine?   Please let me know what this could possibly be???   Oh just give me a '63 Chevy- I can fix ANYTHING on that one!!!   Those were the 'Good Ole Days' (in the history of the automotive industry anyway)!  And no more of these malfunctioning computers in our cars either!   While I don't mind if my PC does this at home, (wait, yes I do), but it is relatively safe if it does... This car BS could have been doom and gloom-

I'd better close-    I have a phone call to make!

Hope your own Halloweens were as grand as mine!   And yes, if I can just eliminate the possessed Buick; and realize that Little Lawrence was trick or treating and having fun in Alabama too,  I will know it was a grand holiday!




aka "Sister Grandma" 

Um, wait-  That's just WRONG!

(And sure doesn't sound like a proper family tree to me)........

Brewing BOO...................

Welcome to my Brew Pot...


And a very big "BOO" to you too! 


First, and MOST importantly; kindly remind me NEVER to make fun of the "loo" again... (It has been my very best friend since last night)... 

...I think I must have eaten something that tried to kill me.  Perhaps it was the "Coyote Stew"! 

Settle down already!  I was just kidding! 

 The danged coyotes LIVE-   

(Now, I KNOW I don't need a bunch of twisted and persistent PETA people jumping on me for those soup references)...    And am ALSO thinking that what a scary and wonderfully spooky night it will be,  if those wild animals are around tonight!

When we were kids, there were 3 of us neighbor families that always got together- Us, The Ryans and the Kobielaks... and a total of 14 kids...  We would change 'host familys' each year.  There was an OLD church up the road, complete with an ancient cemetery- We usually ended up walking there at some terrible hour of the night. (Those of us that were BRAVE enough to anyway).  And OH, the ghost stories that some could tell!  We were always scared out of our wits, though no one would ever have admitted it!  

What a treasured trail of memories for me- where my mind goes...

Would that we could ALL be that young again- for just one more Halloween...   And all together- the kids, and all of our parents too.   (Wouldn't we listen more?  Learn more?  Cherish more of the 'all' of us)? I'd like to think that I would... 

Incidentally, the town razed that old church about ten years ago.  (Maybe too many kids around on nights like tonight)?  Wimpy me, although I LOVE old cemeterys, I still get the creeps at that one!

Casey, if you are reading this, I hope that you will be posting the 'History of Our Flintville' in your blog, (and what happened the night you and your friends were all camping in the woods)...


I have seen many Halloween posts on here -to die for -with respect to their creativity- and can only wish I was that talented too! 

I would wonder if  Yahoo would ever consider nominating a few of you to be able to win a contest--- Somebody should tell them to create contest pages for days like this... Oh, no money to be paid out or the like- but how about at the very least an "honorable mention" on their best of blogs place for a day or two???  ( I put a quick comment on their site- but I don't know if they really read those either)...  How could they possibly have the time anyway? 

We finally exchanged names for Christmas on Sunday- Is that some weird type of blaspheming to mention one holiday while another is here? Too darn bad if it is...   -(no nasty comments please)...  

Think I shall blog about that later though- Zoe KNOWS I have one wonderful blackmail picture to post!!!  

It's payback time for that!  

...I'd fallen to sleep after the game, and somebody decided it would be entertaining to take pictures of my dead body on the couch. (No, I  won't be sharing THOSE shots, as I cannot bear to part with them)...

...And even if  aforementioned child did NOT have anything to do with that, they are all guilty until somebody starts talking!  Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, as I sat quietly by myself, I put Sundays pics on my computer...  and I damned near scared myself half to death seeing those shots...   Imagine my innocent surprise!  (geesh, they probably taped it too)!!!

I'd better close and find some wicked clothing to wear... (oh never mind, I always have wicked clothing)... 




Blessed Be!



How the heck do you spell cemetary/cemetery anyway???? with an 'e' or an 'a' ? They both looked right; sadly too they both looked wrong- and I am too lazy to get up and grab a dictionary...


And our own little traditions? 

Just always the reading of the Little Orphant Annie...

LITTLE Orphant Annie's come to our house to stay,

An' wash the cups an' saucers up, an' brush the crumbs away,

An' shoo the chickens off the porch, an' dust the hearth, an' sweep,

An' make the fire, an' bake the bread, an' earn her board-an'-keep;

An' all us other childern, when the supper-things is done,

We set around the kitchen fire an' has the mostest fun

A-list'nin' to the witch-tales 'at Annie tells about,

An' the Gobble-uns 'at gits you Ef you Don't Watch Out!


Wunst they wuz a little boy wouldn't say his prayers,--

An' when he went to bed at night, away up-stairs,

His Mammy heerd him holler, an' his Daddy heerd him bawl,

An' when they turn't the kivvers down, he wuzn't there at all!

An' they seeked him in the rafter-room, an' cubby-hole, an' press,

An' seeked him up the chimbly-flue, an' ever'-wheres, I guess;

But all they ever found wuz thist his pants an' roundabout

An' the Gobble-uns 'll git you Ef you Don't Watch Out!


An' one time a little girl 'ud allus laugh an' grin,

An' make fun of ever' one, an' all her blood-an'-kin;

An' wunst, when they was "company," an' ole folks wuz there,

She mocked 'em an' shocked 'em, an' said she didn't care!

An' thist as she kicked her heels, an' turn't to run an' hide,

They wuz two great big Black Things a-standin' by her side,

An' they snatched her through the ceilin' 'fore she knowed what she's about!

An' the Gobble-uns 'll git you Ef you Don't Watch Out!


An' little Orphant Annie says, when the blaze is blue,

An' the lamp-wick sputters, an' the wind goes woo-oo!

An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moon is gray,

An' the lightnin'-bugs in dew is all squenched away,--

You better mind yer parunts, an' yer teachurs fond an' dear,

An' churish them 'at loves you, an' dry the orphant's tear,

An' he'p the pore an' needy ones 'at clusters all about,

An' the Gobble-uns 'll git you Ef you Don't Watch Out!


Photo 'jacked' from  tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question?qid=1005021706289

Stolen From "The Library"

Good Morning! I sure wish that my lurkers would leave a footprint on my pages, maybe even on my heart...

I received a comment from Miss Glenda who simply stated that since she has been on the 360 that she hasn't even taken the time to scrub her toidy! 

*Stomp*   *Stomp*   *Stomp* as I ran to check my own...  

...Whew!; mine was OK; ...and there were NO spiders at all!  Yes this is an actual unretouched photo!   (The one in the house was clean too)!!!  *wink*  Thanks for the reminder Miss Glenda!

(OK, everybody remembers the urban legend about some poor chick sitting on a toilet at ____  (fill in the blank), and got bit by some narfy arachnid and died)...  Too bad, so sad... it was not true anyway!  Check that link and those stories out!!!

I never really worried about the spiders as much as I did when there used to be the old outhouse type of johns at the rest stops on the highways- You would go in there and it smelled like something dead?    Confession being good for the soul,  my own greatest fear was that BATS would come flying out just as I sat down...   (Stop your darned hysterical laughing now)-    It doesn't 'end' there...    I would never use one of those if it was close to dusk or dawn.  (Don't know if I even would to this day)?!? Hmmm- No, I just don't think so... (I can't do it, Cap'n, I just can't DO it)!

And speaking of leaking...      ...Well, wasn't I????...

Lots of you have asked for my recipe for the leek soup- It takes a whole six months or longer to make you know, and yes, I will probably send it on (if you really want it), in a message to you... Let me know!

Another asked where my little Punkie was, since she was NOT included in any pictures?  She was trying diligently to save us all from the coyotes of course- (and once I had realized THAT, my camera was the very last thing on my mind)...   

Steve wrote that coyotes were attacking dogs down in his neck of Wisconsin... (That is too close for comfort, even if it is 75 miles or so)...  But then again, Miss Milly is kenneled at night, and Miss Punk is on the inside most of the time-  So they should be OK-  (In the event that they wouldn't be, please remember my ability to use my guns)!    I promise that Annie Oakley WILL strike again, if ever that is the case.  Gee, does anyone any have coyote recipes then???    just kidding...

One of my neighbors works for the DNR- and should this become an nightly occurance, or manifest itself in any other dangerous or nasty way, they will be removed post haste.

I love all of your comments you know- and cannot possibly pay tribute to them all; but OKA made me laugh 0ut loud at her reference to when she was in her wheelchair (and keeping her humor in check) quickly quoted Teri Garr and asked, "Does this wheelchair make my butt look fat?"  (THIS is the kind of attitude and sense of humor we all need more of)!  A blessing to hear from those of you that shared your own stories too- I will not betray any confidences either- if you have written  a message to me, never worry you will not be "quoted" on my blog.  (Guess that one simply must fall under "do unto others")...   You have become an integral part of my life just by checking in and being there for me!   But I sure wish the lurkers would show themselves too.   (And Stasha, if you keep doing your danged "happy snow dance",  you will be back to being a lurker here)! 



A dear friend of mine has a houseboat for sale...  I will happily move in with anyone that buys this!  AGAIN, I was just kidding;  (you guys scare me)!  But DO take the time to check this listing from eBay out! 

She said she sure got a lot of crazy, weird, (stupid) questions too.  People are like that sometimes, (but hey, stupid or not, if they got the ca$h for it, then I say "MOOOOVE OVER, intelligence" )!

And then there's the ebayer who is trying to $ell 7  "stupid insulators" - A funny posting!

'Butt' now, back to the topic of the day...

Zoe had called me the other day whilst I was upon my throne- She asked what I was doing?    DOING????


I told her I was reading Edgar Allan Poe.  

The sassy girl found my answer, (which was simply and innocently stated), to be extremely hysterical---   I suppose I could have come up with a zillion other 'things' I might have been doing, but she caught me off-guard, and so I only spoke the plain truth.    And I was reading EA Poe too!!!     NOT  "The Telltale Heart" or even "The Raven" - Rather a lesser known title of "The Black Cat"   ---Nasty story, that- (and I was happy that it was daylight)! It surely keeps with the season at hand...

And so, my question to all of my friends, family (except Zelda of course), and lurkers out there too-  Do you have a "Library" in your own water closet?

Have a wunnaful day!!!!





Hit the Floor GROWLING

Good Morning to all!

I woke at about 3:30; with Miss Valerie asking to be warmed up- So into my waterbed she went!  Nice and warm there!  (A little FYI  for those of you that might be having hot flashes and night sweats, having a controlled temperature waterbed also keeps your body temp in line! Cool in summer, warm in winter-  But do get one that you can control the waves in too-    "Word to the Wise" too:  Do not ever "sleep on cheap"-  any mattress can ruin your back that way).

Imagine my surprise this AM-  coming back here (over an hour after having Valerie go back to bed), and finding out it was only quarter to four?!?    Yes, I had completely forgotten about Daylight Savings time- Did you?  (FALL BACK kids, or you will be very early for mass and/or your football games)!       

Go  Packers!!!!


Cool picture up above, right?  Miss Valerie, peeking over Isaiahs chair...  Zoe and Eric had a Halloween party to go to- Zoe borrowed a few pieces of my moms old jewelry for her costume...  Jenne and Isaiah had also come out to visit... And to eat the windfallen apples, there are some left that the deer haven't gotten to yet...




Isaiah LOVES those apples!!!





And we all got to play outside for a long time before we got too chilled...


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DID YOU KNOW???   Hanging upside down makes you feel warmer too- (the old heat rising thing)... hehehe...


Not to be left out, my Little man, Isaiah also got up on that old clothesline to 'warm up'... 


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Valerie and Isaiah first tackled each other...






And then Jenne got way too close- so they tackled HER too!




And  I  got spend my day laughing!!!


After all of this, we came inside- a good hand scrubbing to warm those little fingers up; and Miss Valerie read to Isaiah while Jenne and I made a fresh pot of leek soup! 


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and THAT, finishes warming you up all the way through!!!


Isaiah ate TWO bowls- Valerie, recovering from a strep throat only ate one...  

Shortly after 'food', there was more than enough commotion around here when Punk started growling- No amount of consolation for her, and so she went outside; where she stood guard right by the door- more growling and woofing...  Miss Milly, out in her kennel was also more than a bit concerned...   Jenne and I took our flashlights out and waited to see something--- anything.    But we saw nothing that the dogs would be so overconcerned about with their barking and growling. 

(It IS kinda creepy to know there is SOMETHING going down somewhere and you haven't got the slightest clue WHAT it is)...  

Making Punkie come in made matters worse too; by then she was in her fierce protective mode, and there wasn't much to calm her...  I called my cousin who came down and checked out the fields and the little orchard too...   ...NOTHING!    

Earlier, Jennifer and I had heard something- an odd barking and growling that was NOT coming from my two dogs.  CREEPY...    Jim thinks maybe those coyotes are back- He will come check the sheds, barngrade and pumphouse in the light of day- perhaps even today?    It took Miss Milly and Miss Punk until after 9:30 to settle down- Jenne and Isaiah had left, and who can sleep with all that noise, so Miss Valerie never did fall to sleep until almost 10.  She has been down four times last night- duty calls, but is ever so tired with her throat healing- and from being so active yesterday-  Kids get as "passed tired" as we do, and I am hoping that maybe she can get another hour or two anyway...  She needs that to heal and to be well...

But, like I said, I got to laugh almost all day long- had two of my grandchildren here,  and so it was a very fine day for me!!!



we are all more than a little tired here...






PS     I also want to thank everyone who has had ideas for me to keep my house warm... I would love a woodstove- or that wood pellet thing- But am sure wondering how one goes about getting homeowners insurance then, ...without having to build an extra chimney, nor having to pay through the teeth for such...   Any ideas???   (cuz God only knows my teeth can't take it anymore)!!!


Ahem... "MAGNET for MAYHEM???"

A very GOOD MORNING to you all!!!

First and foremost to be thanking everyone for their wonderful support.  And for you to know that your friendship is sustenance for my very soul at times!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!!!

"Magnet for MAYHEM" ??? (Somebodys got some 'splainin to do)!

And FYI, there isn't too much that could make me stop writing anyway; though if my fingers don't start working again, I will be SO tempted to get one of those computer programs that type what you say!!!  No fingers involved!  YAY!!!   Maybe I should put that on my Santa list too-  But I think there will be no Christmas this year if we can't get everyone together to exchange names! 

(Ya hear me, Girls)?

No, I will still write.

And I will still insult the crap out of some people.

I will sadly hurt someones feelings- (IF I DO, please KNOW it is never intentional- unless you've got it coming)... 

I will still forget my medication... (WHAT?)!   

I will still LOVE every conceivable name for me that you could possibly come up with! 

I will still transpose a few neccesary letters in my words..

I will still NOT know how to write either.

But "oh well" And hehehe.

"Magnet for MAYHEM" ??? (Ya better start'splainin)!

And there was even Miss Brattzie that did a tribute on my behalf- and told then of the courage it took her aunt to laugh through the very worst adversity of all. Please check out her blog(s) when you have a moment.

I have also made a mental note never to eat Miss Leticias BROWNIES either...

And I see that my "friend" the BEAR -was picking on DeeAnne and me once again--- Warning- This bear can be ruthless! But if you want a good laugh, you can go to his pages, and check out the idiotic laws still in place in California and Wisconsin... (My squirrels are worried)! Poor things. And I think that will get me arrested!

Speaking of 'getting arrested' and 'Wisconsin'... just 'what the hey' is going on in this wonderful state of mine??? - Kids plotting to blow up their schools?- Yet another stupid kid trying to kill his mom by poisoning her milk? (duh)- Gimme a week with those kids!

Do you still think I'm a "Magnet for MAYHEM" ???

That said...

It's no darn wonder I am addicted to my little 360 here... I would much rather be reading all of your own stories, poetry, news and sassy comments too, than ANY of that crap! My horoscope today said, "What you've waited for is here -- there is no need to look for something better."

See? We've got it all on our 360's!


I spent yesterday putting more stuff on eBay- and to my great dismay I will not be getting too rich in the near future as have NO BIDS this morning... Darnitallanyway.             ;-)

We did get back to the woods yesterday- (Milly, Punk and myself)- Was even kind of nice out there in the sun-   Miracles never cease as Miss Milly seems to be regaining her hearing...  Twice I said 'Milly come here'- and twice she came to me!   Usually she cannot hear me...

Or, I think, it is a classic case of that 'selective hearing'... Could it be that she is like my kids that way too... ???

You think I'm a "Magnet for MAYHEM" ??? (I can't HEER you)!

...Can you hear me NOW? G I R L S ????

I think we shall try to do that name exchange tomorrow after mass, (or I shall just have to be the Grinch from Hallows Eve til Christmas night)!!!

Casey stopped by yesterday afternoon- It was almost time for me to be taking a break anyway- and so I did- I even put my foot in my mouth then as I said to her, "Hey go outside with me, I want to smoke a cigarette and get some fresh air." She looked at me, and simply said, "WHAT?"   (I had to remove my foot from my mouth before I could set that same foot outside)!

Yes, I know I should quit smoking.   But I don't drink anymore- and when I did it wasn't well or often.    I don't take drugs- (well not THOSE kinds of drugs anyway);    And I haven't a man in my life at the moment, so it is sadly, my ONLY vice!

Hope everyone is having a grand weekend!   (I have to get back to eBay now)...

...and I thank you again!!!!


Anne!!!   -or whatever you want to call me...

...just as long as it's not  "Magnet for MAYHEM"


Cranberries and Heart Attacks...

Good Morning!

Once again to begin my entry with an non apology-   No wait, on 2nd thought, that is giving the issue WAY too much attention; so I have now chosen to 'end' this blog with that bit of info...

The photo above with the High Bush Cranberries, the evergreens and a few sumacs thrown in- Oh, I wish I was decent at framing is all-  It would make a great Christmas card too if there had been a bit of snow! 

Speaking of Christmas cards, they are another of my passions, so if you would like to be included on my little list please send me a message. (No Silly Friends of mine, do NOT put your address in the comments section)!

I spent yesterday trying to dig some old things out of the attic to list on eBay- (yes Mombie, it IS getting a wee bit chilly up in that attic)!  And to do the research on so many things just boggles ones mind...  (To me, reading is like the old Lays Potato Chip commercial... you can't eat just one).  I cannot stop reading just because (maybe)  I found the history of the item, or the mfg company that I was looking for...

Almost had my first heart attack too.  After checking the fuel oil in the tank, I thought to call Olsen Oil for a fill.  The bill? A few dollars and cents short of $500.00!    Madder than a (cold) wet hen,  I promptly turned the thermostat off!   I have since set it to a balmy 64 degrees...  Think 'balmy' -think 'warm'   -Repeat after me... "This IS more than warm enough"... "This is MORE than warm enough"... "This is MORE than warm enough"...

(Um NOPE, it's not working)! 

...And so I am back here with my turtleneck and a sweatshirt- warmish booties, (with a dog on my feet too)! And I am thinking that perhaps a blanket would be nice also...   [They were wrong again- those nasty meteorologists- They said it would only get down to 36 degrees, and right now it is 33.1 degrees,  ...and falling]!  

Funny sense of humor that God has; as I wrote this last paragraph,  I heard the furnace kick in...   (I'm not laughing)!   And yes, I know it will be getting much worse before it gets better!  It is high time to adjust my internal thermostat then...

And now, speaking of my internal thermostat- No, my internal 'upsetometer' I shall fill you in...

It has been brought to my attention that I say unfeeling and uncaring things- And that in my last few entries I have been urged to 'take it back' - ...the little jokes about the Alzheiners etc etc etc.  

Once again, it is NOT my intention to hurt anyones tender feelings, nor do I mean to make light of this terrible disease-  But I wanted to let you know that you were terribly wrong in assuming that I have never watched anyone have to die from this disease.   My mothers cousin- who was very close to our hearts- spent her last years in a nursing home-  Alone, except for the company that my mother and I, and my young children provided when we could get away- (Generally this was 2 or 3 times a week; and I am sure that my girls will also remember visiting her there)... After about 15 years of fighting this beast, she passed on-  

As I simply stated in my prior entry "Think Own Digest Feel"  I stated that 'short of murder and mayhem there are not too many scenarios that I remain virgin to'    This would be another of those experiences and scenarios.  

I shall NOT be urged to dwell on these experiences and memories as negatives- nor shall  I be persuaded to say I am sorry for making light of it.   We have learned much from them; and we have grown because of it...

If I cannot find a wee bit of joy; a twinkle in everything, then I believe I might have lost a little part of myself along the way. 

Gee,  I am thinking that in this blog alone, I have made fun of the weatherman, chickens, bills and heart failure.    Should I now be waiting to hear negative input from these persons as well?   I think not.  My own sense of humor, the ability to laugh at adversity- and yes even disease- is what makes me ME!   Stare it in the face.  Find the joy! (Think "out of the box")... Laugh often.   And then GET OVER IT already!

Another bit of insight here...  When I would go with my sister Mary to her chemo appointments, we were literally surrounded by people that were so sad, and in such dire circumstances.  We CHOSE to make light of everything that went on- including others-  (And those people actually even had the nerve to thank us for that)! For being able to see past the gloom and doom of their situations, and for bringing a bit of joy to them as they received their own chemo treatments. Some of these people had only weeks to live, and I'd like to think that giving them a few smiles hopefully made their last days of this Earth a bit easier. 

Many years ago I had cut out this writing in the paper and even though it is written with another New Year in mind, I do not hesitate to use it now...

"So there caller.  Do NOT call me unfeeling! It is just that when the New Year rings in, I am NOT engulfed in a great emotional tide. Instead, I wonder how the new year will stack up against the old one.

You don't just slice off a 12 month helping of life, digest it and forget about it.   You sort it and you savor it. You turn it over in your mind and you store away the good. You take the bad and learn from it. You chuck out the mediocre, the indifferent and the innocuous."

I have learned that without joy, there would be no reason for the new year- let alone a new day!

May you all find joy, and laughter, in each new day!




And after the comment, please don't forget about my Christmas card list... (You are too that special to me)!


Good Morning to All;

And a very fine morning it is!   (Well so far anyway- am trying not to jinx it by remarking too much)!  But I feel so GOOD!     Image

My headache is GONE.      Image

Very completely gone!  (And "finally" too I might add)!

Perhaps it was the visits from Zoe and Jenne and grandbabies that was this turning point- (Perhaps unloading my 'bad days' on all of you unsuspecting friends of mine)?!  Perhaps too it was my extended little walk in the woods with Miss Milly and Miss Punk.

And ever so funny as we got back there- Punk is so amused by all the leaves, and chooses to nosedive right into them all.  At one point, back by the cliffs that are over the river, she unearthed a pinecone with her nose- A little yelp for that- I bent down and clearly NOT thinking,  flung the darned cone over the ridge...



... I say I was not thinking. And I wasn't! 

Had I been, I would have thought to remember that Punk is a Labrador-Retriever..    Seeing me throw something like that, she took off like a bat out of hell.  (She can't help it, it's in her blood)!    Before I could even say "NO!", she was over the ridge (cliff) and completely vanished into the ravine...    I could hear the slide on the leaves- and 2 little yelps; but could see no dog until gravity loosed its hold on her...   And then only to see a speck of a dog all the way down by the river!  As I saw her shake off, and try to start climbing up the cliff I had to laugh.   Thankful that she was neither limping nor whimpering.   Miss Milly was also watching- (having plunked her own backside down as soon as I had so carelessly tossed the stupid pinecone)! 

And Punk could not have gotten up that hill if there was the worlds largest doggie bone up there!

First she tried one way...


She tried another...


And yet another...


Finally Miss Milly could stand it no longer and went to help her now exhausted little pup...




I know that the pics do not accurately reflect the steepness (is that even a word?), of the cliffs, but it is darn near impossible to come back up the same way one went down... (and I don't mean 'ass over teakettles' either)!  Milly led Punk all the way back down, and then back up on the deer path-

And Milly - so very afraid of water, had fallen in the river helping out her little dog.  She came back topside more than a bit dirty and wet.


After she had led her pup back to me, she then went down- disappearing once more; and leaving Punk to watch and wonder above...



(Punk says: "no way in heck am I going back down there!")!!!


Milly followed the river a while- and Punk and I just kept heading eastward. From up above we could not even see her, let alone hear her footsteps below. And we were BOTH very surprised when suddenly Milly was standing right behind us! 

A great little hike for all of us... And high time to get back home- (The top photo on the page is of us heading back up to the farm)...

After getting back home, I transplanted a bush that had clearly been planted in very much the wrong place, with respect to mowing the lawn-  Zoe and Valerie came at that point (where did my day go?)-    Miss Valerie and I then transplanted 4 young trees to the east line of the property.  (She is such a great help to me, and is so very entertaining too)! Having sort of wasted my day with other ventures, I had not cooked anything, so out of the freezer comes a frozen pizza!  But we all must have been real hungry because it sure hit the spot too!

I hope you all had a great day too- A bit chilly in these parts, but such a good day to be outside!    I am afraid that there are too few of those days left in 2006... It refreshes us all!!!





PS     They say it is always good to learn something new each day- and I surely did yesterday!  ...

...I have learned that dogs don't bounce!

All About Me. Think. Own. Digest. Feel.

Needing a little peace inside, there are many issues that have been brought to my attention as I have been blogging. 
You want/need answers, and many have asked me to define my own humanity.  
This is fair, and I believe I owe a bit of explanation- At least as far as I will go on here.

Please also bear with me as this was long and a bit difficult to write- This has been weighing on my mind, and yes, I know I need to share.

So many questions from you! Can I ever be serious? Are you ever lonely? Are you compassionate? Where do I know you from? Are you harsh? Are you for real? Are you honest? Have you loved?

Many have asked, do I ever have a bad day?

And the answer is a firm resounding "YES!" I have lots of bad days- and bad things that have happened to me- But through this blog, I have chosen not to share most of the raunchy stuff.

I do try to see that proverbial water glass as half full- even though many have tried to dump the damned thing out on me- time and time again. Not possible Folks.

Short of murder and mayhem, there are not too many scenarios that I remain virgin to. (Robbing banks falls under mayhem). hehehe

Some s(h)ituations I have brought upon myself, whether innocently or ignorantly- Some have just been thrust into my lap -and down my throat.

Either way, I have to 'see' my life and all of its experiences- To 'feed' on those experiences for a while; and then choose whether to spit 'em out or to swallow them- If I choose to swallow, I then need to digest it- Then live with. And learn from.

My doctor calls it all PTSD, (post-traumatic-stress-disorder)- but I believe there has to be a real way around all of that too. Not just a label, and a 'deal'- Yes, there are times that I would make a deal with the devil himself just to be rid of this.

I try hard some days not to look in that closet- but lately I have had those skeletons brought there, by your own innocent questions and remarks. (Or at the very least 'how' I perceived those same questions and remarks in your notes and comments).

Am I real? Each and every word that I write is real to me.
I can promise you that every personal blog that I have posted is a bit of insight for you- into my life, my family, my heart, and my soul. And you have been most welcomed!

You have shared so generously of your own time and your own prayers and all else, that there are times that I am amazed and overwhelmed by such selfless acts.

As stated, your comments and your letters mean so much to me! Perhaps you will hang in there today as I unload my more random thoughts on you.

And so, let the ramblings, (and rumblings), begin...

Know that I do not mean to offend anyone; save for those that need offending- a taste of their own medicine so to say.

I have been married twice- The first time to a beater; the second to a cheater. (If I do not abide pretense from anyone, suffice it only to emphasize that these are two of my main reasons why).

I am unmarried, and have been since 1989- This has been my choice (as I have found no one to fill some very tall orders). All that because I do not trust most men to mean what they say, and say what they mean.
I am honest to a fault, and I expect no less in anyone else. I do not sugarcoat anything; and through that, I have be labeled as bitchy.
Bitchy or not, there is a waiting, wise, woman of great hope, passion, (and patience). hehehe

Due to the fact that these two marriages failed, I have raised my children completely on my own.
He calls his help 'child support' and I call that a copout. Would that we could raise our children by our checkbooks alone, and divorce them also when the marriage went south?!? I don't think so.

Am I lonely? No! But I would be less than human if I did not get lonely every now and then. Still, I am not to be described as lonely.
I have not ever had a problem with being alone. And yes, these are two vastly different concepts.

Do I miss the conversations between two intelligent adults that have survived almost any/everything together 24/7/365? I never knew that to begin with;
so, "miss" it? No. But I do know that I would miss it if I did once have it.

My doctor has me on paroxetine to treat my anxiety attacks. Coupled with the Xanax I take to be able to get anywhere further than my own mailbox, these drugs have given me a bit of redemption this year.  And yet, I am still afraid of being afraid. (Was it Roosevelt that said 'we have nothing to fear, but fear itself')? He was correct.

There are so many situations and scenarios that have arisen throughout these 48+ years of my existence. I have been a victim of rape. One of my children, at 6 years old, was molested by a babysitter- Another, a victim of date rape and almost bled out and died because of it. One of my children was in a month~long treatment at the Jackie Nitschke Center for AODA.

I have one sister that died from a heroin overdose in 1976- (Having been adopted, I never had the chance to meet her, as my search did not happen until a decade later). I do however feel her loss in my life, as I always "knew" she was there, somehow.

I have 2 sisters that have breast cancer- and have thus far remained in remission (more prayers required for all women and men that live with this awful fear). 
Do not find me at fault for not providing the breast cancer awareness symbols all over my own page here- I assure you they are all quite well branded in my life -and in my heart. I am more than "aware" thank you.

In contrast to what you may hear on the news, very few people know the agony of hurting others- whether it is a child, a parent, or even a pet. You already know that my pets ARE an integral part of my family.
Furthermore, I do not believe that any child should have to grow up without a pet at home- They learn life; they learn death- and they learn to love without limits.

About 5 years ago, I accidentally ran over and killed our precious black lab, Mona-
To this day, (and aside from what Casey has been through), that accident remains one of the very hardest things that I have ever had to face in this lifetime. It can still leave me weak. Impotent. Agonized.

For the most part, we (myself and my children) deal with all of these issues as best we can; and seek help from the professionals when it becomes too great to deal by/with/between ourselves-   Whether those professionals are doctors, or lawyers, or just the very best of our friends!, does not matter- They are all there to help. The more commonly practiced art of 'gunnysacking' these matters only creates a much larger share of problems.

When others have problems -or a potential red flag- I try to always be there for them as well. One person asked if I could keep up because I have so very many friends on here?  I cannot and I do not- But I do TRY to. If anyone writes to me and simply asks, they are always given whatever is within me to offer, whether to impart a bit of solace, comfort, wisdom, or just a shoulder. That is the way I am. Inside and out.

When I awoke this morning after receiving two injections for my migraine yesterday, I had these words to read: "you came across a bit harsh and intollerent of others, god made us all different for a reason. Tollerence is a lesson to be learned." (Spelling errors left intact).
Those words have set- and finalized- this stage for all of my ramblings today.
I was deeply hurt by them- and even now having been given an explanation, it occurs to me that some of you might be feeling this toward myself and my words too. I apologize in advance if I have; and I can only hope that you will comment and let me know. 

I am intolerant of anyone who harms, or stifles, children. I am not against a well deserved spanking.

I am intolerant of stupid. (Very intolerant). Yet the mother in me will try to educate people as best I can also. I am never intolerant of those who show a willingness to learn.

Have we met before? Probably not-
But you still KNOW me...

  • I AM those same skeletons in your own closet.
  • I AM honest. "Brutally honest" at times, (as Mama proudly used to say). But Mama, "right is right, no matter how you spin it."
  • I AM those horrible things that have happened to yourselves and/or to your loved ones.
  • I AM those memories you could live well without. (I am NOT afraid to say it either).
  • I AM that person that you recognize, because like me, you have also "been there, done that"

Our spirits always seek out- and find- alike souls to move forward with. I do call these souls "friend"-
And that, simply put, is why we are here.

Should any of this bear resemblance to your own heart and spirit, or to your own life, please let me know- Also let me know if I ever offend you, for it is not, nor will it be ever, my intent to do so.

God Bless you all for hanging in there with me today. For allowing me to unload a bit-


Sorry Kids- It's Monday!

Monday, Monday--- So good to me!

Ah yes, I am sorry that our 'weekends' are over once more- For those of you with regular 'office hours' employment, just remember this only brings you that much closer to Friday!!!  To those of us in the 'Nort Country, each weekend only brings us closer to the Below Zero, Frozen Tundra of January!

Saturday- and Spring- will come fast enough...  I promise!

We were supposed to have our little Christmas name exchange yesterday after mass.   But given the fact that Zoe had to work all day- and Jenne had woken up in Madison, we have decided that tomorrow evening will be a better time for everyone!  Zoe is Office Manager for Heartland, (HCR Manorcare), and many weekends goes in just to be able to keep up with the whole place. The joys of salary vs hourly; (too bad that she's salaried at times like these)...   

Jenne's girlfriend had a birthday party down in MadTown on Saturday night...  She was here for most of the Packer Game though.  The "Heart-Attack Pack" is back! Hopefully they can remain 'back' now for the rest of the season!

Greg came with his new 'toys'...


and did a bunch of tilling and mowing- To ready the land for more trees-  Since the corn is gone, he will be planting trees from where Mom left off all those years ago, all the way down to Flintville!  I cannot wait for them all to grow and keep those traffic headlights away for good!  He is such a good man- good family- and such a sense of humor-  Even his lawyer 'caught' him driving to work on his tractor one day! There were a few little landscaping details that needed attention... (only Greg would drive the tractor to work)!   I used to laugh when I would see someone in a 3-piece suit on a Harley, but the tractor had to be hilarious!  And getting caught  at it is the 'priceless' part!

Casey was here bright and early- needing to get to the drugstore to pick up my "head meds"-  I had taken my last pill early, early, yesterday morning...   Thank God she was willing to run there for me too.  

David was going to come out; as they will be deer hunting together this year- (and in a heated stand too)! 


They had planned to do a bit of sighting in and target practice- Since David was a no-show, she did her stuff by herself-  Miss Milly immediately ran into her doghouse while Miss Punk sat patiently and watched- barely cringing when Caseys shotgun went off...   David called a bit later, and with a fairly fine reason for not being out here-  He had wound up with a smushed knee after falling while hunting on Saturday-  When Sunday came around and his knee was the size of Texas, he thought it practical to go in and get an xray-  (He just had surgery on the other knee at the beginning of September)... Tough to get 'old'  -aint it David!    hehehehehe  

David has been such a father figure to Casey- another good man; and another good family...  (Where in the heck were these guys when I was LQQKing for someone like them)???   The men I chance to meet now are pretty much "taken, useless, or gay"... Isn't that the way it goes??? Ah, certainly not ALL of them- just a very good percentage...

Roberta and Gabriel were out right after mass anyway- A good thing I had made a chicken brocolli cheese dish- They loved it, and since no one else was here to eat, she even had leftovers to take home at night! Jenne and Isaiah took some of those leftovers too.   Guess cooking small just isn't in my soul; I always make enough for a small army even when I try to cut it back- or make only half a batch of something... It never turns out small! (Grateful for my freezer for that)!

My man Isaiah and Gabriel get along so very well together, and were 'singing'in this picture!



They were sitting on Berta's lap having such a fine time!  And of course had to play horsie or some darned thing on my lap too- (My legs are certified 'mush' this morning)!




And then they left- 


The End.



Image                Image






(Sorry I couldn't resist adding that one)!

Hope your own weekends were fine and dandy too!  (Were you on any rollercoasters then)???   




PS  The top picture of Casey and Punk- both trying to settle down after playing "Punkie in the Middle" for so long-   And I would have written about all of that, but Punk says SHE wants to tell ya'all about it at some point- ...(and who the heck am I to argue)???!!!


oK. oK... So she KNOWS she is an idiot- (That doesn't make life any easier around here for the rest of us)!!!

But ya gotta love her anyway...

(She is still laughing hysterically about the befuddling unfinished message that she sent out to her family and friends)! 

Take pity on the poor old girl -

And stop laughing AT her, or I'll bust ya in the chops!

Love,  "Master Gabriel"


And just in case you don't know what the heck I am talking about; just check out the description of this rollercoaster and let her know what YOU would do !!!

Punk #2 'It's ME again, Margaret!'


***I apologize for reposting this from 2006, but for some reason it did not transfer correctly.
As you can imagine, Punk was very upset.

ARF!!! Yup it's ME, Punkie- Having to do EVERYTHING once more... as "SHE" is too busy to be bothered by this today-

She is all excited about seeing some "Lawrence" character. She says he will love me, but I don't know... Maybe if I jump up real fast when I meet him, (I'll get a good running start), and knock him down and lick his face all over he WILL like me. But she says I mustn't do that- (She sure can be a real killjoy sometimes).

All I know about this Lawrence is that he is her grandbaby, and that she misses him real bad sometimes. (And I know this is true because every now and then I hafta go sit on her lap when she gets misty-eyed looking at his picture on the wall)...

She says I am NOT a lap dog, but there are many times that I have proved her wrong- REAL wrong!
Like the time I had brought her a toy to play with- (One of my very own most favorite toys I might add)... I saw her sitting there, across the living room; and so I ran and jumped right into her lap. It was great fun when the whole chair went over backwards- and I know she had fun too because she just kept laughing and laughing.
I wasn't entirely sure why the world had tipped over, and so I just sat there... I could hear her trying to say something, but I couldn't understand her words because I was laying right on top of her face. But she sounded so funny that I just didn't move one teeny bit! She hollered at me later- something about me trying to kill her, and not to ever do it again...
...But I still think that one day I might, and just because she had laughed so darned hard! (And I DO like to make her happy)!

She told me that we are leaving tomorrow- (I think that is after it gets dark again)... Already my little orange bag is packed with all of my treats and such.
I saw her check her purse for some little pills that she gives me so I don't throw up in her car... They just put me to sleep- I will try not to let them make me sleepy this time, because the small one is coming along! Whoo-Hoo!!! We are going to have lotsa fun.

They call it a 'road' trip- (but isn't that where they always drive)? Sheeeesh...

She said it is a long long ride- and that we will stay overnight somewhere before we even get there- Her and me did that already when we went up to the big waters- one that she called Michigan and the other was Superior-
And then we had gone that place where I swam -over my head- on Sugar Island. (They lied though; cuz I LQQKed all over, and there wasn't any sugar there at all)!

The little one said that SHE wants to sit in my seat for this road trip... And that's NOT FAIR! Now I gotta go sit in the back, and I don't wanna. I will just have to go sit on the little ones lap! That'll teach 'er!

...I tried to do that the other day and they BOTH hollered at me-
She said that KC was hurting real bad and that I couldn't go by her like that... Well, if she would just stop going to her vet- (er, I mean her 'doctor'), then she wouldn't be hurting like that in the first place! Duh, she was FINE before they made her go to sleep- and then they cut some of her insides out, and then stuck some hoses in her side...

The last time I went to see my own doctor, HE took some of MY insides out too! So I know what that feels like- and so I left her alone... (mostly anyway)...

That little one went back to her own apartment yesterday afternoon- (whatever THAT's supposed to mean?)...
I only know that I looked all over to find her- (and a whole bunch of times too), and that little one wasn't here- ANYWHERE... but at least I will get to see her tomorrow...

They kept talking about 'snow' too. Now I don't know what that is, but they were talking about shoveling it. Now I DO know that when she has a shovel it is always on the outside, and that is all that matters to me. So whatever snow is, I will like it a LOT! And I will get to go outside then!

I had to go outside this morning though- and what a shock to my paws- It was really cold! So I wasted NO time at all getting back inside- And I was still cold so I went back to bed. She has a nice warm waterbed, and I just love to sleep on it. She said something about having to wash the quilt- Great! And just when I had made it all mine, with all my hair all over it too. It's mine, mine, mine! And I steal it from her when she is sleeping, and keep turning around to get it just so nice around me, but then she wakes up and always steals it back... So that's ok, then I go lay on her pillow- and she tries to keep me away from that too!
What the heck???
Am I not her best friend???

And she does the weirdest thing too- I had meant to write about this before, but I forgot.

And NO, I am NOT kidding!!!
Then she gets to go in the waterfall every day and play around with the slippery thing- She called it 'soap'- I wasn't sure what it was, so I grabbed it in my mouth- Man, how can she even stand to touch that thing??? It was just AWFUL! Blahhhcccchhhhhhhh!!!!! Just really BAD- I dropped it right away- and she laughed at me! What a weirdo...
Then listen to this, when the waterfall is all gone, she puts different fur on!
Maybe I would like to try that one day too. When the waterfall is all gone for me, I have to get rubbed up with 3 different towels- I keep thinking this is FINALLY going to be my new fur, but NO... and I am stuck in the same old fur all the time! (Again, I must say this is NOT FAIR to me at all)!

I'd better get going here- She is wanting to eat some of her own chow; and I have to have a bite or two also... (If I bug her long enough, she will always share what she has- and it's a far cry tastier than what she makes me eat all the time)!

I was looking through her pictures on here, and found a whole bunch that I like- ones of me and all of my brothers and sisters- (She tells me everyone is doing well- but THAT BUDDY)!
I am putting up this picture on so my brother Buddy, can see that MY stick is bigger than HIS!

His story is also called "Boys will be Boys" and it is in her highlighted blogs if the link here doesn't work- Oh and my other blog is also highlighted in case you missed it--- it's called ARF! Punk #1

(Hey, I'm just a puppy for pity sakes, I don't know how to do this- maybe one of these links will work)...

He is almost all healed up now from his boo-boo-belly and is running around all over again! (His "she" is afraid that he will eat another one, and she watches him all the time now) I don't think he will, that HADDA hurt- A whole LOT!
(You can see his WAY littler stick- and the story about what happened to him on the page at the bottom...

I have to go or she will eat her food all gone- I am here to make sure she doesn't do that- She might eat too much and they'll have to take something out of HER next time- and if that ever happens I will be all alone!

So anyway, I am going to have fun with this Lawrence person- She said he is almost 7- and right now that's the same as me- cuz I'm 7 too... (But I don't know what 'months' and 'years' are either?)... I can't wait to find out!!!

Love- and many many special facelicks -for everyone!!!



Please, Please, PLEASE don't click on brother Buddy's story 'til ya leave me a comment... PLEASE?
"She" gets a lot of them comments- and sometimes they really make her laugh- (but she doesn't snort like that other girl). Just that I wanna laugh too!

Brother Buddy's Stick Story

Originally Posted to my Y! 360, Thursday October 12, 2006 - 07:57am (CDT)

ADOPTED- & Doubly Blessed- Ain't I Lucky?

ADOPTED- & Doubly Blessed- Ain't I Lucky?
October 9, 2006
333 magnify

Good Morning Friends- (Romans? Countrymen)??? Lend me your ears!

(OK, yeah, that was bit too far back to civics-  -even for me)...

Today is my 2nd birthday of the year! How about that?  Today we always celebrated the day that I 'came home' to the farm... Having finally been placed in a home for possible adoption- (And no more floating around Milwaukee and the Fox Cities for me)!  

Gee, the thought occurs to me that nobody wanted little old me...  ???

...Aw crap, with that comes an awful reality:    They DO say "the more things change, the more they stay the same" ---  Image!!!!     ...and I'm SO not going there- ...(At least I am going to try not to think about THAT one)!    Image

Ultimately I WAS adopted- But having children of my own, I cannot imagine the 1st year that I was placed here; and the fear that ran rampant in mom and dads' hearts-    You never know if an adoption will 'go through' until after that 1st year...   And so they waited, and loved me anyway!   I do not know if I would be that strong, facing the possibility of having to return a child to another.  (I am thinking that having just lost my stepdaughter, even death would be comparable to a birthmother ultimately NOT signing away her parental rights after all that time).  Had Donna changed her mind, I would have only been a memory to my parents...

I have touched on this subject before- and for clarification here goes nothing...  I have done my adoption search, and am so very pleased to have done so.  My birthparents are each wonderful people in their own right; and credit where credit is due, I owe them my life for giving me mine!   But then there is Mom and Dad- and my sister Mary too. (And those of you who know me know what a odd bunch of people we were to be thrown together)!   Yet, this is my family. These are the people who raised me, kissed my boo-boos, spanked my butt, and tried to teach us right from wrong- Being children, (of the 60's and 70's), we didn't always listen as we should have- But I think that has gone on long before our time, and will continue forever too...   Yet again, they loved us anyway.

Now as far as my birthparents go... I am happy enough to know that they loved me enough to trust me to another.  I cannot share their own fears for having to even decide to give a child up for adoption; especially since I have raised my four daughters virtually alone. (Yet too, I had those children when it was more acceptable to be a parent raising children alone).   My birthparents loved me then, and they love me now... How much more fulfilling can it get?! And as my blog title says: "Ain't I lucky?!?!"

...A special note to the smart-a**es in my little crowd here  (and you KNOW  full well who you are!)...   ...this 2nd Birthday thing does NOT make me 96)!

Such a quiet weekend- and yet, busy enough too- Have been nursing this head of mine along since late Friday afternoon- another of those on again/off again miserable migraines- and wish that they would go away forever... I took the darned Maxalt- (it makes me feel as though I drank a zillion cups of coffee- yuck)-   But it did make it lessen for a while.  I am now quite gun-shy about taking anything; even if it is prescribed, but did not care to be barfing all weekend either. And took more than a few rests too- Didn't always fall asleep, but at least I can go to my darkend room and rest a while...

Yes, my little Casey  has been 'segmentectomized', but is quickly returning to being "herself"    (OK, everybody say a Big "YAY")!!!!    With each phone call yesterday, EVERY person that she spoke to commented exactly the same!!!! 

She is still more than a bit weak, but sure is up and about now too!   Years ago, these partial lung removals would put a body down for a long time--- but no more! All of us should be very thankful that it has finally dawned on the medical profession that "up and about" (not to mention OUT of the freakin' hospital) is the only way to go! 

Roberta took Casey to finally go pick up her car- It had been sitting in St Marys parking lot since a week ago Friday when she had been hospitalized-   The next day she was 'ambulanced' over to St. Vincents, but her car had stayed behind...   

Happy that it is out of there too- There is a somewhat seedy apartment complex next to the hospital there- and I am glad the "characters" that live there have left it alone! (Thank you, "Characters").

Kelli and Tim did come yesterday- and made a bunch more progress on my entrance roof before they ran out of nails. (Insert "haha")-  Whoever heard of a carpenter running out of nails!?!?   But I never even heard the pounding- being fast asleep in my bed at that point... (I only do that when my head is threatening to kill me, or make me postal)....

Enough of this for now- I am sitting back here with my sunglasses on, (my head being so nasty), and want to read a few more of your own blogs and then maybe get a little nap in- (Not fair, how come I just cannot sleep straight thru?- this 3 +/- hours every now and then just isn't right)...

...And no, I will not take sleeping pills...  My doctor had given me that Ambien to try- but I won't take it after reading all about it (and the many MORE absolute horror stories there)... Plus, it didn't work for me, so why take something that wasn't doing me any good in the 1st place?  (Wouldn't that fall into the 'duh' category)?

I hope everyone, (again, NORTH of that Mason-Dixon Line) had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall weekend- there aren't too many of them left in Mother Nature like this one...

Now you will have to tell me all about your weekend(s)!  Go ahead, you can do it, hit that comment button, and start talkin'!!!!


PS-  The picture above- Our Harvest Moon-rise... (as seen through my dying flower bed)!

Originally posted to my Y 360, Monday October 9, 2006 - 07:07am (CDT)