[My] Life in Wisconsin

Isaiah and Punk

Good Morning Everyone;

First and foremost, they are BOTH alright!  Most of you have already read Miss Punkins 4th blog entry- and My Little Man Isaiah was ill in Texas too.

We had a terrible scare yesterday, with Casey calling me at about 3:30 in the morning, unable to sleep because Isaiah had been ever so restless and kicking and coughing etc etc etc.  While it was hard for her to have lost so much sleep in the past week or so, it was nice to have had such a nice long conversation with her too.  (I suggested she waken Jenne)...

Aaron, Jennifer, CaseyAnne and Isaiah then spent the day at a rather large hospital in Temple, Texas. I think she said it was called 'Scott and White' -(Not sure though)...   Isaiah being checked for possible blood clots.  Having had a CAT Scan, they did find a nodule on his lung, (perhaps from his Proteus Syndrome)... But they found no blood clots, saying only that he is at very high risk for them...  They have sent him home, and with some antibiotics for the 'just in case there's an infection' somewhere which would account for the fever he had.



Like I said earlier, he is alright! 

And with a huge sigh of relief from my heart as Jenne herself had called me so very late in the afternoon yesterday.  I am a fairly patient person, (except for when it comes to blatant stupidity);  but that damnable 'Waiting Game' that I played yesterday, coupled with the 1300 miles between us, was one of the hardest things...

And now for the Doo-Doo Dog...



Miss Punk~ 

More than a few of you have written to ask me how she has been.  It seems that she too is alright... (And "alright" in my book at this point in time defined solely by the fact that there have been no further stinky accidents in my living room). 

She is eating and drinking.  (This after only one dose of the medication she was given)!   I never gave much thought to hearing a dog crunching her food, or making a mess by lapping her water... But it did my heart good to hear BOTH of those noises late on Friday.  (And I just prayed that I would not be scrubbing any more doo-doos)...  Poor little Punkin...   Gosh these dogs are so very much a part of my family and my heart.  Miss Milly, obnoxious mother that she can be, came inside for only a little while yesterday.  I hate that it gets so darned cold outside and that she PREFERS to be out there!  While Miss Milly was inside, Punk had to be put in the entrance by herself because she has not yet learned to share me with her mother. (And if she's sassy like that, she MUST be well on the road to recovery)!  I shall still be watching for that nosebleed for another week or so, but by all indications this was only a bacterial GI infection.   Keep your paws crossed!



Miss Milly and Miss Punk- ...Definitely warmer days...


Not too much other news; I stayed very close to the phone yesterday...  And did catch up on a few of your thoughts and blogs too, although I was a bit more than preoccupied as you can guess.  I tried leaving a few comments, but gave that up after I reread them... (Kinda too scatterbrained for even me)!

I hope you are all having a great weekend, and that you are all safe and toasty!  Those of you that have had to contend with this 1st snowstorm of the year will have to comment here and tell me all about it! (And those of you that have no idea what snow is will have to leave your snide "ha~ha's" too)!!!



Here's a little something to put on your lips!!! hehehe


Go forth... and BEHAVE!





After you chance to leave your comments, (and if you are having a boring Sunday), here are a few fun Christmas links you can check out...




