[My] Life in Wisconsin

"D" = 500~ "Outside, IN"

500~ "D" And 'Outside, In'
Books. Books. And more books...
Yes, I know these are on the INside! hehehe


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Good Morning All!
You might want to grab a cup of coffee. Could be that I will be a little long~winded today.

I went on this mission here a little while ago after I had come in from the kennels.
Every now and then, looking around, SOMETHING will strike my fancy; and usually it is NOT my dust either.
hehehe... (I very much prefer it that way too)!
There is something almost poetic about being blind to the dustballs and furballs that lay around. (Well, until I trip over one anyway)! hehehe

Not having the slightest idea what to do about this blog, I have decided to begin by catching you all up on our 'yesterday'.


First to get dressed and get outside to plow the ever present, (and continually falling), snow that we have had of late.


Some damn fool had left the Cub Cadet OUTside!
Who could/would do such a thing?
What the 'hey' !?!?!



Now you cannot see it in the picture, but that left front tire was half flat.
(As mama would have said, "It's no big deal, it is ONLY flat 'uponst' the bottom").

And she would have laughed at me trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with the danged tractor too because it wouldn't really go, or push anything...
Just as soon as I backed up a bit I saw it though.
Get the bicycle pump.
And the nozzle attached to the valve core "thingie" promptly broke off and let all the remaining air out of that tire!
(Kinda knocked the air out of my sails too)...
Time to get the little compressor.
Blow up the tire.
Pray that there is not a nail in the dang thing...

And I was off.

Slowly at first, 'til I'd made the first few swipes, then turn the blade so it scrapes to the outside of the driveways.
I had almost finished up one driveway, and had taken a circle through the yard to "have at" the other driveway. Getting to the road with that, there is a car in the ditch, across the road.
Bound to happen sooner or later. I walked out there, hoping that no one was hurt.
(I really do hate blood and guts).
With the exception of a blood vessel in her eye the young gal was not hurt, and she had already called her mom. They would call Triple A, and meet her here.

Almost everybody that drove by stopped to see if we needed help, or if anyone was hurt.
~~~Scratch that last remark; EVERYONE that drove by stopped.

And the young lady had NO coat either.
I did leave her out there.
She wanted to wait for her parents anyway; and said "it's not that cold."
And I was thinking that the few minutes it might take her mom to get there wouldn't hurt her any. (But it might have taught her to at least put a coat, some mittens and a pair of boots in the car)... hehehe

The Sheriffs Dept was the first to arrive. He brought the girl inside his car while I cleaned the ends of the driveway. Then I told him to get his car in the driveway anyway.
No use in them getting hit out there. (There is a blind hill one way, and a curve to the east; and what you cannot see in the photo is the ice that was on the road, uncovered by the county snowplow)... The county had salted the hill, (in one direction), about 30 minutes before this happened- Just enough time for that melted snow/ice to have frozen over again.
A few minutes later her parents got there. (Papa did a bit of hollering too; not about the car, but about her inappropriate winter attire)! hehehe
Jerry got there. (Jerry Kapla owns the Suamico Garage AND the tow truck). A very nice man too, and I am sure he got NO sleep the night before either. $nowstorm$ are alway$ highly profitable for the tow truck owner$.


The deputy had to pull back out of the yard to warn/direct traffic.
"Dad" is in the car, while Jerry winches him out of the ditch.



And that was the end of our excitement yesterday morning.

MORE excitement yesterday afternoon when New York squeaked an upset in Dallas!
So now The Giants get to come to Green Bay!

Trust me on this now...
Saturdays last game in the snow will be nothing, compared to how these boys will be playing next Sunday.
The highs for next Sunday will be lucky to make it into the single digits above zero.
The windchill will be at least in the negative teens BELOW zero.
That is, if the 7~day forecast holds true. And I know that they have a tendency to change forecasts from time to time. (Just not by that much)...

And yes, as always in Green Bay it will be a sell~out crowd come hell or high water, (or frigid and freezing temps)!

Time to get out the winter long~johns! hehehe


And on now, to address # 500.

I was out with Miss Milly earlier, 1-ish or so, (and yes I have to plow the yard out again). But as I came back in to "assume the position" in front of my monitor, one little thing caught my attention...



It is a flower that my little Miss Valerie had made for me in school!

And with that came a thought to snap a few pictures for you!
(I mean, now that you already know what my OUTside looks like).


Just pardon my dang dust please...
And yes, I know that there are books everywhere!
(I believe I got that passion from my mother)...


In my living room, a half~dead plant!
Hmmm... Does anyone else see the irony in that sentence?



~Along with a silver teapot that also needs my attention!
(And obviously more books too)!


There are a few chairs, leftover from Christmas,
that need (still) to be brought back out to the shed.



My sewing machine, (and the fish),
that also need that attention...



I am surrounded by many pictures of family and friends!
(Pictures, hanging on the walls, that sorely need a coat of paint)!



On to the kitchen...



An old church cookbook lays out,
while the top of the fridge holds stuff that doesn't fit in the cupboards.
Wait, it probably does fit... If only I would arrange those cupboards!



And on upstairs...


If anybody can find the original of this picture, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Not a horse, it is a Unicorn. With no signature.
Torn out of a ragmag some 25 years (or so) ago...


And a few other pictures taken in my room...



A parrot Dad had gotten while in the Navy;
And of course, MORE
books on my headboard!!!


My old guitar in one corner...
And the ever~present incense burner in another.
My favorite smells for the burner? Patchouli. Musk. Opium.
Probably a carryover from those wild 70's...


Peeking into my closet...



Faded photographs,
(covered now with line and creases)
And my four high school yearbooks, (all signed too) hehehe


And I believe that's enough for 500!

Roberta has a dentist appointment this morning.
Casey is already in town to take her there; and to watch Master Gabriel while his mama gets an estimate for her dental work. (Brave, brave girls that I have)!

Time for me to go clean the yard... (and maybe when that is done I can come in and answer your questions)! hehehe
It's "Open~Season"
Go ahead.
Hit me with your best shot!
(I double~dog~dare ya)!

Have a grand, brand~new week!


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Originally posted on my 360  Monday January 14, 2008 - 06:59am