[My] Life in Wisconsin


Good Morning All;

Yes, (and regrettably at times), I am still alive! hehehe
On top of my foot, (no pun intended), I have been under attack by my stupid head.
(>CLICK< for Migraine info "Myths vs Reality").

On the very bright side, I have not had to take my 'foot' pills since yesterday morning. Happy about that~ Only a few days ago I had actually watched the clock for when I could take another pain pill. It feels better, (as does my silly head) now. I took the boot off, and have been back to "gimping" so much better than I have for a few weeks. I have not been brave enough to wear a shoe though...

My foot is still very rOund. hehehe
(Hmmm... I wonder if one can get stretch marks on their feet)?!? Might as well, after carrying 4 kids Lord only knows I've got those marks every place else! hehehe
The foot sure swolled up, and stayed that way too. One of the bodys little miracles to keep the fracture safe I suppose...
No, I have not yet returned for that next x~ray.

Not too much news... The brunt of it is covered in Caseys blog anyway... YAY!
(What a copout for me, eh)? Lucky that way!!!

Oh, and my halloween comic... (I stole all of these 'funnies' from an email last year, so feel free to steal away)!!!






Been checking on a few more emails, and I see that Yahoo! has posted another blog on the life expectancy of our little 360~World.
Please go and make your voices heard once more.

>CLICK HERE< for their new blog. No, don't do it now... Wait til after you leave me a comment!

Of newsworthiness too... (And celebrating his 249th birthday somewhere), is none other than Noah Webster... (Info stolen from HERE).

America's first lexicographer, was born on October 16, 1758.
We remember Webster as the author of the first American dictionary, but he was also the first authority to advocate American English.
His American Spelling Book, published in 1783 (later known as Webster's Elementary Spelling Book), was the first to Americanize the spelling of English words such as colour and labour by dropping the u.
He also espoused American pronunciation and usage. In a very real sense, Webster gave us the language that Americans think of as English.
An estimated 60 million copies of Webster's speller were sold during its first hundred years in print. In 1828, Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language was published, with 12,000 more words and about 40,000 more definitions than any previous English dictionary.

As I type, I wonder where ANY of us would be without him all those years ago?.


On an unrelated topic, I had previously written about a man, now living in lower Michigan, who had contacted me regarding the stories I had written about my mother, and her birthplace, Sidnaw, Michigan. Seems it was his birthplace too and he had found my blog doing a search on the internet.

I have since received still another letter. This time from a gentleman in Germany who had also grown up in Sidnaw... Oddly enough, and all the way from Germany, he has met one of my cousins at his work across the big pond!!! WOW!

And yes, I will be posting more about Sidnaw now that I can hobble my way up to the attic to grab some pictures! Since it has been raining for the past couple of days, I believe I will be doing that today!

Mama "got" me again here. All I wanted to do here was to put Flintville, Wisconsin on the map! hehehe But I have a feeling Sidnaw, Michigan will be just as much fun!

Have a "Wunnaful~Wednesday" !!!!

Love to all.


