[My] Life in Wisconsin

Casey is HOME!

Good Morning ALL...

Morning has broken!

And there's a flock of wild turkeys back by the woods...
Those black blobs are turkeys; I counted 8...
(They come every year... I think just to destroy my garden)!

Casey IS home... for now. We are unsure still if she will be going back to Froedtert, or to Rochester, (Mayo Clinic).... She has much pain, but has awoken only once during the night. Am happy for that, as she needs her rest.




"Casey~Face! ...(You've got the cutest little Casey~Face)!"



Derek was at the hospital when she was released, and drove her home, stopping to pick up a prescription on the way. She slept a long while yesterday afternoon. Roberta, so happy to not have to go back to the darned hospital herself, (like Jenny Mella, Roberta has been up there every single day too), also came out with my little Gabriel. And such a beautiful day it was!

Nice enough to fire up the little bitty tractor, and hook up the little bitty trailer, and take them all for a little bitty ride...




...Yes, even Miss Punk had to jump in the itty bitty trailer....





Thinking we could get around the entire field, we headed back to the woods.... Oops, it was pretty washed~out by the old mulberry tree, so to turn around and head back home...

Thinking I would then go around the field the north way, I headed up there... Now this was an AWESOME idea! (...until we got stuck in the mud)! ...Thanks for the "PUSH" Berta!

Back up to the house then, and stole a ride down my neighbors driveway... all the way back.



Take a peek at how tall these trees are. Makes ya dizzy just to see it!

Mom and dad had planted all these trees years ago. By hand.

And when we got back home, it was time to put the plow down and try to reorganize a bit of gravel that had been displaced by the snowplowing this year... LOTS of noise moving that gravel, and even though Casey was sleeping on that side of the house she never heard a thing! And it seemed to have had the very same effect on Master Gabriel... He fell sound asleep in that little bitty trailer.

Time for dinner then...




A bit of rice and veggies... and I fried up a few chicken strips in olive oil and butter;
with TONS of garlic... MMmmmmm....
(All that garlic? hmm? 'Twas OK, I didn't have a date last night)! hehehe




Threw on a few brussels sprouts, and took out some black caps that were froze from last summer....




Master Gabriel even ate his brussels sprouts! He is so good about eating; he has never refused whatever I decide to throw on his plate!

He even eats jalapenos; (although I didn't give those to him)!





After dinner, Master Gabriel tried to make the Great Escape!




That didn't work for him though... (That door is hard for even an adult to make their escape through)!

We laughed and played a while....

Berta with a nasty migraine of her own but managed to get a blog written while she was here!

CLICK HERE for Berta's blog if you haven't already visited.

Casey ate very well, NOT without pain, but in the end "hunger" wins. (At least for Roberta, Casey and myself it always has)! None of us are too picky either. Just NO eggplant!

I walked outside with Miss Punk afterward... We could see the storms coming, as the sun was setting...





One of Gods Finer Sunsets~ ...in too long a time...




And once more all is well and wonderful in our little bitty corner of Wisconsin! ...Well, mostly...

I hope all is as well in YOUR little corner of the world!


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Cat Stevens

Morning Has Broken

Morning has broken like the first morning,
blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for them singing, praise for the morning,
praise for them springing, fresh from the world.

Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven,
like the first dew fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
sprung in completeness where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight ! Mine is the morning
born on the one light Eden saw play !
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day.