[My] Life in Wisconsin

One Injured in Neighborhood Clash-

Victim Left With Gaping Head Wound

 Flintville, WI-

A noisy daytime brawl ended when one victim sustained a deep puncture wound to the head.
What began as a quiet and orderly gathering ended quickly when the victim was found to be bleeding profusely from a large laceration to the right temple area.

The injury is not thought to be life threatening.

Down to bone...

It is not known exactly how the accident occurred as neither party involved will speak to authorities.

"Buzz Off, Beans."

What is known is that the victim does not like her leg bitten either

"Leggo my- Leg, Oh!"
Leggo my Leg. -Oh!

"I Was Here First!"
I'm telling whether you like it or not!

The victim remains in good condition.
She is being treated at home.

"A What?! You are NOT going to put a 'stitch' in my head."

Measures must be taken so the young lady will not be injured further.

Never a dull moment.


For more on this accident prone dog, click here.