[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Supermarket of Veterans Benefits for ALL Vets and Their Families


Also see: http://www.veteransbenefits.us/index2.htm

Hundreds of thousands of veterans, and those returning from war are potentially missing out on disability and other benefits.

The Supermarket of Veterans Benefits (SVB), was conceived to celebrate America’s most important heroes, the veterans, and meet their specific benefit needs. SVB’s awareness campaign is targeted to the over 26,000,000 U.S. veterans throughout the world. SVB attracts thousands of veterans, their family members, and general attendees, providing veterans the opportunity to learn more about veteran’s services and benefits they so richly deserve! In many cases, veterans are not receiving the benefits that are created and designed for them. The 2005 President's budget for Department of Veteran's Affairs provides approximately $67.7 billion for veteran's benefits and services. The SVB:

* Provides information and benefits for veterans, their families, and friends during a free one day fair set in a "one-stop-shop" festival atmosphere
* Provides every veteran with benefits information & claims initiation leading to potential compensation, pension, and other service issues

Below are selected links of interest to readers of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs website. Many of these sites link to many other interesting and informative sites. Please send suggestions for other links to WDVAWEB.

All links should be working.


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Veterans' Organizations

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Veterans Resources

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Family Resources

Scholarships Links for Veterans and Dependents

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Remembering Veterans

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Other State Veterans' Agencies

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See also the list of Wisconsin military history and museum links maintained by the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

*** This list is for informational purposes only, and the appearance of a site on this list in no way constitutes an endorsement by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs or the State of Wisconsin.

Personal Question for You- Traits

(Just don't look at it too long)...

Having just checked my email, here is a very interesting question from the yearbook.

"What is one trait you could not put up with in another person?"
Know that a trait, to me, is "inside/head/heart" character, not habits, etc...

Even after considering the list of those 7 Deadlies, for myself it has to be dishonesty.
I have been lied to countless times; which never bode well- either for the liar, or for myself.

What say you?
I would be willing to bet that, once again, your answers will "make" this blog very interesting !!!


Are You an Idiot?

Thanks a lot KelliBaby! (You got me)...

Good Morning Everyone!

You will just have to come to your own conclusion below...
(Astra, if you prefer, you may substitute the word "moron").


1. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time.

2. All idiots, after reading #1, will try it.

3. They will then discover #1 is a lie.

4. You are smiling now (because you are an idiot).

5. You soon will share this with another idiot.

6. There is still a stupid smile on your face.

I apologize for this, but I'm an idiot, and I needed the company.


The Dealmap!

$ave $ome Moola- Almost Everywhere!
Your city!
Your Savings!
Do the click! (Then do the bookmark too)!

"The best local deals, coupons and discounts from the largest number of sources..."

Events & Attractions
Food & Drugs
Home & Garden
Health & Beauty

(When I clicked, I found a $25.00 gift certificate for a mere $2.00 at a place not 10 miles away)!
Let me know if you have found anything?


clipart from here


~looking into my eyes, from my own eyes.

Good Afternoon;
I know NOT how anyone can ride a roller-coaster. And especially this one...

I have accomplished zero today.
Almost as soon as I thought to become productive, the flashing lights began.
My throat is almost closed, but pouring out its slime- The stuff that makes and keeps one nauseated.
A hard way to spend a day, let alone an hour, of my life.

The homeplace looks absolutely abandoned. As I told Kristin earlier, I cringe to even look out my windows anymore. It is THAT bad.

I fell asleep much earlier- better that way, (for everyone).  hehehe

Casey called a few hours ago. Herself being ever~so ill from those damned iron infusions.
Seems as though she feels worse and worse each and every week.

These infusions play havoc with her already severely compromised insides; and it kills me even to hear that little voice sounding so weak and sickly on the phone.
Truth be known, it ANGERS me to no degree that I have ever felt anger before!
This young lady has been through so very much-  And they just keep dumping more and more and more and more ON her!
It is NOT fair. 
It is unjust.
It is unreasonable. 
That it is unjustified makes it even worse somehow.
JFK said it best: "
There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair."

Hating the word "idiopathic" from the very first time they stamped her diagnosis with it.
It is still wrong. (And don't even bother to get me started on that word)!

Am thinking maybe if I get outside, even in this humidity; and maybe if the rains hold off long enough, I can still be a decent landowner and make this all 'look' a bit better.

F*ck it.  I am heading outside
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."  (It is the nicest thing I can say right now).

Have a good one.
My love to all.


Captions Needed? hehehe

CaseyFace!   -05/19/10

Good Morning All;
Another infusion day for Casey. Hopefully the poke will 'take' on the first try this time.
Again, we are to arrive for 8:30...

I have been running down to Kelli's and snapping pictures of the construction...
Punk gets left in the car after last week deciding to run in wet clay. hehehe

Lemme OUT!

She is not always happy, but having given her numerous baths in the past week, she is not getting near dirt anytime soon.


I will also be leaving Miss Punk at home today. Temps are forecast to be in the upper 80's.
(Which I have learned to actually mean temps will be in the lower/mid 90's).

Casey and Greg came out on Sunday, knowing that the temps were going to go high, and also knowing that my A/C was in the basement.

Greg carried it up.
We cleaned it up/out, installed it, and got it going...
Yesterday it ran for 2 hours, rattled some, and then quit on me. 
(Suffice to say I did not move overmuch, nor eat a bite, yesterday). Too hot to do so.
And when I chanced to peek at the thermometer on the 'due north' side of the house, it read 95°.

Life goes on.

Below...  It matters not what the commercials say, this is NOT a happy cat!

This is where your captions are needed.   hehehe







Water? Me no likey! 
Sput gets a bath. 
"I HATE people"

Still laughing!

A bit of background...
While Casey was here, being bored while Greg played with my computersaurus, she decides it is high time for Sputty to also get a bath.
Punk canNOT always have all the fun after all.

Unlike Punk's baths, this is way too dangerous to attempt to do in the bathtub.
Mr. Sputnik found himself confined to the kitchen sink...

Having been watching my bluebird family, I chanced to get the perfect shot of Daddy Bluebird.

When, of a sudden, he realized he was camera shy, and flew off...

Camera shy bluebird in flight 
While it ruined my shot, I still think he is lovely, even in a twist of flight.
I'd better close for now and get on with my day.
I have windows to close, entrapping the night air for a little while. And then to pick Casey up and bring her in.
Please say a little prayer that today is easier for her?

My love to all.  Have a 'wunnaful' day!


Now.   About those captions??? 


Unable to give a fuck, sorry

Dog- shut the f up

myspace comments
STFU Comments

Literallymyspace comments
Dropping By MySpace Comments


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Funscrape.Com | More 80s Slang Comments

VETERANS DAY  Flanders Field

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You are such a barney

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Gag me with a spoon

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YAY! First to comment

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Welcome back

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May the force be with you

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You make me smile

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All that, and a bag of chips

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Eat my shorts

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Monkey in water

Misc. Bombs

I LOL'd, did you?


Gorilla finger

You Suck

Horse LMAO




You have annoyed the monkey

You Suck

GW I can has Recession


OMG in RW and bluePolitics

Einstein Google

Google It

Hamster joint