[My] Life in Wisconsin

News. Thanks. Thoughts. And still no news.

Good Afternoon;
I have had the TV on in the background all day long- On the Animal channel-
They have had a few shows about the Animal Cops.
I have been asked *how* I can watch- which I really don't- But when I am in the room, I do look at the abuse that these animals have suffered at our hands.
This, and children being abused, have to be the worst of any imaginable sins...

What occurs to me is that, sad and revolting as these animals are to see, and to know that it happens; it is FAR WORSE that basically the same thing happens to our children.

They are as defenseless as these animals; fully dependent on others to care for them and to love them; and not to harm them.

I believe America needs those shows- about her own children. (And more, about our unsung American heroes that try to change this, bit by tiny bit).

Keep our dollars on American soil.
Feed our babies. Care for them always.

Do not fall for the sadness on your screen, or in your magazines that show children starving, dying in other countries. Yes, it is sad, and it is tragic- So are your neighbors.
We absolutely need to care for our own FIRST.

Walk down your block, around the corner...

Listen closely to what you hear-
Why is that child crying? Is it the same from day to day? Call your local police/sheriff departments, or contact your county social services...
DO something to help! (You will never forgive yourself if/when something ungodly happens.
And yes, do the same for the animal that you see/hear being mistreated, please.

OK. Rant done.

Let's see...
Along with my camera (which passed away several weeks ago), my desktop also seems to have perished... Unless Mr. Greg wishes to do an autopsy on the damn thing, I will probably have to have a service for it as I bury it in the backyard.
Perhaps I should bury the camera and the HP together?   hehehe

Thank God for my laptop! Took a while to fire up, but is doing well enough for me. Crap, a TV, a desktop, or a huge enough laptop to cover my many pictures, and a new camera too.
What the heck is going on? (I am waiting for light bulbs to flicker as I pass by).

No news on the surgery front.  Casey is at the doctors office as I type, and will be coming out here shortly after. I hope he can help. (Rumor has it that he HAS been a great influence to the Contract health dept, AND with contacting the surgeon; each doctor agreeing that to make this wait 'til October is still playing that damnable roulette game)...
Happy that we have doctors that can and will fight for their patients.

I received my new brace yesterday. Initially I loved it.
Today I do not share that sentiment.
The brace is too short to help my lower back, no matter how it is adjusted. I need a longer one. My back, neck to coccyx, measures 25", the brace barely covers 17" of that.
Not even close.

For my middle back and my upper back it is a great fit and to have it nice and snug. But I had to take it off to sleep too. Not a good thing because then I want to stretch out and roll, (something that must be done very carefully)- My brace is to maintain that while I sleep... This one surely doesn't.

The PM office called me right back yesterday morning, emphasizing that a red 'reaction' can occur after any shots, or cement procedure. She wanted me to have it checked, close up, before making an appointment to come in.
Casey checked it while I was getting the new brace. No streaks of any red, so probably not an infection. Casey said it might be a reaction to having my old brace so ill~fitting, and rubbing on an area where I have a bad disk, or maybe a bone spur...
Time will tell. I do not have a fever so am guessing it is nothing to worry about.
I will have Casey recheck it again today when she gets here.

I'd better close. I had cut two fingers open on Sunday morning helping Jim work on the lawnmower deck. They need to be soaked good, so I shall try to get my dishes done. Adding a bit of bleach because they have been undone for a few days. The hot water will pull out any infection there, and the bleach will ensure my fingers are not infected.
All this possible infection!!! Ick! Makes me want to go take a bottle of antibiotics. hehehe
But I do heal fast enough no matter what, so all will be well.

As I hope it is with all of you.


From my email... "Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved." XOXO, Me