[My] Life in Wisconsin

It's Beginning to LQQK a lot like "Silly"

Good Morning!

And yes, if you are wondering, even Punkie says she's had enough of the funny stuff!



She was still half asleep, but still cute!


It was SO cold yesterday that I HAD to make a pot of chili... I never did learn to cook 'small' after everyone left home, so now I have a couple of gallons left over. But it always does taste better the next day, so I shall happily enjoy more of it today!   (And I am thinking that maybe a couple of kids might make it out here today/tonight)? hint hint!  No, I do not add the 'pasgetti'  to it, so I can always freeze it in smaller servings.

I dragged all my Christmas boxes up the steps yesterday.  Punk was also NOT amused by those taking up space in 'her' living room!  Nor did she care much for the mess I made (and left behind)...  About 9 or so at night, she always crawls in her little corner of the couch and crashes if I have not yet gone up to bed. Since the couch was completely covered from one end to the other, this was impossible for her to accomplish- So she stayed close by, and every now and then I would hear this LOUD (and somewhat obnoxious) yawning going on...  Too funny.  I cleared off the couch and she happily laid right down 'til we went upstairs.  (She is still asleep, waking only while I stuck that old Santa Hat on her head)...

Speaking of obnoxious...   You, my friends, are ALL getting me in trouble...   While I had a bit of laughter over your hitting the 'reply all' button on my message to the world, there are a few that didn't get the giggles about it.  I apologize to all for that oversight in my little note. 

(But I do think that little flurry of messages should be over and done with now)...  er, I HOPE it is anyway!!! hehehe

Sorry. Sorry!! SORRY!!!                Image

After finally psyching myself to go outside and walk down the very windy driveway, and cross the road;  I received my very first Christmas cards yesterday!!!  And so came my inspiration to get that darned tree up and out of the basement...  I just cannot "do" cards without a bit of surrounding Christmas ambience;  the tree, lit up, will provide that for me quite nicely...




I received a note from my sister this morning-  Finally, the FDA has recognized that people are dying from this Methadone, and has FINALLY issued a Public~Health~Advisory on it.  You should be able to click on that and read that warning to all.  Losing Reianna a few months ago was one death too many for us all, and I am sure that every other family that has lost a loved to this drug feels exactly as I do. It's about time!

METHADONE KILLS- (Even one little pill)... If you are new to my 'friends list here,  please read that link, even if you do not finish reading my blog today- it is that important.   You can also click on "Reianna" in the above paragraph and read her story...

Adverse events potentially related to methadone therapy should be reported to the FDA's MedWatch reporting program by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch , or by mail to 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787.

I'd better close for now and get started on my day- It has been so very windy for the past few days that it has completely leeched any humidity out of the house- That said, i will have no qualms about doing a bit of wash! ha!  One of these days... If I do not freeze to death by the weekend perhaps my laundry discharge hose will thaw out enough to either use it properly or even to remove it... 

In the meanwhile, there is no need for the April-Aire!

Have a grand day everyone!



and DO stay warm!






For those of you that do not 'know'  ...

...I usually will make the 'clickable' links (words) green, and with a bit larger BOLD type...  You should then be able to click on those words to get to whatever I am talking about... (not the ones in this paragraph though)!

Just don't forget to come back!   Image



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