[My] Life in Wisconsin

From Ambien to Zoe~

...And (almost) EVERYTHING in~between...

(of course if you think of a topic I might have missed this year, please do let me know)!

...I've been told I am quite outspoken... (whatever THAT means)! hehehe

Good Morning!

It occurs to me that I have been a Yahoo~Blog~About for over a year already! How cool is that? And what a year it has been!

A Year of Nonsense!?!? (maybe on my part)... But a whole year of LQQKING forward to your own lives and times too!


Today is Miss Punkins First Birthday! And how fast she has grown... (and to what proportions too)!




Yes, Punkie IS in there somewhere; (how so very tiny those pups were)!
Fighting over Millys SQUEAK ball...
Miss Mama~Milly, (on the left)... as her "baby" looms over her...
Milly now about 60 pounds, +/-, Punk weighs in at about 90...

The old 'switcheroo' too; (as Milly was about 90 lbs. when she delivered those ten pups)!

And for the title... I was going over a few of my older blogs... And I saw when the doctor had prescribed that Ambien for me to use to fall asleep (and to stay that way). It didn't work, and so I still do not stay asleep... So here I am!

I was awoken this morning by such a bright light in my room... It has been warm outside, and I had all the windows open yesterday. Knowing it was only to get down to the mid~40's tonight, I left my bedroom windows open.

That bright light? The moon! It was about 1/2~way across my window before it woke me up...

So much to do yesterday... And I had said a silent prayer before I'd pulled my shorts on too. Only that they would still fit... (They did)! Yay!

I pulled out a bunch of plant wood that I 'shoulda' pulled last Fall already... But methinks I didn't do it because that is when Miss Casey had her partial pneumothorocotomy. (And after that I just probably plum forgot)! Most of those weeds are out now.

I trimmed the rosebush to within an inch of its life, (and then promptly stepped on the trimmings)! hehehe (Yes, of course I was barefoot)... Punk will usually help me remove the clippings and stuff, but she was a bit miffed when I wouldn't let her touch those branches. After hearing me cuss and dance around like a fool in the backyard, she took my word for not touching those branches.

What I found out there...
My "Daffy~Dils".... And other things... popping their new, and promising, growth!
My chives too! "Regular" in the old stone planter... ... my "Garlic Chives" on the rocks!
I found some dead rhubarb.....
my old wooden wheel drums of Devils Claws!
Just a few weeks ago Roberta and I were not even too sure what those drums were!!!
Pretty much covered by that last snowstorm....

This past year... as they say, WHOO~HOO, WHAT A RIDE!!!

And what wonderful friends I have found through sharing my often mundane thoughts and life...




I have shared my 'Ups' ...
And a few scary "Downs"...
Our Cat and Dogs...




There was Amos... aka... "Moose~da~Kitty"
12-25-93 ~ 07-23-06
And of course, Milly and Punk




There have been other critters too...
HEHEHEHE! ....Heya Rita; I used "Vermin~B~Gone"!?!





There is still a whole new world to share with you for the next year... (or two... or ten)?!?

And so for ALL of my friends, family, lurkers, and others... (you know who you are)... Here are some beautiful flowers...

(for You from Me this time)!




Have a 'wunnaful' Tuesday! (And like I said earlier, let me know about any'missed' topics too)! hehehe






I did try to tell Miss Punk that it was HER responsibility to be doing a blog today in honor of her BIG Number "1"...

...She turned tail on me and went back up to bed...

(Methinks that is dogspeak for "maybe later")...


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