[My] Life in Wisconsin

Bat. Moth. Sick Dog.

  Sleepy Punk...

Good Morning-

After my recent bat experience, CLICK, I took to looking my own bat up.
I found this picture, although the bat in my home had black, not light brown connecting the wings, this is the closest I can find anywhere.

hoary bat

The one I had was almost entirely pitch black- except for around his face, and eyes, where he looked more like a raccoon instead of a bat! hehehe

The wingspan below is also not accurate-  As I held this one (in those now infamous wiener tongs), it moved it's wing- That wing came halfway up my forearm!

hoary bat info

Given that I did not check the underside to see if it was nursing, I have no idea if this bat was trying to get home to its twins.
~ Nor do I much care, as long as it is out of my house!

Bat Booster?
I also did not check to see if it was clean... hehehe

But I do know I didn't smell any soap either!

The following morning, Punk thought maybe she would get even more treats if she kept the house secure.

Not a bat!
This was a moth for Pete's sake.
I hit it with the swatter, and she ate it!
Yes, she got one little treat- Just to wash the moth taste out of her mouth!

So that is all the news here-
I am sure that there is NO correlation to the bat, but since I could be wrong, I will be calling Doc Spires- as my little Miss Punk has been sick since Friday.
I believe this is my fault- I had bought a bone for her- smoked pork hip- as another treat for knocking down, and not killing this wonderful <--- sarcasm there) bat.
Methinks she has a bone splinter somewhere in her digestive tract.
She has vomited every morning, and is off her feed- lethargic and sad.
To think that I 'treated' her to this is so sickening... Not sure what to do either.
Thank God for veterinarians.

Hope everyone had a 'wunnaful' weekend!
My l
ove to all-  Time for me to make that phone call-



  1. So....let us know if Bats make good pets! :)

  2. Can you give her a laxative?
    Wait a week then give her a worming powder.


  3. Ummmm.... No.
    He got thrown out anyway...


  4. Not sure if a laxative is necessary- or safe- if there is a chance that there is a splinter along her tract.

    Will ask the vet- She goes in at 2.


    She gets her Heartguard once a month.

  5. awe poor Punk....my Arriba has an ear infection he keeps scratching at his ear and whining he too has a vet appointment this afternoon, heres hoping both our pup pups are alright

  6. Ugh....

    Bones. Poor punkie. I hope she is back up on all fours soon!

  7. aww man, I hope she feels better soon :(

  8. Better yet.
    I hate to see sick animals, just like you, and I hope she gets better soon.

  9. I've always heard that beef bones can splinter in dogs, but that pork bones were safe.
    Maybe it's the moth. To my knowledge, moth's are not a regular part of the canine diet.
    Also, did the bat bite her? Well, rabies wouldn't have shown up this quickly, and the symptoms are wrong, so it prolly wasn't that. I'm guessing maybe she didn't chew the moth well enough before she swallowed. Anyway, hope she feels better soon.

  10. poor Punkster! I hope she feels better soon!

  11. What did the vet say? It occurred to me that moths eat smaller insects, many of which can carry amoeba's in their guts. (Swallowing a fruit fly, for example, can make one sick from the amoebas that live inside them.)
    Anyway, waiting to hear what happened, hoping she gets better quickly.

  12. As I write she is laying on her left side- (this is the side with the bad shoulder and she never lays like that)!
    Ok, not too often anyway...

    And more asleep.



  13. Well said Mr. Bill! And thank you too


  14. Happy Birthday to you!

    What makes the difference is whether the bone is cooked or not- Even raw foul is ok if it hasn't been frozen- or so they say...

    The cooking is what makes the bones very brittle, and brittle bones splinter where ever they come from.
    Smoking bones is not supposed to 'cook' them.

    Wouldn't matter even if the bat bit her- She is always current on ALL of her shots.
    I can legally give her everything, (and do), save for the kennel cough nose drop and the rabies vaccine. Hers was updated just a month and a half ago so no worries there.

    Not sure if a moth could really put a dog down like this. (Though it is kinda funny to think about).



  15. ... from your keyboard to Gods monitor.


  16. The stomach acids would destroy the virus and/or bacteria.
    It is the bites- the "directly to the bloodstream route" that makes animals so ill.

  17. He gave her an injection to treat her immediate nausea.
    Her guts passed the vet feel test. hehehe
    And he thinks that the bone I gave her did not splinter because she would have reacted much differently to his palpitations. he said it probably wasn't pasteurized before smoking it.

    Even so, she is on (more) antibiotics for the tummy- and some anti-emetics also (so I don't have to keep scrubbing the darn floor).
    Both are taken with food, which she isn't interested in.

    But she has lost 17 pounds since Casey's last surgery in late January. So that is a good thing.
    She is down to 92.3 (from 109+)

    Thanks for asking!


  18. Aww that's so, so sad that Punk is not feeling the best Anna; we care so much for our four legged friends and they are family members after all, we do worry a lot about them hey.
    Get well soon Punk.
    I'm so happy that the Bats here a not too bad Anna, we have 75 species here Anna and the Little Forest Bat sounds like your type of Bat if you're just using a fly swatter


  19. Awwwww.....I hate to see Punk feeling under the weather. Feel better soon Punk! Another critter might wander in and you may miss it if you're sleeping.

  20. Hope Punk starts feeling better with her new medications. Hate to see her not being her usual busy self.

  21. YAY Mr. Lester- Another link!
    I get SO carried away with these things. hehehe

    Yes, Punk is my girl too.

    I didn't use a fly swatter on the bat- I used it on the moth.
    The bat was much much MUCH bigger.


  22. Once again she is tipped over asleep.
    I feel so bad for her Sweet PeachieBaby-

    But a critter wander in? Nope won't happen unless she is dead and buried.



  23. Thank you Sweetie!
    And she is always busy...
    It is bad not seeing her loving her place in the world.


  24. all i can say is.... if my batty sister would stop smokin pig hips she'd probably stop seeing whorey bats and would also stop giving her dog motheaten treats. There! Somebody had to say it..!

  25. I see you said it! (And it's good to know that you really ARE somebody).

    There is something inherently wrong with your comment.
    But damn if I can figure out what... ?!?

    Time for bed!



  26. Forgive her Bill.
    She knows not what she does...

  27. LOLOLOL too cute, you covered all bases. LOL

    Annie, I hope punk feels better SOON. I know how you worry.

