[My] Life in Wisconsin

Two Bumps On a Log...

Two Bumps On a Log...
Bump On a Log... magnify
Mister Greg with Master Gabriel...



Good Morning All;
The sun is up and out, for now.
Forecast calls for showers and thunderstorms later this afternoon.
Am happy it is rain instead of the snow... Even a flurry now makes my tummy upset to even think about snow. And yes, it will be cooling down in a day or two, but we have had a few really nice days.



To think we have gone from this...


(Check out that poor little trike)...
No snow tires on it I guess.
To this...


In such a short while...
And for the smile that says,

"Thank you God, for making my legs long enough over winter!"



We spent Sunday cleaning up the yard too.
Lots of tufts, and tons of gravel that got (re)moved to places that they don't belong when the snowplow went through. (Unavoidable, if you want a safe driveway).



Master Gabriel was the foreman!

But before we got rocks, and tufts,
(and the random doggie~doo~doo) in the trailer,
we had to take a little ride!



"ARF" ?!?
"What'd'ya mean there's NO ROOM FOR ME?"



They made room!!!



And then back to the grindstone...
Did I say "back"?
(I probably shouldn't have driven that l'il tractor back to the woods)...
So time to change drivers, and to start hauling the pollution from my lawns.


And soon I will be mowing those lawns!
Casey says she will do it because of my back.
Not sure if I like that offer or not;
because I am such a mowing~addict in summertime...



Casey found an old mushroom,
still full of spores from last year...
(Which she promptly threw in the garbage for the landfill to deal with)!



Yesterday was a take-it-easy day for her,
after CaseyFace wound up at the ER on Sunday night.

(NO, it was NOT my lasagna)!
Yes, the lasagna turned out wonderfully!
(Well, at least I didn't kill anyone).
We walked to the woods with Mama Milly and Miss Punk
And of course Mama Milly went missing for a little while.



The Punk, and The Pneumo-Pancreatosis-Kid...
Talk about two bumps on a log!
Back up at the house, the first colors of Spring!
See the little flowers??

I took a decent nap then. (She is STILL alseep)!

And of course I could not fall back to sleep til after 2 or so.

So Punk and I went outside and enjoyed the moon...



And I am still not sleepy!

So that leaves me wide eyed and bushy tailed for the laundry, and the dishes, and, and, and...

Time for me to get busy!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Love to all!


Originally posted to my Y360, Tuesday April 22, 2008 - 08:56am (CDT)


  1. Glad the weather has been nice. Casey is looking not too bad considering. And boy is Gabe getting big!
    Hope things stay nice!
    Much love to all oxoxoxoxo

  2. I tried to comment to this on 360...didnt work, go figure!

    I love the fountainish waterfall of rainbows up there!!!

    I should be doing laundry too...whoops!

  3. Sweet NancyBug!
    She always looks good... 'Til she turns yellow anyway!

    As I type one shower has already gone through, and the skies have darkened considerably.
    Oh well. Maybe i will get more done INside then!

    Love to you!



  4. Sweet BethieBaby!
    (I am still laughing at your new blast by the way)!
    And definitely wondering what on Earth you did that this quote got posted???

    Oh laundry???
    I almost forgot!
    Thanks. A lot for the reminder.

    Love to you all!


  5. Sooo, you got rain too, huh? Beats snow. I would like to have more this past winter, however the Spring flowers, lilac bushes, pretty colors, etc. make me more than happy to kiss winter bye-bye for a while. My body is also enjoying the warmer temps.

    Sorry to hear Casey was once again in the ER. I do hope she's at least a tad better today?

    Laundry? Wanna do mine? I've got it down to just a few sets of sheets (I have several sets so I wait a while to do them.).

    Master Gabriel is still a cutie..slightly taller one too.

    Need to get off my backside. Have been putting furniture together, rearranging, getting paperwork re-organized, hauling a couple pieces of furniture to the curb...in other words, I've had a busy morning. No wonder I'm tired.

    Hugs to everyone

    little ol' me


  6. I see lots of flowers in that last picture....

    Glad spring has finally sprung!

  7. I'm so glad to hear that you're starting to enjoy some spring weather up there. You're about a month behind us down here, it's supposed to hit 80 by Thursday. ENJOY!!


  8. Sweet Donna,
    I am still jealous of your ability to move your furniture. But this too shall pass for me.
    Casey is much better- after getting a ton of sleep last night.

    I hang all my linens on the line. Mmm... Smells so good to do that.



  9. Sweet Pea!
    Are there flowers on the moon???


    Mama D.

  10. Sweet RT!

    We did come close to eighty. 70~something. But more than warm enough as the frost is still coming out of the ground. And things are still wet and all.
    Can't wait to get the garden tilled!!!
    And to plant my little flowers and such. Just like you!!!


  11. Moving furniture comes with a price tag...constant back pain as well as muscle spasms. Oh well, it has to be done, so I do it.

  12. Hi ya Bart!

    Im so glad you guys are starting to get some spring weather.. it has been 86 to 87 here for the past couple of days and horror of horrors.. I have actually had to work at work..
    Whats up wit dat?

    Some great pictures.. glad I wasnt drinking anything when I saw that pic of KC and Greg while she was holding that mushroom.. the look on his face was priceless..hehe Ok all together...EWWWWWWWWWWW hehe

    Berta is looking so pretty too.. She has a beautiful smile just like Casey face. Master Gabe is just a little sweety. Look out girls.. hes gettin' big now!
    Mowing?.. did someone say mowing? We have been mowing already for a month.. hehe Im with you I dont mind mowing at all.. the yards always look so good afterwards. Especially in Arkansas sitting out on the porch just admiring all the work.

    JT just informed me I gave him the wrong email addy for you.. Im gonna have to double check it.. are you getting the emails from Multiply from me?

    Beep luvs Bart!

    Dont overdo and try to keep that jackass undercontrol.


  13. Sheesh Donna.

    Take it easy already...

  14. Sweet Connie!

    Work at work?
    Oh you must be suffering PTSD now...
    That's OK, they have pills for that nowadays.
    (But trust me, they don't always work either)!

    Now as far as that jackass goes...
    I am trying to get the upper hand with him.
    (He needs training I guess).

    Honestly, if I walk funny and get out and at least try to do stuff, I feel better for that time.
    Then when I come back in... Well, lets just say it sux to be me.

    Then there are the times that I try to lie down.
    And instead of resting, I believe I morph into a fish out of water.
    My back goes into this convulsion or something, and I flip and flop.
    (And oh the nasty noises that I make)! Not sure i have ever made those noises before in my life.
    And then it is better sometimes too.
    Go figure.
    And yes, I take all that stuff that us old people are supposed to.
    Just no geritol!

    Bart Loves Beep


  15. I'll be taking it easy today...grocery shopping, doing yet more house cleaning...don't think I'll be lifting any furniture though.

    Take care and have a ''Thrilling Thursday..."


  16. Yay for no snow! I am sorry it will be returning, hopefully not full force though! I have been thinking of you and Casey, just so darn busy lately! Hugs!


  17. Donna You mess me up. I had to double check the dang calendar, thinking maybe I had hauled my garbage down on the wrong morning...

  18. Sweet Tandabarr

    Oh it sure is nice out yet today! I am loving every drop of sunshine I can find!!!

    I see that my dad (in Fort Myers) actually has a weather alert issued because it is so dry...

    Take care!
    It is a busy busy time here too.


  19. I didn't realize until a couple of hours AFTER I got home from the grocery store, that it was in fact Wednesday. Things haven't changed, I still have trouble knowing what day it is. I really thought it was Thursday.


    I was wondering why our garbage people came today, then it dawned on me...duh...hello Donna, it's Wednesday...garbage day.


  20. Hey Hey Donna!

    Today is Thursday!


  21. Right now it's...Thursnight. I've been offline all day. I'm finding I'd rather do my neglected chores than sit in front of the laptop all day and night.

    Cheers and have a good one.


  22. Awww, I'm glad I got some great compliments on appearance in the pictures! It's really your wonderful ability to TAKE the pictures that make them so fun to look at! Even as you are driving the lawn mower you're able to take such fun pictures! Maybe you can teach me sometime!

    I'm so glad that we were able to clear out alot of the stuff... Like I said in the previous blog, everything looks just wonderful after the cleaning and the trimming... I'm glad we could all help you out with that so your back wouldn't hurt you any more than it already does... Darn back, huh?

    Love you Much Much!
    ~CaseyAnne (your little bump on the log! :D)
