[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Few Friends of Mine

A Few Friends of Mine
A Few Friends of Mine magnify
Soggy, damp and chilled is NO way to go through life...


Good Morning Everyone!
It has been a while since I have blogged.
The dreaded "blogstipation" and all else...
That, and the fact that I do not trust Yahoo anymore.
Kind of a depressing thought...
Wish other sites worked a bit better too.
Seems none are too 'dial~up' friendly. But there are no other options out here for me unless I win the lotto! hehehe Oh well.

I have my mower deck on the Cub Cadet!!!
Many thanks to friends John, and his daughter Brandy, who came and changed out the snowplow for the mower. They had also put the snowplow on last Fall.
Me? I am not taking any chances with this back of mine.



John and Brandy Pryes...



I am not even sure how long it took them. They came as we were leaving last Friday to get the shot for my head. When we got back home they were gone, and the deck was on.
I am thinking that I will be using this deck fairly soon too.
I have places that the grass is easily about 6" high, and other places that there is but ½" of new growth.
I will have to level that out.
Mother Nature will help me out with this soon.

We got that snow yesterday. It didn't stick around for long.
But I woke this morning to frost on the cars.
It is currently about 31°...
(Good grief, would the real Spring please stand up)?
At least the sun is out?!? 

I want to get the garden tilled out too. Maybe tomorrow morning I can get to that. That is, if the old Simplicity tractor will run for me. hehehe I shall fight with that one today and get it ready to till yet another season. Failing that, I will make a phone call or two...

Speaking of good friends.

Meet Laurie Laurent.
Laurie, Roberta, and Jill.
(Picture taken at Farrs Grove back when I shot darts).


Laurie and I go back to Junior High at BayPort. (7th grade to be exact).
We were fast friends back then, and have remained close friends throughout the decades that have followed too.

She is Baby Mariahs grandmother...
(Have you sent out that birthday card for Miss Mariah yet)?
CLICK HERE for details.

Laurie is Seans mother as well. Sean is my godson.



Sean, Miss Mariah, and Laurie.
Taken August 19th, 2007 ~at Mariahs benefit.



Sean has emailed me and has asked that I write to him.
Serving us all from his place in the United States Military, he is now on his way to Iraq.
He has added NOT to write until mid~May. Guess that will be when they all get settled enough to receive mail.
As with everything here, I am going to go one step further and
ask that you write to him also.
His address:

APO-AE 09391

. Remember, not til Mid-May

Please keep our young man in your hearts, your thoughts, and your prayers. (And please forward his address to those that you think might write to him, or maybe even send a cookie or two)!


Special thanks to Connie~Beep for the above prayer.


My computer is acting up bigtime.
Yahoo has asked me repeatedly to sign back into its mail, but will not bring up the verify screen either. Grrrr....
I'd better close before it decides to not post this entry.
And then it will be time for a reboot.
(Methinks it's time for Yahoo to reboot).

I hope you are having a grand week, and that it is warm at least where YOU are.

Love to all.


Originally posted at my Y! 360, Tuesday April 29, 2008 - 08:41am (CDT) 6


  1. Get a Gmail account...and the sooner the better...it works. Don't go to WordPress.com, I'm fighting with them now. Going to check out Blogger.com later today on the advice of a friend who uses it. (You have to have a Gmail account to have a blogging account with them.)

    Most places aren't dial-up friendly and you aren't the only one with that problem. One of the best things I ever did for myself was getting DSL. Just wish it didn't cost so darn much.

    Snow and ice? [uggies] The first of May is Thursday! Come on Mother Nature and Springtime...give Anne a break already!

    I think it's warm here...haven't stuck my head outside as yet. I do know it's wet and windy. Oh well.

    Need to go downtown to pay a major bill, so will talk later.

    Try to stay warm.


  2. Between plowing snow, and plowing dirt, you sure do stay busy! I've been working outside every morning after I come home work, it's hard to make myself come in and go to bed. In fact... it's that time right now ..{{yawning}}..

  3. Let me see now, you woke up to ice and needless to say cold weather. When I walked outside earlier, I was very glad I wore a jacket. It was in the mid 40's, very chilly wind, very cloudy and damp as all get out. Brrrr. (yesterday it was in the 60's...big change)

  4. Hiya Bart,
    Well I do understand the dial up issues.. had dial up for several years. But when I figured the phone bill and the internet charge.. I found that it was about the same as cable or dsl. Of course, I had the extra phone line for the computer.. which was a leftover from when the boys still lived at home.
    Now having cable I was able to get rid of the phone completely.. no use in having both cell phone and house phone.. I never answered it anyways. When it would ring I would just look at it and then turn around and ignore it.

    Yahoo has been acting up even on the mail and messenger as well as 360. I had to reboot twice to get it working again.. I dont know seems like they are going downhill fast. I wonder whats up wit dat?

    Its nice to have good friends that will come over and give you a hand on something.. It was very sweet of them to put that mower deck back on.

    Now you keep that addy handy and remind me when its time.. I will try to make sure he at least gets a card or two. I will talk to others that I know like to help out our soldiers too! I know when my son went over there was a layover in Kuwait for about 2 weeks before heading on to their camp in Iraq.

    Now you have a great Sunshiny Wednesday and take care of yourself!


    Beep luvs Bart!

  5. Sean is in my thoughts! Iraq...ugh...when will this war be over?!!!

    I used to have dial up and then found a service for $10 more a month. I am in love.

    Glad you are well! Hugs!


  6. Hooray Horray the 1st of May...
    I lost my internet connection that day...
    But was back online right quick after calling Yahoo...


    Love to all.


  7. There was something wrong with Internet connections everywhere according to some of my friends. Mine was constantly going down. [grumbles to self]

  8. I'm so glad that Brandy and John were able to get that mower on. I really don't think that we could've done it even if we tried, and if we did, we'd be sleeping and on bed rest! :D Okay, so maybe it's not that extreme, but it was so very nice of them to help us out!

    I still cannot believe we're sending more troops to Iraq. When is this thing going to end??? I will keep Sean's address and will send him a letter come Mid-May...

    I cannot wait to see Miss Mariah, and to celebrate her birthday! It'll be such a great day for her and her family and friends. If they need any snacks brought along, let me know and I'll be sure to do some good baking! :D

    Love you Much Much!
