[My] Life in Wisconsin

Unvetted. Unscripted. Unintentional? Maybe...

The enlightenment of gaffes
What we learn about politicians from their inadvertent mistakes
[from] Yahoo! News-

From the article: 
"Not all gaffes are created equal. 
  • Some gaffers like Sarah Palin expose their ignorance: "We've got to stand with our North Korean allies." 
  • Some like Dan Quayle butcher slogans: "What a waste it is to lose one's mind." 
  • Some just tell the truth where propaganda might be expected, as Mitt Romney did: "I'm not concerned about the very poor."

Do the click above to read more.
And as always, don't forget to scroll down to the comments- You know, those 'un~gaffes' - the terribly scripted, those that show the ignorance of [too] many.



  1. ROTF!
    I posted this yesterday-
    And no one had even peeked at it?
    Seems I forgot to change the privacy setting!


  2. Well I just dropped in for a minute!! Hope you are feeling o.k. except for your back, of course!
    We will have to order you a new one!! :))) If I could, I would, but I checked on it and it seems
    like no one is constructing backs this year!!! I'll keep trying though.

    WEll I'm trying not to put my foot in my mouth this year too! Now that is almost as much trouble
    as constructing a new back....LOL I talk too fast....have too much to say....want to know everything.
    So it makes it hard to never say something I shouldn't.

    I have to go and curl my hair. I thought I would just let it dry after my shower cause no one
    usually comes, but you know that I have had three visitors already!!!! I look like an idiot and
    I could kill myself for being so stupid.

    Talk later...Love u

  3. Sweet Bev;
    Oh you are SO funny!

    As for the hair- That's when you entertain your visitors outside- With a hat on!
    (At least that's what I do)!

